Please don't unlock covenants in SL

If people can only pick 1 covenant I personally believe it will make meta chasers play 1 character till they realise they have picked the wrong one after Icyveins or some streamer says x covenant is better then they will ultimately cry on the forums about being stuck or be forced to make a previous alt into a main.

I think the casual -HC raiders wont be effected but I think high end mythic raiders will be.

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Its not about oif they want it. IKts about if it will make game more fun for them. And yes it will make game far more fun for siliten majority of playerbase.

everyone will be affected,

imagine you see someone playign the same spec as you and they are in a different covenant and they use their ability that looks really cool, you think “wow that looks cool i kinda like the idea of trying that out and seeing how it works” well tough because blizzard says you are not allwed to.


again how could you possibly know that, if they are silent you dont know what they want. because they are refusing to say anything, or just dont care enough to be vocal


This. Instead of locked covenant abilities and conduits and legendaries and soulbinds we could get new talents or baseline spells, passives that we could keep going forward instead of getting them for one expansion and then feeling bad about losing them. Because that’s what’s going to happen. Classes will feel good to play in 9.3 and then we lose everything and we are back to square one which is just struggling through 1 major patch because of the lack of borrowed power that could’ve been simply added to classes.


I think you only should speak for yourself, which is what i also do. You have no idea about the majority. And me neither.


Thats not how people will think about it like at all. They will just have their own unique ability they will care about. its like saying oh this warrior really likes Blizzard so maybe we should allow warrior swap his Whirlwind for Blizzard becouse he wants try it out. Will it make game better or more fun allowing this? Absolutly not.

There will be a meta covenant for class X that like to raid, they will pick it. That covenant is bis, since the rest of the abilities are subpar or trash even.

You like how the corruptions we use today are balanced?
This is Blizzard type balancing.

You like how mages are heads and shoulders above most specs by 30% dps in Ny’alotha?
That’s Blizzard balancing.

Their excuse that there will be different fights where different covenants will work is naive.

Tell me how ret paladins are better than mages at X fight in Ny’alotha, show me how Blizzard rotates between the classes being less or more effective than each other in a balanced way.
Hint: It’s not, Blizzard doesn’t do that type of balance, so stop being naive.

Covenant X will be BiS for someone who raids in 90%+ of the fights easily.
There won’t be an aoe covenant or ST covenant.

Making the player stick to one covenant will decrease diversity in the game.
Thinking otherwise shows that the common sense you use, is actually twisted.


I do becouse i am one of the majority of playerbase. I dont do anything above LFR. IK do only world content and LFG + vannity stuff. And thats how most people play wow.

And do you see entire playerbase swaping into mages becouse they are bis class? No you dont.

Yeah man, the casuals and hc raiders won’t be affected, at all.

Sure, they will not be, they will like being stuck in one covenant.
Instead of experimenting with multiple ways of play during the expansion, how often they want.

The lower options we have, the more diversity! Amazing logic right there.


Player ideitiy and agency is far more valuable than experimenting with different skills. When you will finaly understand that free swaping isnt more options. Its less options becouse people will end up playing meta.

I can see that every member in my guild has a Mage alt.

Why don’t you chose only 1 faction, 1 spec, 1 set of talents and stick with them for the whole expac.

The rest of us can chose what we want, when we want.

I bet you’d like to have every1 chose these and then stick with them.
Would the players be thrilled of this change? Be honest.

Yet they dont swaping their mains into mages.

Am i playing the meta now for talents/essences? Wait… what about gems? if i have a different one, does it count as deviating from the meta?

If what you say is true, then everybody right now is only playing with 1 “loadout”.
I can check multiple players that are online now and see that that isn’t the case.

You want to know why?

Do you really?
I’m going to give some time to come up with an answer. 2 minutes, good luck.

Playing the same way =/= thinking the same way. I have already seen many people who don’t do mid/higher level content yet they hate the idea of only being able to choose one out of the 4 covenant abilities, or only being able to see one story out four without having to grind a lot to go back to your first covenant.

Your opinion is not the opinion of everyone else, as it is proven by literally everywhere on the internet where people talk about the covenants, doesn’t matter if they are casuals or hardcore raiders.


For same reason i use flying even when i hate flying. Becouse i have “option” to do so. And as long as there will “option” to swap into meta players will do it just like they will use flying everyime if its avaible to me.

This is just example of you not uinderstanding how player minds function withing game rule sets.

If you allowing easy swaping around everybody will swap into meta or will be forced swap into meta. If you lock in players they will pick what they find fun and becouse they are lock in or cost is too high people will not swap into meta becouse it would be too much effort as swaping around covenants is too costly.

Ofc they dont because you need to collect azerite pieces, unclock every single esscence and get the right corruption before you can even begin to be viable in this patch, but good luck on that since most of that stuff is timegated, so expect your Mage to be your main in like 20 weeks.

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