Please bring MoP Class Design back

I’m not playing the game lmao what are you even saying

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Good for you then. Then you don’t need to talk about the game at all. The ‘boring’ classes are for players do discuss. Or are you way too adicted, that you even can’t stop thinking about it after you quit?


yes this made a lot of sense, great job

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Played DPS till start of cata, then quit till BFA. I came back and decided to play something new, so I went healer. I can’t compare to how a disc/hpala was before, but I feel I got enough things to press and decisions to make already. So balance issues aside I’m pretty happy with healer playstile. Maybe try it?

Things I miss:
Reforging- so I could at least dampen the affects of stats I don’t want into stats I do.
Glyphs - the options were pretty cool and there was choice.
Abilities - I miss having all my Druid spells no matter what spec. I miss having tranquility as even as Guardian there were times I could pull it off. Faerie fire with the silence glyph.
Sockets - more customisation.
Upgrades - upgrading my gear with valour rather than waiting for warforge/titanforge… rewarded repeat plays and effort and not just obscene luck.

There is lots about Legion and BfA I do love, but I wouldn’t mind having those things return.


Well, it is something they are currently doing as is, within a much more… “restricted” scope. The way all traits and many abilities scale for example.

You could just add abilities as PvP baseline abilities in a way that PvP talents work, spectral guise for a priest for example.
It wouldn’t give me my shaman back but it’d be something to inject some extra depth/outplay potential to PvP without cluttering PvE if that’s the worry.

And for costs, I find cost-efficiency in matters like these sort of immeasurable, and “pvp is too niche to pay attention to” is a bit of a catch-22 I feel. Kinda hard to estimate the true value of an ingame system/activity if you neglect it and let it wither, yeah?


No, everything is for anyone with forum access to discuss, as per the rules of the forum which allow him to post anything and everything he wants provided he does so within the boundaries of the rules.

I’ve only ever played healer as main, and for me it’s never been a worst feeling to play my class(es).


You can say the onus is on him but imho you doing exactly what he does and then labelling it ‘repeating’ contributes as much to the discussion as you claimed his did.

It’s funny how upon calling you out you finally put down what you could’ve in your initial post so truthfully now, why didn’t you? you also seem to struggle to reply without insulting people either which clarifies the level of adult I’m having a discussion with…

Bruh :rofl::joy: have a hug :hugs:

Guys guys! You’ve got it all wrong.

Class design is extremely undoubtly in perfect condition next to the real problem!

Tauren NEEDS more horn and /moo customization options!

Fix tauren = Fix BfA


‘Depth of Moo - A Manifesto’


I mean if I can finally have my horns with a sombrero or daisy chains I’m down.

I also want a long heroic moo kinda like Tarzan but mooing! Taurzan?

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Yes. These are the real issues that need to be looked into! Not some “boohoo seven years ago I had one more button to press occasionally”.

I like the taurzan /moo! Maybe a song version of /moo? Something like “I like to moo it moo it”? Or a fanfare /moo?

Maybe i’m just the only one, but tbh i’m maining a Demon Lock and i think that actually is better then what was in MoP, i’m actually enjoying mostly .
So yeah, i didn’t enjoyed very much the Metamorphosis MoP gameplay

Now i’m not saying that all classes are fun, i used to main this Warrior and there is a reason if i switched to another class, but i’m pretty sure that probably class design it ties mostly on subjective point of view instead of objective ones.

I mean i would like if Disci Priest would be a full DPS caster spec wich allow you to blast the enemies with holy light (a spec that is missing in the game, yes Disc do it but it’s not a full DPS spec), but well, it’s an healer so you got what i mean, there are peoples that prefere it remains like this: an healing spec. I used to like Gladiator Warrior too, but trust me, there are peoples that hated it too.

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So saying things like ‘all classes suck and that’s a fact’ is just beyond silly. :upside_down_face:

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Just gonna say a couple of things before going to raid, so forgive me if not everything is clear or if there are some errors.

First of all, while suggesting things is clearly better by a mile this doesn’t mean that simply saying “i don’t like this” is not valuable. We are paying customers, not employees, we’re not to find solutions to problems, it should be enough to just point it put and let the experts take care of it.

Second of all, Thara i get that you enjoy animal companion as a talent, but that talent has no right to exist, it’s a waste of space and should be a glyph, so yeah it’s a failure of a talent but the ability to have 2 pets should stay in the game. Also if you want an example of bad class design just watch MM, more than half of the talents are useless/have no synergy, our main cooldown has no synergy with half of our base Toolkit, it’s such a bad spec that they had to re-rework it in 8.1 because it was completely broken and all they did was put a band-aid that said “ye i mean, you can play it if you select EXACTLY this talents, please ignore the rest it’s just a place holder till 9.0”; and while legion MM was FAR from perfect it was still better than this current monstrosity.


I too have played almost every class or have a really good understanding on how they function/play.

nothing was more boring than the WoD pruning, all classes I played until then were butchered and not fun to play anymore except shadow/disc and enhancement shaman, I guess arms warrior was still a bit fun but just a shell of what it was in MoP.

overall ruined WoD like 70% of all classes

Then came legion, even more pruning and those “class fantasy changes” (more pruning), I thing Legion was much worse than WoD class design wise even with the artifact taken into consideration.

The first weeks after I leveled character after character to 110 on the desperate search of anything remotely fun I managed to find some on my unholy/frost DK but that was for like 2 or 3 weeks on max level until it got boring, after that it was boring once again.

DH was exciting for 1-3 weeks @max level too.
And then a bit later in the expansion after I quit for a couple months and came back I had another 3-4 weeks of fun on my mistweaver monk.

that was it for Legion, absolute garbage tier expansion when it comes to class design. Keep in mind that I played those classes I mentioned at a pretty high level too so you really can’t blame it on “wow you only did braindead content”.

so overall Legion ruined like 95% of all classes/specs

Which leads me to BfA, honestly do I even need to say something ?
It’s like legion but even worse (100% class garbageness rate btw), I know I thought it wouldn’t be possible either.

So I fully agree with this statement of Redoctober and the others.

If you still have fun playing your class that’s completely fine ( I wish I was you) but unfortunately I’m not that casual to just except every change that’s being made to my class without even noticing it.

and btw. Blizzard, even tho I won’t believe they are capable of returning MoP’s or Catas class design greatness until I see it, seem to at least realized that they made some big mistakes in WoD, Legion and BfA with all the pruning.

video proof here (latest Blizzard Dev. insights from Ion Hazzikostaz)


Thanks for linking the video of the latest Q&A.
When Blizzard themselves admit that they f’ed up class design, what else is there to say ?


I would legit pay a double sub to have an official MoP server.

Or just older content working the way it used to until you level beyond it. Why not have MoP mechanics if you freeze your alt at 90? Let guilds raid at level 70, 80, 85, 90, 100, 110 - with the exact mechanics they used to have. Figure out which expansion had best class design based on how many players lock their experience there.


I’m with you there but after hoping and getting disappointed for like 5+ years now it will need major evidence and actual visible changes from Blizzard going forward, in order to get me back to playing this game.


I would like to know. If the class design was pretty nice in MoP ( Note that i am not saying it’s not ) Then why they changed it? Why Added/Removed & Buffed/Nerfed classes in WoD? If It happened in Legion i would understand because of the DH being added. So really, why they did that change? Why not bringing the same guy who was in charge for MoP’s Class design?