PLEASE blizzard, PLEASE fix sharding! It ruins world PvP!

Reading through the US forum’s WM posts, community seems to be more of a thing over there - even with sharding.

Assuming no changes to WM sharding - how do we get what they have? It seems to be under player control. We are less organized and less motivated I think.

My ADF community is great for small scale ad hoc WPvP, but for faction wars, need a guild tag under your name. If we could get enough dedicated and semi-dedicated WPvPers into a couple of guilds on both factions, we could achieve community even on shards - NA region has done it. I see same guilds and players often, WPvP guilds just need to be big enough and active enough to be seen regularly on shards.

There’s two philosophies in WPvP:

  1. rules
  2. no rules

A guild like Foolish Whisper has the rules side of WPvP covered. I’m up for a new no rules guild or joining an existing no rules guild. WPvP has to be the focus though. Mixed PvP guilds are not a WM community.

If there’s little interest in WPvP guilds, it could just be that WM community is not really important in EU, except to a tiny minority. Sharding is a snag in WPvP community, but there’s nothing stopping enough like minded players forming guilds. They are gonna see each other on shards if enough players.

I created a dedicated post to list our Horde and Alliance WPvP guilds and communities. Let’s see what the interest levels are.

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