Please do away with allied race unlocks

The only f2p game exception that follows that model that you are saying is warframe . All the rest of the f2p games don’t give you any way to unlock content and stuff that is unlocked by real money.
So in my humble opinion I will still fall it pay to skip as you can still grind for it .
But I can agree with you that such option should not be given in unlocking allied races and they have shown the intention by increasing the reputation gains from quest and wq in legion in 8.1 patch .that is a step in right direction.

This game is not for ppl who don’t have patience and time. But honestly time is always there if you want to have it. If you are lazy to do some progress that is not excuse that you can complain about something that most ppl do with any objections. I will take now for example mine boyfriend who done all reps in bfa to exalted even… If he works from 5 to 18h every day, except weekends. I read somewhere that ppl ask Allied race to be in game shop . So If Blizzard do that soon this game would be FREE TO PLAY and all things will be in shop like armor, weapon with high ilvl . game would be without sub. So much Bllizard give a lot free stuff in game already , something that was no in option before at start this game. But most ppl even if knew this they want more, more… Greed is a nasty thing. They cant be happy even if they get free Allied races , will ask for more… Because they play subscription xD I really hope Blliz will not take in option this about races, I sincerely hope.
And for the end … I would like to say hello to person who take mine words out fo context and report me. It was funny to see that I was banned on 2 days and I was not on forum 2 days … :joy:


@Zalren: This is a problematic statement, because there are actually not one, not two, but at least FIVE different views into it… Highmountain tauren are the fastest, then the other three Legion allied races, then the Mag’har and Dark Iron, then the Kul Tirans and the Zandalari… and ALL of them take LESS IN GAME TIME than levelling 1-110 without heirlooms and / or RAF (, which to my knowledge is somewhere around 56 to 60 hours depeding on race and whether DMF buff (or other (world) event buff) is available or not). The point that stresses SOME people is the fact that excluding the Highmountain tauren it is THEORETICALLY faster to level 1-110 in terms of days, even if the needed in game hours are higher.

The main factors being the available time per / day and the goals. Some people have a lot of time, others do not. Some people want one specific race, others are looking to unlock them all. It is also worth noting that grinding Highmountain tauren is SLOWER than unlocking them by using a bit more time in terms of days. If you grind them at maximum speed (less than two days), you need about 22 hours minimum. If you use a few more days, you can drop the required time well below 20 hours in game.

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You have to keep in mind that returners or newcomers believe that the unlocks can be done within a hour which is not true, as you know. The trailer back then for BfA did not indicate that you have to grind for several weeks which is an absolute sh***y selling tactic to begin with.

Besides, calling people out for the “real money” thing only reflects badly on you, especially when Blizzard has practiced certain F2P-shopping behaviors in the past already. Or why do you think the mount-trailers have been all downvoted to oblivion? Secondly, just because you wouldn’t take this “shortcut”, it doesn’t mean other people aren’t willed to do this. Your assumption is based on your own feelings and how it would decline the game quality, ironically, while this kind of issue has been here for a long time now with overpriced services and artificial rarity on shopping items. The “pay for Allied Races”-optiong should be, well, an option for people who don’t want to spend weeks on rep-grindings but are interested in playing them and otherwise wouldn’t touch the game at all. It’s not your place to judge them because they can afford it. In the end, you have lost a potential customer in the current model.

But I agree to lesser extend that this whole system is flawed. Blizzard tries to get away with too many things this expansion and they acknowledged their faults in several interviews the past months after the sub-numbers started to take a nosedive.

Aye and all 3.7 million players walked because of this??

Kinda moot point you’ve made yourself really tbh.

There r always some private servers who give you all for money. I think they r better solution for ppl like this who wants to ruin this game.
Why you r better than me who done all reps even If I have kid who go to school, work… I have obligations at home. ( Theoretically speaking…not you xD )
So mine time is nothing to you and you deserve a lot because you 'don’t have time ’ and you r better than us all who make an effort. Is that selfish?
For Suramar example you can do storyline quick now when you hit 120 and on the end of q you r revelved xD I m doing it again Suramar with mine pala to get q balance of power done. I m 120 lv and q going quick like crazy. After you have a lot options where you can get rep and fast get exalted. Simply there is no excuse for not doing rep and q.

