Please can we end this truce, it's boring

We will not see the conflict between H and A again because Blizz is not able to write a good story / plot,etc anymore. All they are able to do is to sell the same s…t every expansion : heroes and champions come to save the world again.

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Blizzards tryed with BFA, and we all knwo how that turns out, and at the end nobody was happy, neither the night evels who became an laughingstock, the Horde who get villian baited again and again the alliance winning the war but cound finish the horde or most likly wanst alowed to and horde was forgiven with zero consequenzes.

well, heaing a femals in context with “Plaything” i always have a bad premonition.

no, and people pointed thtat out multiple time, its not tue, remmbe warcraf 3, Horde and allaince wokrd together.
Abd later that gones on.
It became a story to ovecume old grudges.

esacaly when you consider you havent unlimeted manpower and ressources.

Faction war stoyr wont work oevrall as plot because blizzard cant allow one faction to win/lose.
Its an dead end, you cant progess that one because it woud deeple impcat the faction balance.
And overall ist woudn`t make sene continue going at each other throatss for 20, 30 years while eternal therad no.10 lurking arround.
Is an dead horse.

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The same reply everyone has. So BFA was not a successful attempt, we get it.

Also BFA was an all out war. Very few of us are asking for a full scale conflict.

We are asking for story depth, we will be smashing npc somewhere on a new map anyway, why do we have to hold hands doing it?

The reality is cosmic lore in WoW damaged the game a lot.

We are all in a passive and indifferent state when it comes to the game story. Who’s excited about random villain 18474748, that’s bigger and more powerful than the last one but we will kill anyway.

But in BFA these forums were buuurning! There was a lively vibe, we were active and engaged with the story because WE CARED!

We cared about our favorite characters dying, our cities burning and our allegiances broken.

We cared because that’s what we were most invested in all these years.

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id rather remove all barriers. as a blood elf i want to level in alliance zones without limitations and mingle with alliance players.


Yeah… nope.

This is much better. Faction war is boring and repetitive. I had more than enough in the last 20 years. More than happy to try new things.

You got classic. Gogo relive your nostalgic moments with faction war. They are super exciting. You told us so. Off you go.


There’s still war!
Like, basically all the time. Just not between Horde and Alliance. Which is good - as far as I am concerned.

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Ah, cool. Schrodinger’s good story. It’ll just magically exist if we just do the worst thing.

Benefit if the doubt, how would YOU go about doing it? What would you write to make a new faction war compelling? What million dollar idea do you have that is better than what we have?

It may not be your job, and that’s fair. But surely you have a plan other vibes. Right? I know you have an example of something you don’t like, but do you have something that is better?

“but that’s not interesting war it’s only interesting if I can hate another person based on there faction choice in a game”

Jokes aside that’s what these discussions boil down to for me.
I actually met people at work that where suddenly less friendly and some outright mean cause they played alliance and I play horde


To me that’s insane behaviour. Truly.

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I do like the old rivalry times as well, it added a feeling in the game like when i do some world pvp quests i never attack horde but i do attack alliance (unless they are under geared or being attacked by others, i do have some honor after all) .
When it comes to storyline , making truce in order to face a global enemy is not uncommon, it happened before in real life , that doesn’t mean that you still love each other or you will befriend opposing faction. It is just situational. Enemy of my enemy is a friend type of thing …
In the end , there is no right or wrong but a matter of preference, I like rivalries because it gives me a motivation when i face alliance. I would love to have a more impactful world through pvp like providing more resources to whoever wins in a territory or something like that (happened before and failed miserably though) but that’s my personal opinion on the matter.

Yes it is.

One guy asked why I choose horde. I said I was 11 and my cousin was horde and I stayed cause I just like zombies.
That wasn’t a good answer for him and he called me a vile person cause when I had the choice I choose to be part of the monster faction that only exists to hurt people.

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nothing worse then alliance fans mad they aren’t allowed to be anything but heroes. Entitlement is real.

100% agreed. This coddling nonsense is getting old REALLY fast.

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I want to hurt the alliance again.

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Too bad for you. We’re buddies!

This kind of jingoistic nonsense is why the faction war needs to stay dead, TBH.

Setting both halves (Using the term loosely, given the faction imbalance) of the playerbase against each other just fosters toxicity, during BFA, these forums were a cesspool of faction rabble-rousing, endless “Night elf BBQ lol!”-jokes and other unpleasant nonsense.

It’s quite telling that Horde players tend to be the ones who want the faction war back, at least they got to do cool stuff, the Alliance just got to mop up and take their losses like lawful stupid do-gooders…


the alliance rolled over the Horde without resistance aided by our own leaders. It is time for revenge against the traitors and Jaina.

There’s several of such players who want to be ‘evil’ basically. Which I don’t get, because the horde has never been ‘evil’ in WoW. They’ve been tricked or controlled, sure. But always broke free eventually.

I think that in general horde players are more fanatical and prone to wanting ‘baddassery’ (please make note of the use of ‘in general’ - I am not claiming everyone fits this profile and it’s sad that I even feel like I have to make this extremely clear, if I’m totally honest).

That’s speaking as a previous horde main (vanilla-tbc-wotlk). But I, as a person, changed. I always liked the Alliance cities better, even when I mained horde. They just always felt more like actual cities. When I returned to WoW in WoD, I decided to roll alliance, not out of any sort of preference but just because I had not experienced that side of WoW really (with the exception of 1 single dwarf paladin that I leveled during vanilla).

And because I had changed, I found I really enjoyed the alliance side of the WoW story.
So I even faction changed my original orc hunter.

I like both factions for different reasons. What I don’t like is the same old boring stuff again and again and again - and their conflict has been exactly that. So I say: Good riddance.

Yes. We need more faction war.
atm it’s like a thriller in which the detective and the murderer have a date.


That’s exactly the entirely wrong view on these two factions that too many people unfortunately have. It’s not good vs evil. Never has been except for in the very very beginning of the franchise when a lot of stuff was just very basic and frankly; dumb.

But it certainly never has been like that in WoW.

In WoW the horde and alliance are both detectives.
The murderer is always some NPC baddie. Always.