Please continue customizations

I understand your concern; but I still think they can do both.

I’m someone who enjoys both cosmetics and gameplay. Both are fun aspects of the game. Currently trying to achieve the “fabulous” title by collecting mogs.

Anyway, I really do hope they add it. I know the flower is simple but it means so much to me. And that “censored” flowercrown from Tirna with the low horrible graphics won’t drop anyway.

I want the fluttery cloak…


Without enjoyable game play, there will be no players and no players = no subscriptions = No Fluttery cloak or Customisations.

As I said above.

Bad Game Play = Less Players = Less Subscriptions = No money for cosmetics.

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I will pay them myself to add the damn flower in troll customizations . As long as it doesn’t go above 60 Euros.

I’m doing something no greedy elf dares to do. Where are you Blizzard :eyes:

Am I persistent enough?


I’m gonna be honest they make more money from me for the customizations, the art, the aesthetic than some gameplay, anything over quests and legacy content for me personally is not needed.

My playstyle is more rogue adventurer, I play with my Hubby, we like to have laid back, casual fun, just the two of us.

We get excited when a new mog drops, we like the art and how mobs look, hell we are those guys who will grab a bowl of popcorn and watch that cloak flutter…

And financially they do really well out of us, I have two subs running paid in advance as I need the recruit a friend rewards, and as long as what they throw in the cash shop interests me, then I’ll pretty much keep throwing my spare cash at them.

I’m not an example of every player, but certainly some of them, so it takes all sorts. A wise developer would tend all the garden, not just some of it… :smiling_face:


totally the same case for me. :joy: i love Customizations same in FF14.

Hibiscus flower for trolls have been asked since September 2020, and even before that.

One suggestion for Female Trolls - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (


but just imagine all of that, but they had a fun an indulgent adventure for you to go on. Quest lines to get lost in, not a single campaign or a quick 30 minute story, I mean full blown adventures. The sort of experience you had levelling through Vanilla for the first time. That’s what they need to focus on.

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100% agree! Would love more options for kultiran and DI Dwarves. :slightly_smiling_face:


I wish WoW would do craftable casual gear like FF14.

Yes, craftable… it can be done!!

If this is the case make it only for human huh?

If im not mistaken worgen were also statistically one of if not the lowest non allied race, with no allied race look alike to fall back on (not counting human form customisation) when it came to how many unique worgen you can create, and even then alot of their choice are padded out by eye colour more than anything else

Join the mighty tauren and you will have flowers right now. :cow: :cherry_blossom: /mooooooooooo

Sounds great.

That’s never going to happen again. Because we’ve had that experience already and we were noobs back then. You can’t create that same experience because we, the players, have changed.

Well no. They need to focus on making the game the most fun it can be.
New experiences. Updating older content and bringing it up to par with new content.

Customization is a part of that. It shouldn’t be their sole focus, of course not. But it should definitely be part of their focus. This is not a case of choosing between those things. We can have it all.

Hibiscus flower, tropical islander flower. Not some yellow Daffodils dat be embarassin for a troll islander. dey be given me allergies mon.

when da trolls sneeze, its a nuclear explosion mon

yes they have ilvl 580 crafted gear
there are some items you have to buy and exchange said gear piece for some “certificates”
trade both of those and get a augmented piece at ilvl 590

Spoilers for Dragonflight + my thoughts

So apparently we will be seeing primordial Trolls which might even predate the Zandalari themselves, and the Zandalari are considered the oldest tribe.

That’s big news as this could provide more lore on wow’s oldest playable race. Hopefully it’s good lore.

Anyway, That being said, I’m still very disappointed that anything troll fans ask for, be it Green skin or Hibiscus flower, all of which have been asked since before shadowlands (I have the forum post to prove it) have never been added, yet whatever the elves ask gets added. :frowning_face:

we are the elves ancestors! We are the oldest race on Azeroth! yet we do not even have our Heritage armor, meanwhile the blood elves get another armor for their Paladins.

I hate da elves! My tribe hates dem. Dey be voodoo madness!

Sounds like an excuse for a troll raid.


Sadly this is the case. There are like 9 troll dungeons/Raids where you go into their capital or somewhere else and wipe them off.

Luckily, we get some nice troll transmogs from it. But that’s about it.

Trolls have always had a sad history, Darkspear, Zandalari, and Revantusk were only successful through the Horde.

From what I gather and remember Vanilla was painful to level through, very little fun to be had, but again, only my personal opinion. Myself and my hubby still talk about the two hours it took us waiting for quest drops on centaur bracers…it was chronic.

There should be many different types of game play, there should be opportunities to use the world as your personal sandbox, and customization comes into that. Finding your place in the world, making your character, opportunities to live and tell your story. RPG it’s half the ruddy name of the game.

However I am not selfish, I want us all to have the world we want, I don’t play for challenge, I don’t play to task myself, I deal with that enough in reality.

Azeroth is my rest and recuperation, my escape…it should be fun!!!


Very good point of view. People seem to forget the Roleplay part and finding your own fun.

Anyway I’m not sure if I dreamt this or it’s just from my imagination but I saw Blizzard making a blue post on this post saying “congrats we heard your wishes and we are delivering” and there was even pictures showing different colored Hibiscus flowers Red, Pink, and orange.
Its kinda similar to how they did with the Nightborne thread, Lightforged, and High elves.

Man I should’ve known it was just a dream. :joy:

After that realization, I’ve pretty much quit asking for customizations and heritage armor at this point. :roll_eyes:

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