Please do away with allied race unlocks

I mean genuinely the comparison is literally right there in the previous sentence. I completely read every text (all the RP text during quests included) while doing all 3 new areas on the alliance side and it took me more time than leveling this Zandalari.

I don’t have exact numbers on how long the Zandalari took, even if I looked at his /played I afk literal hours on every toon with WoW just running in the background while I’m doing something else. But most level forty and lower instances took about 10 minutes and roughly grant a level for that played. Above that it gradually increases to about forty minutes until it dives back down with WoD with treasure hunting and increases somewhat but not too harshly back in Legion. That’s 90 levels with 30 min / level (which is pretty generous given that early and WoD levels are significantly shorter) so roughly 45 hours. These numbers aren’t exact ofc and yes, I was a tank and (not trying to brag ) am probably more skilled than the average player as I played for 12 years or so. Unlocking Kul’tirans and Dark Irons the only two I don’t have yet -, cause if the friend who’s returning wasn’t wishing to be alliance I wouldn’t even have played alliance this expac, - already took at least that long and way more time out of my sub.
Normally I wouldn’t count that towards unlock, but the unlock requires me to do these and since my 2 options were speedrunning and not knowing the story, or enjoying the story at least 'til I’m waiting I’d say it’s fair to count there.

You’re conveniently forgetting the fact that to unlock the allied race, one needs a throwaway character either levelled or boost (thus wasting the boost) and then unlocking the allied race. It’s an unnecessary waste of time, however short (and it’s not short).

Justify this for me please.

Why should I waste my time leveling some Alliance character I’m not interested in playing and then doing WQs and other stuff for days only to be able to get my preferred allied race and then DO THE SAME STUFF AGAIN? On top of that I’d need to level the allied race f ok scratch to get the heritage.



Ironically you’re posting on a DK which required you to already have a lvl55 char when they first came out. Now they are effectively considered as one of the core races so you don’t have to do that. Same for DH, you need a lvl70 on the realm. Requirements to roll a specific race are nothing new.

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I hate to break this to you but race =/= class and getting 70 levels =/= doing WQs, emissaries and missions for several weeks.

By that logic, can the allied races start from lvl 120 and get an automatic heritage mog?

It’s all new content that at the time requires something rather than nothing to unlock it. DK was largely the same gripes of why do I have to play a character before I get access to the character I want to play.

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heh i completly forgot about those

have been so many years since i leveled completly new toon on completly new server that i did even remeber those still being in game.

You keep missing my point. DKs would start from lvl 55 and at least he close to WotLK (DHs literally start at legion leveling).

Allied races have to be levelled from scratch.

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It’s just all a bit deja vu. Those of us that played the game and already had the requirement rolled a DK straight away. Those that hadn’t, stamped their feet and complained that they should be given access to DK immediately.

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I mean, I had to level to unlock my dk and it was super fast and easy and I’d just continue leveling with the dk instead of, you know, starting all over again!

Comparing DKs and DHs with allied races is like comparing apples and oranges.


I see your point entirely. It was still a case of having to do “something” to get access to “something”. I know the heritage sets are a pain to level for as I’ve just levelled my KT for that and am doing the same with a ZT. The argument on this thread is about the unlock requirements rather than the level each start out.

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Either they make it so that ARs start from lvl 120 with heritage mogs unlocked or they reduce/remove the unlock requirements. Having both is an overkill.

Hell, make them start from 110 for all I care, it’s fine.

Changing anything now would deviate from a precedent of how things were implemented from start of the expac, for who, the minority of the people which are lazy to do the things others already did. Some people spend more time here on the forums whining about the fact that they have to work for something in a MMO to get it than actually spending time in a game to get the things done. The requirements for getting Legion allied races have already been lowered since their introduction, the people now get more reputation than they used before for doing stuff for them. Not to mention the fact that as a level 120 people can now one shoot things in Legion content and get all those stuff done pretty fast. As someone who has unlocked all alliance allied races and leveled 2 of them to get the heritage armor I can confirm how getting all that done didn’t required some crazy amount of time invested, and how that is nothing compared to the time which we needed to max some reputations in the past ( excluding here Wotlk ones which could be done with tabards which were a joke ). Before allied races were even introduced to the game the Blizzard was clear about how they will not be implemented in a way the basic ones were, and how we will need to make some commitment in the game to get them.


This feedback is useful to tell Blizzard that they should not do something like this again in the future, however.

Obviously, it’s too late for the current system to be changed, but I hope that they avoid doing something like this in the future.

I feel bad for the people who want those allied races immediately, I really do. But I bloody enjoyed working to get everything needed to unlock mine - I had a (small) sense of accomplishment when I achieved my goal


He said players dont carry out threats …i proved they do how it that ridiculous ? please explain .

Yes, i am all for character progression, but how do i progress my character by unlocking another race for a new character?

I will probably never unlock any of the legion allied races just because I started playing in BFA.
It’s content that is locked behind a limited amount of quests per day for content that i don’t enjoy and i already have to do in the current expansion to progress my character.

There are things that should be part of the character progression, but unlocking playable races shouldn’t.

Imagine a new player coming back and wanting to play one of the Legion races.
He now has to level a char to 110(Or 120 for faster questing), do OLD wqs for weeks just to unlock the race he wants to play.
So he is already playing for 1-2 months just to actually play the character that he would enjoy.


We should have unlocked belfs/pandas/goats et all then really its just stupid to lock them they should be auto choice .

@Mojomane: 5 to 8 days…

@Uruk: This is a matter of taste / opinion. I do not consider any of my 40+ high level characters as “throwaways”…

I do not consider about 20 to 40 hours to be a horribly long time (unless one has toothache and there is no dentist to be found), but that is just me, I guess…

EDIT: Added a missing word.

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Honestly guys if you think next X-Pac and onwards they will expect new players to grind content for weeks from two or more expacs ago then you are a fool.

The new races will be unlocked by default.

5 to 8 days… of doing WQs if you find the time to do old content sounds like a lot to me, for a new player who just wanted to be a tauren with antlers.

And i already consider my 2 Alts that i haven’t touched since uldir worthless.

In that timeframe you could enjoy a full AAA title.

Don’t get me wront, i don’t mind a grind, but certain things, like races for new characters included, shouldn’t be locked behind it.
Especially when they are one of the main selling points of the expansion.