5% wasn’t enough, so lets overbuff the class and spec by 25% and see what happens.
very good idea lets do that
I agree fellow warrior, they should it. We been an iconic for world of warcraft.
Can you imagine furys pumping at the top of metes, how beautiful would that be.
I have decided to reroll. That will increase my damage.
Fury will always suck at single target because the cleave dmg will go up too we need the row 15 base line and 3 new talent for aoe and single
Fellow warriors we need to be lose hope. My contact within blizzard are telling me that a buff is immediate. Believe in my contact. 40% fury warrior buff is incoming
Fury warrior is decent, but at 226 ilvl.
So I doubt they will ever buff it, but rather just wait for people to be full mythic gear.
Meanwhile, we’ll have 2-3 months at being complete trash.
Just your daily reminder to buff the class blizzard
That’s very simplistic to say. It’s very easy for them to buff our ST and make it so we cleave not for 50% with WW but say, for 40%.
I think flat damage wont help warrior the burst is weak other classes reach more than 20k with pridfull buff i cant imagine my warrior doing 20k on burst never we dont have a big cd that give dmg only 1 min cd (with anger manegement) that give double rage regen and 20 % crit and crit dont give us much dmg in sl if they change recklessness to give 20% mastery that will be good
You know what I want to see?
Rampage to hit actually like a proper full rage bar spender. Maybe more skills that used during enrage window to buff damage of next Rampage or some other synergy option because currently Rampage is such a dissapointing ability to use.
Woah great ideas, blizard did you hear it? 40% buff within the next week please
Fury warrior iconic for this game? You might be biased because all you do is playing fury war for years, but if there is something like an iconic class or spec, its not a fury warrior, lol.
Prot and 2h wielding warriors are the most iconic class ever
warrior is only iconic in dying like absolute trash like they are
let’s take a moment to see how some of the iconic warrior characters have died saurfang died to sylvanas after dealing little to no damage what so ever other then a scar garrosh died to thrall after thrall decided to get serious
Just make enrage duration 6 sec and make berserkerrage apply enrage as it was once.
this will buff fury enough and make it feel even better
Im a simple man, who disagrees with your opinion. Is there a problem officer?
Yes, you kind and your stupid dps. The fact is normal for you to acting like you belong on the top of the damage meters is sick. People like you make me sick. You kind should never have been able to do damage at all.
Thats unlikely to happen if you are fury.