Please connect our dead realms, like you said you were going to do!
Im playing Horde on a dead realm, Agamaggan. The problem for me? Material pricing. 262 cost 500k gold per part… its time to make a mega server so we can have fun again. I never see people when I play in the open world?
So i decided to make a test right now 16:15 server time currently.
/who oribos = 5 people… really? 5 people? there are millions of players in this game and there are only 5 People on my server? Isnt that a call for wtf is going on?
Lets expand the search width across all zones: /who 60…35! 35 people online at prime time 16:00 isch in this server…Agamaggan.
Its time to take all low servers and smash them togheter… its not fun to play anymore when you dont have that interactions anymore and when you also have pricing of upwards 2x than other servers. This server is dead, auction house is not living anymore.
Please for the love of WoW gather up all dead servers and make one, If Warmane and other private servers can make 5000-6000 online at the same time on 1 server? Cmon blizz, youre a multibillion dollar company now with microsoft at your hands who can provide perfect cloud server settings and etablishment - what are you waiting for? people are moving away in rapid phase - we need to fix the leaking boat.
imagine having a restaurant and you hear customer, after customer, after customer say THIS!
Step up to the plate Blizzard for f sake, its running out of your hands. I get it , u make money from transfers well - u wont be making much more money if u dont invest in things people want. DO IT NOW, u make more money from having more players subscribing.
It’s worth noting that /who doesn’t work properly. Generally, if you’re lucky, it pulls up half of those online that you’re looking for. Admittedly 10 people is no better, really, than 5
Personally … I don’t think connecting servers is the right call, anymore.
I think there are too many servers for the number of players - they should be closing server down and offering free transfers off those dead servers to more populous servers.
They were having all sorts of issues when they went through the process of connecting previously - people losing their characters, guilds losing banks, connections getting attempted then cancelled, only to try again, etc.
Therefore the easiest option would be free transfers FROM low pop realms TO higher population realms. Give say 6-12 month warning of closure, and anyone left when that happened would automatically be scooped up and transferred to one of the destination realms. Or be given an option, when they logged in, to pick a realm to land on.
No more than trying to name a character on Draenor, for example.
I’m not suggesting they tell everyone they have to move to one or two already full realms … I’m suggesting that they announce the closure of low pop realms and just give people a free transfer off to any of the remaining realms. The few who are left on the low pop realms won’t make a huge dent on the remaining ones … and some of the medium-high realms are also connected, so there’s even more choice.
Haha better start thinking then Odd are, though, that you’d be able to keep some of them, and there’d still be more realms left, than closed, even if they closed all the low pop realms, so it would be easy enough just to check which ones had those names available for you.
I just checked my top few characters that I play … one only has one other person with that character name, the others were available in the majority of realms.
Another delusional die hard fanatic of a dying wish, hoping ActivisionBlizzard will act on their 10+ paragraphs of words.
I got news for you bro, ActivisionBlizzard dosen’t give a flying about your words. Only your pocket.
Your constant merger request would happend if people like you and many others, stopped either subbing to the game or resubbing. Stop writing about anything, stop resubbing and unsub. Follow those examples and then i guranteer you. You’ll start getting your requests acted on by ActivisionBlizzard.
But as longests you still keep being subbed while crying about getting something.
Seems a bit pointless, doesn’t it … if you think the only way to get Blizzard to act on our request to sort out dead realms, is actually to stop playing. If we wanted to stop playing, we wouldn’t be asking Blizzard to sort out the dead realms. In fact, unsubbing would create even more of an issue for all of those people left - who would then complain to Blizzard about the state of the realms who then, following your logic, would have to unsub in order to be heard. Like one of those vicious circles
As you’re actually “guaranteeing” that if we unsub, Blizzard will listen to us … are you part of their team? How can you guarantee that?