Please do away with allied race unlocks

So lemme get something straight…
This is a whole new system to World of Warcraft and so, you’re basically saying that before this “new” system, World of Warcraft was’nt really an RPG to begin with?

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I reckon they should reduce rep requirements by 1 level each new expansion down to honored. i.e. Exalted during BfA, Revered in the next xpac, Honored in the xpac after that.

You could even have achievements, similar to Ahead of the Curve, for unlocking an Allied Race during it’s initial expansion.

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Again, hero classes had no lost progress I literally just explained this in the previous post, it’s an analogy that does not fit.

I wouldn’t feel cheated at all if others got the AR-s without having to grind as I don’t find it sensible in the first place. I took this stance since the pre-order and it hasn’t changed. I’m not selfish and I know very well it’s not enjoyable to play a toon you don’t plan on maining to simply unlock what you want to, over a long period.

Just because I went through something unpleasant and unnecessary I’m not petty enough to want others to crawl through the same swamp. I wish players like you wouldn’t make it a ‘me’ problem by saying what about us who did it, but rather look at it in a vacuum and figure out if it makes sense then.

(The cherry on the top is that Allied Races actually take LESS effort on Blizzard’s part as they are a bunch of reused assets and they don’t even get a leveling zone. They are basically as little work as it can be, while they require a huge time sink from the players.)

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As I said I think how the races were intended originally as a reward for a players which played this game for a long time and which are committed to it and not for someone who just started WoW or who hasn’t played it for a long time. But when it comes to me I don’t care one way or another what will be in the end when it comes to Blizzard decision regarding this, tho I can predict what will happen next if Blizzard do that, there will come the players which will ask for the heritage armors to get unlocked without the effort to, than after that will come the ones which will want the chars at max level without doing the leveling first, and in the end will come the ones which will think how they are entitled to the high level of the raiding gear just coz they pay the sub. The circle of the entitlement never ends once it starts.

I’m sorry but I don’t feel we can come to an agreement here. If you don’t see the difference between a race and leveling to max/mythic raiding gear etc. even after I explained in multiple posts how the problem lies in the lost progress and time gating, I don’t think we can see eye to eye on this matter. You really just ignore my points and repeat yours. Having all core features available without grind is not entitlement in my eyes I’m afraid.

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The allied races are just cosmetics, I wouldn’t call them the “core feature”, because anyone can play the entire game just fine without playing as one.


Yeah they are exactly as ‘cosmetic’ as every other class or race. As in not at all. In an RPG your race and class defines your identity more than anything else, saying one of them is unimportant may be true for individuals playing only for the competitive aspect, but other than that they are very much core if you give a hint of a care about the RPG part.


I have nothing against them being locked being a tiny rep/achie that everyone already has just because they werent gone for 2 or 3 expansions.

But your arguement is a bit dumb. You could say all races are merely cosmetic. Nothing is stopping you from playing in first person view and never seeing your character at all

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And now when I think about it, I did experienced already similar concept to the allied races here in the SWTOR MMO, there to unlock the red zabrak or the chiss for the republic side you had first to level as one on the empire side to max level, and there were more like that. So you couldn’t start as them on the republic side if you didn’t meet the requirements.

And don’t mix the classes with the races, the concept of both is totally different thing. The race someone is playing doesn’t influence the way how they play the game, they can do all the activities in the game just as anyone else, the class does.


Okay, i’ll be serious with you now, if you didn’t made this post in legion for all the allied races that were featured in legion, you shouldn’t make a post now just to be one of those how jump on the band wagon of hating everything that came/comes with BfA.

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I don’t get it what that has to do with their cosmetic nature…

Too bad, you either grind or you can’t play the allied races.

If the OP says he/she has all the things to do irl, I am sure he/she shouldn’t spend so much time on the game then, thus making this argument irrelevant.

Not to mention that I had Lightforged, and Kul Tirans + Nightborne and Highmountain Taurens as soon as they was available to play, and I played very casually in legion, it was no issue, neither was Kul Tirans, because you could find out way before what you needed to do to unlock them, if you didn’t bother from 8.0.1 from now with the WQs and achievments, too bad.


No, not a chance, play the game.


@Elendrys: Why does this faulty thought keep popping up. If one really wants to grind, Highmountain tauren can be done in two days (not recommended, but mechanically possible), the other three Legion allied races in about 5 to 8 days, Mag’har and Dark Iron in about 10 days… and as for the Kul Tirans and Zandalari, their unlocks are still very much current content.

@All: As for the thought process in general… Might I remind those reading this about the fact that MANY combat games lock fighters (and clothes, combat moves, etc.) behind playing some other fighters, possibly for a rather long time, even?

Also, the oldest four are already significantly easier than they used to be. One is no longer limited to a maximum level of 110 (if one has bought BfA), WQ reward levels have been increased, time gating through reputation removed for several quest lines…


Patience is a virtue my son.


i disagree - decent reward coming from grind gives sense of satisfacion .

last night i finally got enough rep to unlock zandalari - started the quest gonna finish it today .

next gonna start grinding rep for kultirans and dark iron but grind is not a proper world if it will be only doing 4 quests when daily chest is up there and doin incursion for 500 rep adding to this doing the missions in table for rep whenever they will be up for kultirans.

i think that allied races should be locked forever behind requirements we have. it gives goals to pursue in game. and we really need those long time goals atm more then ever.

i accept that you may not like it but anyone who unlocks all races definetly enjoys the feeling that his account is “more complete”

(i do think however that they should put much much more customize options for barbers shop for existing races)


I enjoy grinding. It’s one of the few ways in current wow that you get any sense of achievement since almost everything else is a freebie.
Honest truth, I’d rather grind out killing mobs that return 1 rep for x faction than sit idly by awaiting the next emissary quest to pop up of flying to 12 different world locations and spending my ‘game-time’ sat on a flying mount that I cant even control.

This is the major issue with BfA, and legion and WoD before that. we cant fly yet so we dont explore between distant world quest nodes. Yes yes we can ride our land mount, but half the time the terrain makes any exploration prohibitive. There is no balance anymore and flying is gated too far into the expansion and behind stupid rep grinds that have slow levelling without even the ability to grind out.

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Have you ever played Soul Calibur? You buy the game and have only a handful of characters, yet, there are way more in the game. You just have to… grind them free to be able to play them.

And i have 3 kids, a house, full time job where i drive 100km one way and 2 rabbits. Guess what, i am playing Zandalari and Mag’har Orc right now.


I’ll stick with my opinion: Allied races unlocks are bullocks!!!
I unlocked all so far so don’t get to me with the “You want everything served”-crap please. Still the idea for someone who wants a Zandalari to level up and play through current content for a decent while in order to unlock what that person actually wants to play is stupid.
What has become of this community, that the races we play have become something like a trophy you can carry around and make you exclusive?

Racial armors, legion artifact skins these kind of things are trophys and should be, but the race in general shouldn’t be. Just let people play the race they want without investing a stupid amount of time into a char they don’t wish to play.

The unlocks are not hard OR time consuming, it’s just time gated… you can pretty easy get there by “only” doing the emissary quests for the required factions + the storys, still time on the wrong char.
And at least imho races are nothing like other unlocks we had before and I cannot get myself to relate to the argument of “allied races are something you should work for”.


How can you play on 2 characters at the same time and also post comments on someone’s forum topic all at the same time?

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