Simply stateing a fact that players dont threat they act and you can see 3.7 million understand that quit wod quater one.
Its was in reference to his claim players only threat so you point is moot.
I suggest you re read my post before attacming it and the comment he made.

now we are walking into direction of “Effective use of your time in game”

i can give you different example - leveling 1 alt without breaks and then starting 2nd … 12th or leveling 12 alts at the same time but only when they are fully rested xp .

i did this in legion with invasions - i was only doin them when fully rested and only doing invasions - thx to this average leveling time per toon was between 2-2,5 hours while if i wanted to do it in 1 session per alt it would be like 6-8 hours.

some people just dunno how to play “effectively” and thats why they whine so much.

Well it was like that when new race/class combinations where unlocked true, but if the combination was available from the get go you simply chose wrong.
In this case you have players (I alone do know a few) who wanted to play allied races, those very races that were advertised when BfA was announced. Why did they not start playing or stopped very shortly after? Well they simply couldn’t play these races. A race is something different from gear/transmogs or mounts.

As said I unlocked all races as they are ingame now and I really adored the quests, still I think the way they are unlocked is way to punishing for people that want to get into the game or start again after a (longer) break. I don’t see what is to win behind locking races behind those requirements,. I also have a major problem understanding why people keep fighting for this so much, is this simply based on a feeling of being special/rewarded for having gone through the work or is there something else behind it?
I can understand the entire titanforge debate etc. and why things should be unlocked/grinded for but why races? XD (Personal thing here maybe)

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Mayor thing in this is ppl r like crows see something shine and all glue to that thing xD So why I would do anything I deserve pretty things…craaaa :bird: :joy:

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Not sure, even without heirlooms, if i pick a spec that can tank or heal, i probably can level it faster than what will take me to get exalted with the army of light since i skipped that in legion.

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You are projecting your own feelings into a discussion, therefore you are lacking empathy which hinders the deeper argumentation. And secondly, you should read bit more carefully. I never stated somewhere that I need this. I’m fine by the current system and yes, I have every allied race unlocked with only two races missing the allied races-heritage armor which I’m currently working on.

But I also can see why people are turned off by the system. Your whole argumentation is based on the projection that it’s so easy for everyone to get these races unlocked - which is not. Current on-going players will have no problem getting these within 2-4 months, newcomers will overburdened with the requirements. Secondly, Pathfinder will help also a lot which new players won’t likely have.

There is no own feeling I give example and there is a lot ppl who work have some kind of obligations in life and yet they still manage to do it. Why I would not give mine example or anyone else? 2 to 4 months maybe for all races you need. But for one you need month or less.

I agree to some extend but this doesn’t matter that much because every person is different and not everyone has either the time or motivation to do it. Given also the fact, that the requirements weren’t clear during the first BfA-trailers, it makes the whole case more complicated.

For a new player this isn’t just a catch-up if you’re not interested in doing the requirements, it turns everything rather to work. “Velfs are locked too? Doing old-content? But I bought BfA for the troll/sea-like expansion. And I still have to unlock race x” - And while you can read everything online how to approach it the fastest way, most people would rather spend time playing the game instead doing researches which is somewhat understandably, especially for absolute newcomers who just want to jump in and have fun.

Hm, let me see here…

So if I want to try out a Dark Iron or a KT human but dint have any Alliance character, do you think that making and leveling a throwaway Alliance character then doing the WQs, emissaries and mission table every day for a few weeks only to be able to try out a race I am actually interested in is not a grind?

I had effectively wasted weeks on a character I couldn’t give less of a damn about just to be able to try out a race I am actually interested in. And then of course comes another leveling grind for the heritage…

So yes, this is unacceptable.


The solution to the flawed AR system is not found in the cash shop, and that’s not merely a baseless personal opinion. WoTLK TBC had no cash shop, no short cuts and they were massively successful. In fact WoW was by far the biggest MMO in that time, multiple times the number of active players than now. Sure cash shop isn’t the only change, but cash shop MMO-s kept dying out and going F2P left and right when WoW kept strong. Nothing reached up to the quality of WoW, that’s obvious, but if you think WoW adapting a F2P system then wouldn’t have hurt the player-base I think you’re mistaken. People like working for things as long as those things aren’t meaningless. Cash shop shortcuts make everything available through them technically meaningless, by virtue of requiring literally no effort. Nobody’s gonna pump 30-100 hours into grinds like the Argent Tournament and the likes if you can just buy exalted for 20 bucks. It loses all credibility as an achievement.

