One hundred gallant rocks, we are left for to deplore
Whose bodies fell victim upon fair Azeroth’s shore
I disagree.
I disagree.
Those 2 comments aren’t facts and they’re not specifics. Again.
All you seem to be able to do is be aggressive and negative. You are impossible to debate with. You claim every single spec is dull, boring and has not depth; well, I put forward that I seriously doubt you played every single spec.
Pretty much this.
Yeah? You played every single spec too huh?
The bias and generalization in this thread is astounding.
I mean if you keep enjoying your class I’m totally fine with it but that statement is nothing you could disagree with. It’s exactly what happened and indeed a fact.
Yeah. And yeah I did. Problem?
No, it’s not a fact. That’s not what happened to the class and spec I enjoy most. It really didn’t.
Poetry, rhyme
Have proof?
Nothing personal, but I seriously doubt you played EVERY SINGLE spec of EVERY SINGLE class. I really do.
Which spec are you talking about exactly?
Shamelessly stolen from an American Irish song though, and adapted for the predicament of our Azerothian rock.
You want my account info or what? Yes I played every single spec of every single class, and I couldn’t care less what you doubt.
I’ve made that clear already a few times. But again: BM hunter. This character. My main. I’ve also played some Mistweaver Monk, but not all the way to 120. Doesn’t have anything to do with the class though. I just don’t think alts are useful in BfA (I leveled 1 of almost every class in Legion for instance).
Yes… and ? It still happened for a great bunch of people, enough of them to have this kind of threads keep on sprouting every here and there.
And when you get so many people on the same wavelength, it means the general opinion is negative.
Shoving Hati into the talent tree was another example of trash design. Not only you take a talent away by making a baseline ability a talent, but it’s the most useless talent of the row. In a good class design, all talents should be viable. They can fix it easily, but they don’t. Makes one wonder.
See my previous answer :
In PvE, classes were all viable since TBC. Nowadays they aren’t, literally no reason to bring a feral druid in raid.
In PvP, classes have always been imbalanced in 1vs1, not in arena/BG. Right now only a few are (in arena/BG).
So there you go : trash class design.
Never the less, let me be highly impressed
I too have had every class maxed out since MoP, currently still lacking couple in BfA, but I doubt that Mage or Shaman will not make me change my mind about the current class design (or like the lack of…)
One of the specs they butchered the most and you are actually trying to tell me it’s fine?
It’s cool that you are still having fun playing bm but holy crap, how can you even defend what they did to the spec?
And so it’s not some universal fact. It’s an opinion.
And that’s fine, but that’s all it is. So don’t try and turn it into a fact please.
No. Because happy people don’t complain. And MOST people never even visit the forums. So thinking it’s a general thing is simply misguided.
In your opinion. First of all; it wasn’t baseline; it was an ability of our artifact weapon. Second; you might think it’s useless, but I love it. Again; opinions.
Viable, but never NEVER balanced. They are still viable. All of them.
In your opinion.
Well, as far as two cents go, arcane mage is probably the dullest thing in the whole game. Frost is nothing like it used to be, although it retains some traces of gameplay here and there, and fire is not my cup of tea at all. Shaman, all specs seemed boring to me, with enhancement being the disastrous one.
So you actually think the majority is happy with bfa?
No. But that has numerous reasons. For some yeah it will be about the class design, but for many others it’s one of a plethora of reasons.