Please do away with allied race unlocks

I would rather play a game that let’s me grind for unlocking the races rather then games that keep races and classes behind pay wall

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By having two wow accounts .a lot of people do it .

And have gametime on both as well in order to play? Hmmm…
I find it hard to keep the only account i have financially active as it is.
Also, seems like a waste of money, but that’s just me.

The allied race unlock requirements are working exactly as intended.

They want subs drop so low that it’ll go unnoticed when they pull the plug and pour all their efforts into Overwatch and Hearthstone which are the shiny new replacement cash-cows.

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Multiboxing and having two screens while working homeoffice.

However it was poor wording from my side. I just wanted to say that i have a Mag’har orc on 120 and am currently leveling a zandalari. I even have DI Dwarfs unlocked even though i mainly play horde.

Overwatch is’nt really my “thing” but i do play Hearthstone.
Tho World of Warcraft is the primary game i play.
If i don’t have an active subscription because i can’t afford gametime at the moment, i go play Hearthstone in the mean time. (or another game for that matter)

“The cool kids hate bfa” treand is still alive? Hmm thought it calmed out a bit…

You are not the first to call me that. Since if my opinion is not 100% “Blizzard is bad. Blizzard sux. Blizzard is that…and that” then I am automatically a white knight? (Well according to the “cool kids” logic. Yes :D)

So my dear bfa hater. If you dislike this game soooo much. Then…why do you play it? :smiley:

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@Flix: Rather funny theory, that… Especially since the activity update data on WCR suggests that the US and EU saw a tiny notch upwards in March in comparison to February. Eight out of the ten leading submission makers went up, two down. Even in comparison March to January, result is 5 down (3 of them marginally), 4 up and 1 effective tie.

While activity update numbers by themselves are not a direct indicator of active accounts, the limited publicly available data strongly suggests that the numbers are NOT free falling and may actually show very minor improvement.

Playing something you dont like playing for several months for the sole purpose of being able to start over with something you like is a terrible game design and should be laughed at.

If you’re a person who belives that this sort of “derpaderr haaaaard wooork yarpidarp!” is anything but unreasonable for this genre of a game, then you should be laughed at as well. You’ve No sense of Worth what so ever, and selling your own time that short while putting down the people who point it out is downright destructive behaviour.

Get a grip.


Grinding is the very essence of this game, it always has been from day one. Ironically it’s probably less grindy now than it’s been before previously.

If you’ve really played for years then you should understand this. Just because your circumstances change doesn’t mean the game needs to change around you. Despite the fact it already has anyway.

No, and clearly you don’t fully read posts. I clearly stated that RPG elements are “grinds” within these games, and are not just a “pick up and play”. Now, please, tell me, in the WHOLE post in which you only quoted 5 words, tell me where I said WoW wasn’t an RPG to begin with? Or, is this just a sloppy attempt to twist my words?

The problem isn’t that there is a grind to unlock something, hell grinds keep people busy… the problem is that you have to grind on a char/race in order to make a new one and start “over”.
This concept is just rediculous, if they switch everything unlocked to accountwide, maybe but there are still things char bound (as should be).


If it takes you “several months” to unlock the races you want, you’re doing something wrong. It took me less than 2 weeks to get Zandalari’s unlocked, and it took me around a week to get honorbound done. I started playing Horde mid way through January. Granted, I already had a 120 Nightbourne Warlock (This character), but, that’s what I got through legion (Up to 110) and then wanted to try the Horde questlines (Hence 120).
Then I stopped playing Horde (Mainly due to my PC not being able to handle Draenor).
I have all 6 reps on Alliance side Exalted, and I now have 2 exalted reps on the Horde side. You spend 30 minutes - 1-2 hours (tops) a day “grinding” for all these reps, and you’ll be done in less than a month, easily.

Fighting games require you to play classes to unlock other classes. Other MMO’s require you to play a class to unlock other classes. It’s been a core element to a LOT of games. The only difference between those games and WoW, is the playerbase. WoW’s playerbase has become a “mine mine mine mine” playerbase, wanting everything given to them on a silver platter, then complain there’s “nothing to do”.
But, when there ARE things to do, they don’t want to do it.

