PLEASE blizzard, PLEASE fix sharding! It ruins world PvP!

That stil happens today.
Also since legion on a realm like draenor which is suposed to be ultra high populated.
I always got in with people from other realms and until i got invited by someone from the same realm i couldnt see him.
Now its even worse because i dont feel like playing on draenor high pop server, its like playing with all servers.

This thing is damn annoying. Also at the end of the day there is also more alliance then horde…sigh.

In WM you are not on your realm, you are on one of many WM shards. Join a friends group to phase to their WM shard, or other way around. Not really an issue, realms just aren’t important anymore.


When they introduced sharding it’s felt good but with it also destroyed lots of community developing feature - which no one foreseen that.

Now with sharding people don’t have to interect with each other - social aspect of game kinda diminishing. I am not against sharding but I just miss those old social aspects of game.


Completely agree with this ^

Sharding and War Mode made WPvP and open world a lot better than it ever was in Legion. It feels alive, there is always someone to fight with and against, and everybody knows that turning it ON is a decision made by player so they are a fair game now, etc… It’s awesome and really good, but there is a downside, unfortunately it’s quite huge.

Social aspect and structure were kicked by sharding really hard. Sometimes it goes to the point that it feels like it’s some weird “LRF ganking” mode - just LFG, random ppl, almost all of them interested only in completing their quests or, at best, clearing area of an enemy group to complete quests, then scatter until the next random group.

And if you want to play with other players on a good shard to have good fights, sometimes you have to ether wait in hopes your shard will be filled with opposite faction, or play a “game of sharding” before you can play the actual game. And because sharding is complete RNG with zero player control and quite a lot of bugs on top of it - then you could play this “game of sharding” again and again because something else out of player control occurred.

I don’t think servers are ever coming back, nor I think they should, because sharding + War Mode is a superior system overall. Plus we have other social structures that can fill current void of social aspects for WPvP, all of them just need to have an effect on sharding and matchmaking.

  • Sharding player with their Friends / Guildies should have a highest prio, no matter what. Right now sharding doesn’t take any of it into account, and it has to change.
  • We have communities, new social feature, yet they don’t have any effect on sharding - almost no social effect on actual environment around the player in-game. Improvements here could also be done.
  • Guilds! The staple of social structures in WoW, yet there are zero possibilities for players/guilds to have at least some control of sharding. One option could be like this - [Suggestion] Guild Wars + Sharding

Ofc, server upgrades to have more players per shard are also very very welcome. But the main focus for sharding improvements should be about social aspect and to give players at least some control of whom they are sharded with. Current RNG sharding is just way to much RNG, and it’s not good for anything social …

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Reading through the US forum’s WM posts, community seems to be more of a thing over there - even with sharding.

Assuming no changes to WM sharding - how do we get what they have? It seems to be under player control. We are less organized and less motivated I think.

My ADF community is great for small scale ad hoc WPvP, but for faction wars, need a guild tag under your name. If we could get enough dedicated and semi-dedicated WPvPers into a couple of guilds on both factions, we could achieve community even on shards - NA region has done it. I see same guilds and players often, WPvP guilds just need to be big enough and active enough to be seen regularly on shards.

There’s two philosophies in WPvP:

  1. rules
  2. no rules

A guild like Foolish Whisper has the rules side of WPvP covered. I’m up for a new no rules guild or joining an existing no rules guild. WPvP has to be the focus though. Mixed PvP guilds are not a WM community.

If there’s little interest in WPvP guilds, it could just be that WM community is not really important in EU, except to a tiny minority. Sharding is a snag in WPvP community, but there’s nothing stopping enough like minded players forming guilds. They are gonna see each other on shards if enough players.

I created a dedicated post to list our Horde and Alliance WPvP guilds and communities. Let’s see what the interest levels are.

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Lmao you think the shards are balanced, what an absolute joke you clearly haven’t been in warmode all that much. You probably just go do your world quests then afk back in city.


Not sure if you played on Defias or not, but i’ve done WPvP all the time in legion on Outland/Defias/AD, and BFA is so F bad compared to legion sharding.

I can’t see anyone like the way blizzard have done with RP realms, and it makes WPvPer’s quit the game. I can’t see anything good from it.


I played exclusively in WM until I hit level 50 neck level.

Hitting a level 50 neck has nothing to do with what has been stated in this thread, it’s actually disappointing that you have no clue why people are so upset with the current state of warmode.

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You have no clue what I did or did not do, that much is evident. Nor do you have a clue what I was talking about. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and explain.

The problem with shards is that they get balanced. So it causes various other knock on effects. One of those problems is not being able to get into the shard where you were fighting someone else when you come back on your main or try to group up. Or being moved/phased into another shard mid combat or while other things are going on.

