It’s true, but he was still cool as hell.
We need more cool characters honestly. All the goodie goodie ones are so boring.
It’s true, but he was still cool as hell.
We need more cool characters honestly. All the goodie goodie ones are so boring.
Goblins are just like that? He might be extreme but it matches with what the race does the rest of the time.
Well I personally would not call him cool but that’s a matter of taste.
But he was very much always an antagonist and I honestly to this day don’t get how and why he got spared by Thrall.
Why wasn’t gazlow the leader or if they wanted a new character there was sazzy since our own char ofcourse can’t be the race leader.
lets have war again ! i would love that, this peace thingy its so borring and annoying
Well, back in the day we were allowed to have shades of gray in the Horde.
I’m not an expert in goblin lore so excuse me if I’m mistaken, but I guess he was useful to the Horde just like the Forsaken were, despite all their crimes.
I would like to see the faction war return also but we will have to wait until after The last Titan before that happens
But he himself where never useful.
The game makes it pretty clear that his only talent really lies in being good at stealing others ideas.
The goblin armour quest shows that as an example.
In one of the books they say he was good at tinkering but not above the level of other great tinkers. What he really exelt in was making business by doing whatever he needs to do to make good business.
Again not a bad character but I don’t see why thrall took him in after he tried to kill him when all thrall needed was the goblins not necessarily under him tho
And gray character are obviously ok I’m a forsaken player I know that but he was just a villain from the start. He even says to our goblin character that this isn’t the end after you defeat him
He was quite a scum, but I liked his spirit.
I think he had quite the contribution to Sylvanas’ war effort.
That’s a shame honestly, Gazlowe needs some character development. I hope Undermine gives us more insight into the story.
Horde lost both warfronts.
Azerite made him rich.
Oh goodie! I’ll visit the Alliance territory we successfully defended (Eventually) then!
Oh wait, it’s just an eternal stalemate where it matters, in the actual game…
You sieged Orgrimmar a second time. What else do you want?
I agree this peace is boring. It’s time to introduce some interesting conflict. Going from genocide to being best buddies makes no sense.
Fighting some of the most powerful enemies in the universe not enough for you?
Nah, the alliance vs horde conflict was what got me into the game. Couldn’t care less about other stuff.
Of course, this is a 100% subjective opinion.
If others are fine with the current state of affairs, good for them.
I’m the complete opposite. I cared about exploring the world and playing a character and being immersed. I didn’t care for ‘fighting the other guys’ at all.
But that goes to prove that Blizzard is never going to be able to please everyone.
Every decision will disappoint someone.
Leaving aside that the second “Siege” was just a single cinematic outside something that only vaguely resembled Orgrimmar (And ended with the resounding victory of… Sylvanas having a hissy fit and abandoning the Horde, so epic! /s, duh.), i never wanted to siege Orgrimmar in the first place, since i knew that it would lead to absolutely nothing. (No way a faction’s capital would ever change hands, so any “siege” is meaningless from the get-go)
What i did want was at least a single victory with lasting consequences in the world, a bit like every single Cata-revamp zone where the Alliance loses to the Horde, but the other way around.
You should join Argent Dawn, you are roleplaying a Tushui pandaren really well in these takes.
Now bring back faction conflict.
I’m on an RP realm already - Earthen Ring.
But I don’t RP in WoW. I save that for DnD.
I mean it’s not necessarily bringing it back… it still exists.
Just have it be represented properly as it is in the lore. Simple as.