Please bring MoP Class Design back

Thanks for tips. +1

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Yes, you most likely will find out that ret palla is bloody amazing and quite engaging to play when he is geared, stealing aggro from normie tanks,dealing big sexy burst, being a life saver for a group with your timely utilities and off heals is what I have been waiting for like forever :slight_smile:

For Wod, Blood dk And Unholy dk where best version the specs have had imo. I miss my multistrike breath f sindragosa blood dk so much or necrotic plague and extending dots with unholy.

This is wrong. You had counterplay to nearly every instant cc, you just have to position yourself properly or use your abilities to your best.

As a priest (for instance) you can death most of the things unless you get a hoj beforehand (then again, why would you stand near a ret/pala anyways). Priest skill ceiling should be really up there because you CAN avoid most of the CC or at least make it awkward for the enemy to use (kiting mages/hunter around pillar during their trinket proc’s while they are about to cc you)

As a resto shaman, yeah. The gameplay was kinda odd. However, pre stream/tides were already a won fight unless you’re grounding so called instant cc.

As a resto druid, you can shift before a hunter tries to scatter/wyvern you (increased dodge in catform and so on) You can also powershift (pruned already) and pre bearform most of the stuns/pom poly/deep. really isn’t that hard on druid imo.

MW You can taunt pet’s to break scatter and such. You can teleport fears (Howl / scream) if done properly. as a windwalker you can even take the bullet with zen meditation if you want so.

Hpala: Well , healpala was mostly garbage in 3s outside of caster cleaves (LSP/godcomp) just because you can’t really avoid cc. You’re a casting cripple but using Sac wisely can carry games aswell.

For fears in general, just don’t be near a lock and he won’t instant fear you.

There was enough counterplay for that and the best of it was that DPS couldn’t just mongoloid through everything without cc. Healer did enough HPS when DPS were too bad to cc anything/when you could dodge CC as healer. What else do you want when playing arena ?

Some stuff still had to go, like improved CS and improved spell lock silence effects. There was also a bit too much instant CC, sure you had tools to play around them but it still made the game a bit unfun because of the sheer amount. But yea, overall it was much better than legion and bfa.

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sure, there was stuff that was out of place, hence why people liked the idea of pruning in the first place, just not as much. I’m mainly thinking about warlocks being able to instant fear while the cooldown of it also gets reduced once they recieve melee hits. Or hunter who can just wyvern someone right after they mess up their scatter/trap. Just few examples but yeah …

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:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Bringback TBC class design.

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