Okey that sounds promising and I kinda trust metzen. Also there aren’t that much horde character left we care about so the need to get some alliance heads^^
I don’t care about any of the well known characters dying with the exception of two:
Rexxar and Chen. Well… Okay, 3. Leave Li Li alone as well.
A character I would like to see die is Sylvanas. I’m just so done with that character.
Yeah even as a forsaken player I am pretty done with her character since they already twisted her way to much.
Chen and li li get a protection by me too. I like those two I always like how pandaren looked and acted but I am just not a fan of playing them.
I am never happy with my mogs as a panda so my monk is a forsaken now
Yeah, i agree there, Blizz really bent over backwards to make sure no Alliance characters died there, it’s just the “Let’s bump off an Alliance leader for every Horde leader that died”-attitude of people like undercover-Erevien that irks me.
If character deaths are just to settle an imagined score between factions it’s lame, if it’s to set the scene for some great evil (Like Varian Wrynn in “Legion”), that makes it meaningful and an important plot point, rather than “Let’s bump somebody off to wake up the viewers”
No it creates equality. The Horde suffered and is in shambles and practically disappearaed from the whole narrative that is now dominated by alliance leaders being everywhere.
Because Blizzard will not spent resources on irrlevant C tier replacement people like
or these other sideplot people with paper thin backgorund.
You know, you’re right about the narrative, it needs more Horde characters, but the solution lies more in building up Horde characters than bumping off a bunch of Alliance ones.
Say we did go for your “Two wrongs make a right”-approach, which Horde characters would fill in the story gaps left by the now-dead Alliance ones?
Blizzard will not do that when they can instead use the big alliance names that already everyone knows by now. You are delusional if you really believe Blizzard ever cared about the Horde outside the villain batting.
Yep I agree with you on that.
Let’s not settle scores but be fair to both factions.
And dazalor was not fair in the slightest.
If that’s the power difference between horde and alliance then the horde only still exists because they allow us too.
But tah is right those writers are gone now and who now’s maybe they really where biased and maybe now better stories will come
They are rubbing in your face that Blizzard thinks the Alliance can destroy us anytime they want but you are nice to them? Show a spine.
I am nice to whoever I choose and you more and more don’t appear on that list.
I get liking the horde and not being cool with how we got treated but that’s not on the other players here.
Go write some hate mail to blizzard or scream it into the woods whatever helps you
The players didn’t write the story, you’re delusional (To borrow a rather misplaced turn of phrase) if you think forum whining from either Alliance or Horde players can steer the story in any meaningful way, except for maybe some inconsequential details (like the “I support Sylvanas!”-choice, with all of 5 lines of dialogue to it), our rambling and arguing here doesn’t change a thing.
Of course it is. They know alliance fans are very easy to upset and they would burn the forum down if say Malfurion actually dies. They don’t hesitate to punish the Horde because they also know not a single Horde fan cares about the story anymore. And the backlash isn’t even close to a similar level. The only way to bring justice is to kill them all until the score is even.
and the rest.
Let it rest dude.
Support the horde. Demand more horde rep.
But god stop with this hate train. Especially against the players.
No one of them chose this but you are so deep into hating them in your head you give them power they don’t have to justify your tirades.
You start to be like those guys that think pigeons are surveillance dribes
They are responsible for the bad situation of the Horde. And Blizzard delivered.
Ofcourse. Ofcourse.
And the pigeons aren’t real and the government spies on you through the street lamps.
Oh and mark Zuckerberg is an reptiloid.
And in the blizzard hq is a meeting right now just to plot wich of the remaining hord chars might be your personal favourite so they can take it away from you
Best thing is to stop engaging with him.
Because he’s not going to stop - not until he gets banned again.
And I don’t even have a personal problem with him. If he talks about other topics he’s a perfectly fine guy. But this stuff sets him off.
Oh so this is a thing for him?
Well then I will probably not entertain his delusional anymore.
Trust me, having you over here hurts
They did it with Gallywix too. Blizzard shows they remove all I love about the game.
That’s gonna be the last thing I’m saying to you about this topic
Gallywix was always written as a villain. There was no time he was written as a member of the horde or as anything other then a villain.
And no that’s not just goblin behaviour. He was always written to some day be a raidboss he was our enemy from the very first second he was on screen