How can you say this after dazalor we got a good whooping and they visited the gift shop on there way out like it was an amusement park
Thats in the past!
Yes but learning from the past we should probably don’t get in trouble with them ever again
Keep talking smack about the alliance and it’ll be in your future too!
I’m kidding of course. We’re all buddies. Let’s fight some primal forces like light and void together!
I’d rather not. For orcs, war solves everything
Reluctant buddies!
But nah I don’t mean full scale war but a scuffle here and there wouldn’t hurt.
There’s battlegrounds for that or Warmode if you’re feeling frisky.
give me a 3rd faction and make it hostile to both the alliance and horde
i want a fight.
There’s lots of fighting in WoW already.
So what exactly are you looking for?
Nuuuu… Void is good!
As a primal force it’s neither good nor bad.
How that force is used is what matters.
But, speaking for myself, I don’t like the void aesthetic.
I’m not a big fan of the light aesthetic either, though.
I guess I’m more life/nature aligned, when it comes to WoW’s cosmic forces.
if there was a 3rd faction id 100% jump to it.
i dont want peace, i dont want my little pony " friendship rules "
i want war. for no reason at all. other than to fight the pansys that run in daisy fields holding hands sprouting FRIENDSHIP and love
sod that. this is warcraft.
hold this arrow for me
Don’t take this personal, but that sounds psychotic.
I don’t think anyone, certainly not Blizzard, should cater to that kind of thinking.
But thanks for your explanation.
I will just say: Agree to very very strongly disagree.
We’ve had a siege of Orgrimmar, let’s have a siege of Stormwind. All the old, boring faction leaders die in the battle, and as part of the peace treaty, transmog vendors are forced to give their services for free.
i wouldnt say its psychotic
gameplay with player vs player is sooo much better than fighting the same old big bad villain in raids
- player interaction was peak when there was war between horde and alliance
its not from hate, its just from a pure enjoyment of player to player interaction
so id say my point stands. ILL FIGHT YOU all make me hostile on both factions please <3
or we could all hold hands and parse our numbers and do our rotations and collect loot and stand in a circle holding hands talking about friendship and love
ill see you in the battlefield.
Calling it psychotic is a bit much I would even say taking one’s inner wish for conflict and fight and putting it into a game where it can’t hurt someone can be a good way to handle such feelings.
But I have so say I will never understand what people liked about the old PvP times where you could not hide when you where on a PvP realm.
Like 80% of the fights I ever saw where backstabs out of invis, more people attacking less people and and ofcourse higher lvl attacking lower lvl.
what you didnt understand about those ganking pvp times
you would call your guild to come help you
and then before you knew it you was spending hours of fun fighting and defending each other
you then build friendships with people through those activities both sides of the factions
and build reputations with each other
ahh good times
( the amount of times i would come defend STV or darkshore or goldshire… i should receive a medal of honour or something )
Well we have vastly different experiences my friend.
There was no grant marsh of my guild. If I was lucky some people had time to spare.
In general I have never witnessed those big fights cause people never wanted to waste there time.
And even if people would have helped. Now I am stuck in a battle of attrition and can’t so the wuest I wanted to do and my game time wasn’t endless
Maybe the whole Turalyon going light-crazy might just happen and we get to “burn” Stormwind down again. I’m sure we’ll even get support from some Alliance rebels in the process.
If anything it would be cool for Blizzard to make some other cities the main hub for a while. Maybe Ironforge again? Or even Gilneas since it’s recently reclaimed and closer to Quel’Thalas for whatever happens during Midnight.
Awww man, do we have to?
Even those filthy gnomes?
quite sad you didn’t have people that couldn’t spare their time for you tbh
pvp always required an essence of socialness
PvE was fixed, it became a more loot pinata, come clear raid get loot rinse repeat. it didn’t feel fun, it felt like a chore and its not like i didn’t try i was a mythic raider
PvP is just so unpredictable it made it fun,
far more fun than the min maxed and solved nature of PvE
i feel sorry for those that want to just grind and have DBM shout and bleep at them to do dances around bosses for gear that resets every 4-6 months
guess we are just different people