Of course we don’t, that’s why we feel it’s WORTH unlocking these races by putting the work in. WE spend our time doing what WE want.
But, obviously this is coming from someone with basically no content done. You say we have “No sense of worth”, yet you’re paying for a game that you do nothing in. I don’t think you can speak about “worth” now, do you?

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Allied races is a joke, just a reskin.

Go troll, orc, gnome and panda, they are your best bet.

We lost several raiders to this during Uldir (different guild to what I’m in now). The old system just allowed you to show up for raids. Now it’s a whole grind metric.

We know the neck is going to change but I really wish they’d ditch the constant AP grind as a method.

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At work so I can’t adress this cleanly point by point but heres the gist of it.

Rpgs are about your character. Thats the lense you see every thing trough. Its different for arcade and fighting games because they’re not designed for you to… Be you trough an avatar. They’ re about something entierly different.

If you’re a New generation gamer, pick up the game right now and decide you wanna be one of those beef bling trolls from the back of the cover. How long is that gonna take you?

Listen. I’m a liberal and I aint vegan. I have unlocked a bunch of allied races but I don’t think the concept is healthy.

Content? Like what, world quests? :grin: Feel free to look at my 500000 alts.

I waste money, sure, but I enjoy it.

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or we simply play the game and this stuff comes to us naturaly with time.

i for example didnt start to focus on unlocking zandalari till i was like 17000/21000 rep - and then only did daily quests when the reward was in zandalar.

i get it it sucks when you stop playing for many months and then come back but that is your choice - for not playing game there shouldnt be any benefits

And yet there’s no “progression” within this game anymore. An LFR raider can basically be on par with an Heroic raider, if they have luck on their side.
What about other MMO’s then? Like Final Fantasy, where you have to play a certain class, to unlock other classes of that type (Black mage/White mage into Red mage etc). That’s basically the same thing.

I’m not a new generation gamer, I’ve played WoW since Cata, and before that, I was mainly a Final Fantasy player (With some Tony Hawk and Abe’s Oddysee on the side xD). A “new generation gamer” are people who just want to pick up and play whatever game they want and be given everything without effort.

What does being Liberal or being a Vegan have to do with anything? That’s a confusing thing to say O.o. The concept from the get go wasn’t a very good thing, but Blizzard stood their ground. Now, if they change it, it’s going to be a bite in the backside for those who did it, whilst rewarding those who have just joined/left for a while/couldn’t be bothered to do it. NO GAME should do this. They should reward those who stay with them, not those who will move on to the next “fad” the moment they get bored.

I know you’re just joking, but you can only have 50 alts per account :P.
And by content, I mean the raids, the dungeons, M+, IE’s, Warfronts. Why would you NEED these Allied Races when you don’t do anything end game anyway?

If someone (Not aiming this at you) cannot be bothered to unlock these Allied Races, then that’s them basically saying they cannot be bothered to play the game. Because, that’s all it takes to unlock them.

Lemme put it this way:

I never said World of Warcraft should be a “pick up and play” as you’d call it.
Infact, i also think that there should be things you should work for instead of getting it handed to you just like that. However, i feel like Blizzard is starting to overdo it at least abit. I mean, i get the fact that if you want a faction specific mount of faction specific armor etc… you should work for it. I get that. I really do. However, they could at least lower abit of the requirements to unlock a certain race. (like for example either lower the reputation you need to at least “Revered” instead of “Exalted” OR lower the level requirement to unlock that race so u don’t really specifically have to be level 120 in order to unlock them). That way, you still have to work for it just takes a little less longer.

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Yeah, I never once said that the time-gated things is good. It’s a terrible design by Blizzard to keep subs going for as long as possible. Most people know this.
The downside to changing it now is, what do those who did it get? Yes, we already have the races unlocked, but, to me anyways, it feels like if this happens, it’s just “rewarding” those who don’t want to do it, those who have just started, or those who took a break.

With the Legion ones, they’ve been made a LOT easier than they were. It took about a month to unlock both the Alliance Legion races (A lot quicker for Horde, since they both were from reps from the start), where as now it takes around 7-10 days, so it’s a LOT faster.

They’ll probably do the same when the next expansion comes out. But, since it’s still “current content”, people will unlock it by just playing the game.

The only reason I pointed out that I said WoW was a “pick up and play” game was because you quoted 5 words from the paragraphs I wrote and made out I was trying to say WoW wasn’t an RPG before all this.