Please can we end this truce, it's boring

its just because they dont want to have to spend more time creating 2 hubs with different questlines

its literally all down to that

the conflict should be in the game, and the galactic scale threats is just a direct influence from Avengers from Marvel. they saw the market and copied the story, you can see this from shadowlands onwards

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liek i said, it was, its even stated in the wow wiki.
I tryd for 10 minutes to put the link in - becuase somehow you cant put it into a grey textbox to bypass the trust 3 requement but give up since i dont get it.
I woud share the souce.

you can look for itself, ist lore, so you have to accept it

and tehyn ask why that be.
coud be multipe wars and aggersion by the horde.

Why many people fear geramy as villian and fear if tehy go to war again- well, It have reason…

and the allaince tund the tide, for example with nigh warrior tyreande.

and here is teh thing- do you belive night evl fans were happy taht the horse so deasly swap through ashenvale and dakshore, complety ignore the capibility of Guerilla warfare which slow down the horde, stopp horde for years ony have them be taht laugingstock geting litterly Blitzkriegd.

or you ake deals, vilonece it not the universal anwer- and tbh there’s also something about ploitic intrigues like FF!4.

I think that’s a speculation made in bad faith.
You really don’t know that for a fact.

According to you. And it’s fine you feel that way.
But there’s players who disagree. Like me.

I’m completely bored of it and I’m glad it’s not part of this and the previous expansion and hope it won’t be part of the narrative for years to come.

im bored of fighting on a galactic scale or time traveling to fix plot holes

but here we are.

Oh, don’t get me wrong: I don’t like the galactic stuff either; none of it. I never wanted to go to Outland or Draenor or Argus. I want to spend my time on Azeroth. I want issues on Azeroth. And at least for now that’s what we’re having.

I just don’t want those issues to revolve around alliance vs horde conflict.
Because I’ve seen and experienced those enough and it’s just boring now.

There’s rumours about us

Spoilers visiting the ethereal world in 11.2

I don’t want that either. Not looking forward to it whatsoever, if it turns out to be true.

But we pretty much fought the same baddies since molten core and bwl, that’s why it always felt forced to me in a pve focused game, it would atleast made more sense if they created all dunegeons and raids faction specific.

it feels like they are throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks
and they dont care for the direction of the story, they will use time traveling to fix it if its a loss

thats how ive felt since Shadowlands tbh.

there is no direction. not really. they want player participation and scored feedback to determine the story outcome

it feel so unimaginative to think that they cant do anything without time traveling or space travel

  • i honestly think i could get a more compelling story from Chatgpt

That would be quite a feat since it was All-Devoured… :eyes:

I’d try to argue with you, but I can barely understand what you’re even saying.

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Time travel … kek… wheres chromie at

Well, they’ve shown similar ‘destroyed’ worlds before.
That’s one of the reasons I don’t like it. It’s boring. It’s been done before.
But I also just want to stay on Azeroth.

Yeah of course and I believe you that the wiki does state that, I’m just disagreeing that a small Tauren village with minimal defences is a legitimate military target.

Could just as easily be the Arathi Kingdom across the sea that was introduced since Hallowfall or fanatics of the Light like we saw with Xe’ra in Legion trying to forcefully convert people. Like I said, the Alliance calling the Horde “evil” and vice versa should be irrelevant to the respective factions.

Whilst I’m sure it made an impact I don’t think it was inevitably significant in BFA given that the Kaldorei population was just pushed out of Ashenvale/Darkshore & Teldrassil was razed. The biggest contributing factor was Saurfang hitting Malfurion in the back & suddenly having an existential crisis which in turn caused a schism in the Horde. It wasn’t just Alliance outside the gates during the Mak’gora. Guerilla warfare can only go so far against an army that is partly comprised of undead that don’t sleep, feel fatigue or need to eat, chemical warfare & Trolls that are also adept at fighting in jungles & forests.

This would be true were it not for the Horde revering strength & war since its conception. This opinion falls flat on a race that says “Victory or Death” at every given opportunity & believe that falling in battle is the ultimate honour (Orcs), a race that hates the Alliance just as much as each other (trolls), a race that profits from warfare (Goblins), a race that grows in number as a direct result of war (Forsaken), a race that wants revenge (Zandalari) etc.

This is just one side of the coin, faction conflict has always been a major selling point of the WoW timeline. Warcraft’s conception was borne of faction conflict, old school PvP videos became pop culture & PvP ranks were important, Southshore vs Tarren Mill was a huge deal. If you preferred to focus on the PvE then of course you’re entitled to do so, but to outright ignore that faction conflict has been present in the story since before WoW even launched is disingenuous.

Whole heartedly agree. Danuser’s era of WoW brought us terrible story writing, retconned lore and a whole other mess of things. Hopefully with Metzen back at the helm we’ll see some improvement from here on out come Midnight & less of the aforementioned pig slop.

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please spell check your posts beforehand. It is hard to read any post here.

It was late in the night.
And i was slightly drunk by two Radler and wast motivated to push my post through deppl. Translator.

Kamerad was höre ich da?

Warcraft’s conception was a Red vs Blue RTS, quite a different beast from a MMORPG, old school PvP and SS vs TM being such big deals was because PvE endgame was very limited back in Vanilla. (The most famous WoW video at the time was the “Leeroy Jenkins” one, BTW, and that was in UBRS)

What were the big selling points of the expansions? Not PvP, at least, the big draw in the earlier days (BC/Wrath/Cata) was encountering and fighting the big-name baddies from “Warcraft III”, PvP was always there, sure, but for most people it was far from the main draw of WoW…

Sure, the factions are a bit too friendly right now, i can understand it of the faction leaders, but the rank-and-file are taking it all a bit too easily as well, i’d like to see some friction, like with Geyarah and Turalyon in that campaign quest (Training the Earthen recruits), but let’s leave outright faction war dead and buried.


the worst part.

most players skip cinematics or story quests but have a big mouth on the forums and claim to understand the direction of the story

its these individuals that keep this clown show running

the worst. ABSOLUTE WORST decision blizzard made was time travel/ time skip and space exploration
once we open up those catergorys there is NO going back. its never the same again.

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The whole space exploration thing is actually crazy and I strongly believe sooner or later they pull a StarCraft and warcraft are in the same universe thing.

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Bit of war isnt going to hurt anyone! Apart from the Alliance obviously :no_mouth:


To be fair even in WC 1-2 the Orcs were from another world not from a different continent nor from Hell and used a Stargate to reach another worlds (not just Azeroth)
At first glance it was deceptively high-fantasy/steampunk-like setting but it was in its core a sci-fi fantasy aspecially if you add the whole Titan thing and their AI servants in the mix
Frankly, Warcraft was always neck deep in both Sci-Fi and high-fantasy/steampunk, as much as I hate Blizzard lore butchering they really just expanded that idea what was present from day 1
As Arthur C. Clarke said “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” or it’s converse, the “Any sufficiently analyzed Magic is indistinguishable from technology”