Right now the cash shop is only cosmetic and if you ever venture into cash shop threads you can see that most people who voice their opinion only tolerate the cash shop as long as it’s purely cosmetic. How do you think they will respond to skipping weeks of grinds with cash? It would hurt this game more than it would benefit it, I’m basically certain about this.

You keep saying this but you’re comparing apples and oranges all the time. Sure the unlock takes less time if you never read the story, and know all the methods there is. Basically nobody levels without heirlooms except new player without friends. I haven’t checked out the alliance side in this expac yet, and if you’re reading the story that’s a whole lot of time. Maybe I just read slow, but it took me quite a few in-game ours to get through all 3 territories and do the quests that tie them together. I sure as hell leveled this Zandalari with less in-game play-time than that. There is nothing wrong with that, I enjoyed the story. But saying how little time these unlocks take only really works if you’re comparing optimal unlocking spread out over long IRL time compared to sub optimal leveling spread out over short IRL time. You make your arguments from a non obvious, non-neutral stance.

But that’s not your concern or even mine. The whole point is, like Kotur points is perfectly out, that this flawed system isn’t really beginner or customer friendly. Given the current Blizzard-trend, the cash shop-option would make the most sense at the moment because this is likely what they are going to do in the future, if we like it or not. In my opinion these races should have lower requirements so everyone can get them without any problems.

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Did read it, it was a ridiculous statement to begin with and got the response it deserved.

Well if you read my previous posts I’m not saying just lower them but either rework it so progression isn’t lost or remove it completely is my stance. I understand you see it as a logical step, or might even anticipate it, and honestly with Blizzard shooting itself in the foot left and right nowadays you might even be right. I’m just saying if (or when) that happens, that’s probably going to start wow’s nosedive into killing itself. Pay to win models just never worked out well with MMO-s, it completely kills any longevity the game might have otherwise. A time investment requiring format (MMO) just can’t offer shortcuts for money if their goal is to actually keep players around. Some will leave because they will feel it’s not fair they have to grind 2 months for something other buy for x bucks, and those who buy all of the cash shop up will leave when they get bored of their shinies. Those people aren’t gonna be invested into the game, they can just buy their way to the top in the next game when they had their fun. It’s just not a long term model that can work out. Like it or not most people aren’t rich and even some of the ones who are consider digital goods a waste of money.

@Zalren: How is a purely mathematical conclusion non-obvious and non-neutral? puzzled

Erm, while the difference is not huge, shaving off 19 first levels does reduce the time from 1 to 120… also, compared to which time? There is a rather significant difference between under 20 hours for HM tauren and unlocking Kul Tirans, which likely require about double compared to optimal HM?

I am not saying you are outright lying, but you are not giving me a number to compare with. How many in game hours did you use for 20 to 120? 30 hours, 35 hours? 40? More?

Also, new players are exactly the aspect I get thrown to my face most. Let me put things this way. A dedicated newcomer, who does the research into how to get what (s)he want WILL unlock at least one allied race with less than 120 hours played, even using time to read quests. How many days those 120 hours take is an entirely different matter. One extreme might be at least close to 10 days, the other about 4 months. MMORPGs take time, it is a known fact.

@Leafkettle: All the races can be unlocked without problems. They are NOT difficult in any shape or form. In fact, I have read probably hundreds of complaints about them by now and NOBODY has argued that the WQs are impossibly hard, take 6+ hours to complete each and require item level of 410+ to even try.

How much TIME they take is an entirely different question. Walking a kilometre with a 32 kilo backpack and an assault rifle is not difficult. Walking 5 kilometres with said gear is not difficult either… but it starts to drain one’s energy reserves. Walking 50 kilometres with said gear in just a single day is not difficult either… The walking in and by itself is not difficult. But after that day of 50 kms is done, one WILL be exhausted nonetheless.

IF one needed, for example, a Mythic level Jaina kill to unlock Highmountain tauren, the requirement would be utterly silly. But this is not the case. People generally complain about WQs being boring, not too difficult. But the unlocks can be done without doing WQs, IF (and I do stress IF) one is willing to spend enough time. In the particular case of Highmountain tauren, this does not even change shortest day based calculation at all, the other seven will slow somewhat, the newer ones more than the older.