That is due to balancing of shards. You also didn’t seem to play Warmode at the start when we used to see plenty of players from both sides in WM and it was fun. Ion even confirmed at one of the Q&As that the numbers were pretty much balanced at the start. However, due to Blizz messing up some balancing of shards it made some shards not seem very equal. This is when the decline started for the Alliance in Warmode, because lets face it, who wants to feel like they are always outnumbered. The declined continued and eventually they got a 30% WM buff. It became rare to see Alliance in WM. Well at least until they started giving them quests to kill 25 Horde for gear. Then we had a huge revival, all be it in the form of WM tourism for 25 kills then going back to WM off.

Since I hit neck level 50 I have turned WM off because I am not really interested in W PvP, I took part in it for my bonus AP. When the new levels come in I might flick it back on again.

For the record while in WM you get to face plenty of Alliance taking over Tortollan bases and you have fight to get them back. Invasions/Assaults are also a great time to encouter Alliance. There are usually organised groups camping various quests.

Both sides do the same dirty tricks and it’s all fair because it’s WM.

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Well that dosn’t change that phasing/sharding are sh!t … lol?

This is the biggest joke of a post I have seen in a long time. Stating that I never played at the beginning of warmode ok then my dude, whatever you wanna believe you can keep white knighting blizzard and thinking there systems are flawless. When in actual fact they are the one thing that has broken up so many guilds and made people quit.

Just because you have a level 50 neck from jerking off too world quests doesn’t mean you have experienced more things about warmode, I for one do enjoy WPvP and there are many others that do also, as a GM of a WPvP guild I can tell you for sure it’s the worse implementation that has been put in the game for many years.

Different realms have difference shards I play on Defias Brotherhood which is an RP shard I know it might be hard for you to look up that one, RP realms are NOT meant to have 90000000 different shards but yet we do have a million different shards and yet people think the sharding is a great addition to BFA it’s unbelievable honestly.

So please stop talking when it comes to this sort of thing it’s quite clear that you don’t know what you’re talking about you just did your AP world quests and that’s it never took part in anything else but that so put the keyboard down and go to the back of the line because it’s people like you that Blizzard would listen and why Warmode sharding gets worse and worse.

Today I was in the assault… there was only alliance 0 horde legit… Balanced sharding according to my good friend Punyelf … What a complete joke honestly.


Clearly you are going to do nothing but belittle anything I say and I’m not willing to feed that desire further.

So gl.

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Can’t get you’re own way in a civil argument ignore them deffo a mature one.

Yes, I played in Legion, on Defias & Co, and it was so F bad that I quit mid Legion, because it was nowhere near as I was expecting from my previous WoW experience.

In Legion, Horde & Alliance were just questing together in peace most of the time. I could search for a fight for hours, and when I finally found someone who didn’t phase out / used WQ addon / accept queue, they were just standing doing nothing waiting for me to kill them, sometimes emoting. Actual fights were rare.

Only at WPvP world quests, like Brawl, Murlocks etc, were fights from time to time, and Suramar + Shal’Aran FP while majority of ppl where still questing there. Sometimes WB areas, but majory were phasing in/out at any sight of danger. With WQ around Oceanus Cove in Azuna, I could camp Shackle’s Den FP for hours, solo, and none of the Horde ever came back to take revenge for one-shots on arrival. Same with many other FPs and Tower WQ. The final straw was constant trash talking from Alliance for killing that Horde because “he just wanted to do wq… awwww”.

When I came back, before BfA pre-patch, I boosted my rogue, and completed class campain till the end of Argus - in all that time I had 11 fights, very bad and boring fights…

Granted, I didn’t took part in organized guild vs guild WPvP on Defias, I don’t even know if anything like that was happening - never heard about it, looked for it, asked in g-chat / zones / etc - nothing like that was ever mentioned by anyone. Maybe I missed it, or it was just so small that it would hardly matter anyway.

In BfA I always have fights, so at least value for the time spent is much much higher for me. I finally have very similar WPvP experience to what I was expecting. I even meet same players on RP shards most of the time. More than half of the Horde I meet, who want to fight, are from Argent Dawn btw.

I don’t like current sharding because of many reasons - you can see some in my previous post.

But I think Blizzard won’t remove sharding / War Mode - it’s a supperior system, even with it’s current many flaws. The more you, me, everybody else give feedback about how much current sharding sux and why - better the chances of it’s improving and changing for the better, and that’s the best that could happen, imo.

P.S.: For anyone reading this - Want to join WPvP guild / community, or tell others about yours - go here and DO IT

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I also played during legion and I found it was rather decent during the argus patch I always had plenty of fights and the sharding was no way near as bad as it is now… People thinking that the sharding and phasing is good for WPvP is beyond delusional and they cannot be helped.

They said RP servers wouldn’t shard and it would be one big shard… What a lie that was, now if people lose in there zerg in one fight they just leave it’s quite pathetic at least in Legion you would get some fights even though Legion imho was the most pathetic expansion that has ever been released.

Bring back PvP realms and remove warmode and make servers great again and for the servers that arre small you can merge them with bigger realms not shard everything and ruin stuff for literally everyone, also remove LFG holy sh!t that’s one way to ruin the game as a whole.

gg no re

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If you try to point at me - missed - re-read what I was saying.

Also, because there is no servers now, because War Mode is an option for every player - Blizzard can Develop and implement things for WPvP and justufy Dev-time/money for doing it, as they’d told in pre-BfA livestreams. That’s why we’ll get that new stuff in 8.2, that you’re also excited about. So it’s not all bad for WPvP.

It’s a problem with people being pathetic.

In one of the camps of Shal’Aran FP in Suramar by Horde with OP at the time Guardian Druid, I managed to get 12 ppl in group from those who were ganked there - we wiped on our first rez, and all of them but 2 scattered because of that one fail. It wasn’t really any better in Legion with PvP servers, pathetic ppl leaving after one wipe were already there…

Thank you, it’s just as I’ve said - there were very little / some fighting in Legion. While in BfA I got a lot more, and in that more overall - I get more interesting and fun fights.

Nah, didn’t happen :rofl:

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When all your arguments are based on laughing at someone else’s replies because you don’t like them then no it’s not really civil.

Also making presumptions about how another person plays isn’t very clever. You don’t know me or how I played. But it suits you to write off anything I say because it doesn’t suit your argument. You can not change that I played with WM on for months and that I took part in WPvP. No matter how much you try claim it’s purely about WQs.

There are no realm shards other than RP realms because they have their own rulesets. The rest are just WM on or WM off. Even on busy realms you are sharded with other realms. It makes no difference.

It’s obviously not possible to perfectly balance all shards especially if there is a difference in the number of players in WM. Phasing issues do occur some of the time when the balancing decides to stick you elsewhere. I don’t particularly like it if I can’t go find a ganker on my main. Sometimes if all of one faction is clumped up together in one place, farming the opposite faction and the other faction is spread out over the zone it does not seem very balanced no.

However the comment that you took totally out of context and have started this crusade about was just about how the phasing is a pain because sometimes it’s trying to balance and that’s when you get shifted. Or you plain just can’t get back to the shard you were in.

It’s annoying and I sympathised because it’s happened to us all.


A different viewpoint is not necessarily delusional, it can be that a different player wants something different from War Mode - and that determines their feeling on sharding.

  1. A % of players are community minded, and are not happy that sharding removes the ability to consistently see the same players and guilds.
  2. A % of players are happy to have a good number of random opponents provided by the sharding, accepting most drawbacks in return for consistent combat potential.

I was on Defias in Legion, loved WPvP there, but was not in a WPvP guild. I didn’t use LfG much, was looking for 1v1. Was fun, but I could sometimes leave a WPvP session feeling like I’d not done much. Then BfA came, all of a sudden, plenty of victims! From my perspective, sharding was a big upgrade because I was able to WPvP guaranteed, even late night when I normally play. I eventually realized RP shards were less interesting (to me) and moved to normal shards for WM.

Sure, there are some drawbacks of sharding - I accept them because to me, the pros outweigh the cons. From my point of view there were drawbacks to PvP realms, and sharding outweighs them.

That is another player’s way of looking at WM sharding, it can be different from yours without being delusional. It’s about what any one player wants to get out of WM. You want something different, that’s fine. At the moment sharding is a limitation for your gameplay. If that could be fixed awesome. If not, getting your guild built up with like minded players is the way to go - if we have enough WPvPers in guilds on both factions, we might start to see that community, despite sharding. I’m all for that.

It’s great that each guild can have it’s own theme and mindset, I know Foolish Whisper has a certain stance on WPvP. And other guilds can have their own stance. However, to build community, it’s probably more effective to promote what can be done, rather than what can’t be done. Let’s see if we can get the right players into the right guilds for them. Once they are in a guild, that guild determines their WPvP experience.

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The combination of sharding and awful class design killed a handful of WPvP guilds when legion came about. The introduction of WM did nothing to renew said guilds, those masses of people are likely gone forever.

Anyone that defends WM or sharding is clueless and clearly doesn’t care about WPvP at all.