There are different meta loadouts for different situsions. Meta A for mythic+, Meta B for raids, etc… People change loadouts into meta becouse they can. If you would locked in talents or w/e people would simple play with talents and builds they like.
Exactly. You hit nail. Swaping class comes with cost = people do not swap. Just like covenants. You finaly get it. if swaping is costly or nonexistend people do not swap into meta and they keep playing what they want.
Time’s up and the answer is the exact opposite of this.
Why not everyone is a mage right now, even though it’s practically the meta spec to do the highest dps.
Because not everyone likes to play mage, not everyone is going to give up on their mains that they’ve invested so much in.
This is absolutely contrarian to your train of thought that everyone plays meta.
Covenants? Well not everyone will like every covenant, maybe i don’t want to play Necrolord, but that is the meta covenant for ret.
I have 1 choice, what am i going to do? Safe bet is Necrolord, even though i don’t like it.
I have 4 choices whenever i want. I try out different covenants and try to get the most out of them, by finding out how i can use them effectively.
Why? Because i can experiment with them, i’m not locked into one.
So no, not everyone will pick the meta choice if there are multiple choices, but most people will pick meta if there is only 1 choice, meaning that in fact there are zero choices to be made.
Again you are minority. Most people will be what they find most fun and keep having that fun for rest of the expansion. And i can alredy told you that nobady will know what covenant will be bis until you will be alredy locked in.
This is a MMORPG, blizzard is activly trying to make it a E-Sport, but esport attracts the “min-max people” and if you play with such people you will be expected to perform at peak of your classes ability.
I had this problem by comming back into the game.
I was expected to have an ilvl of 445 to be able to raid with my Guild Nya HC, and was expected to deal 45k dps.
So imagine me going ape#### into dungeons and farmed nya normal to get that sweet loot, and once i had my “bis” pieces i still couldnt do 45k dps as Affliction warlock, so i respeced into Demonology, didnt work out, so i switched to destro, kinda worked.
I got a HC piece which was the Bis for Demonology, i switched into it and dealt more dmg, then got another azerite which i can now combine to try affliction once again since that is the spec i find most enjoyable.
Guess what, it didnt work, i switched back to Demo and wanted to give Destro a try again… well basicaly that costed me around 250k gold just to “try out” the spec what my class is capable of being in.
Your argument revolves around the idea that people won’t care if they underperform or that they will have to sit in the lfg for a long time until they find a group that doesn’t care about the meta in a game where pug content is ruled by the meta.
People are pissed about a few % differences between classes yet you think they will be magically fine with this because they will be able to sit in their capital city while telling themselves “doesn’t matter, i play how i want to play”.
After reading this thread I got to this sad conclusion:
Activision Blizzard don’t want the players to swap covenants.
Chosing a good Covenant for one content might hinder you for the other three.
And that’s exactly what they want.
Why not allow the players to have multiple choices to get best performances ?
Why not remove the system and let people chose what aesthetics, lore they enjoy the most ?
Because that way you wouldn’t spend so much time grinding and working on your character.
This has nothing to do with RPG.
As a player that probably will chose Venthyr instead of Necrolords for my BE warrior because of Kael’thas. I fail to see why having my character playing differently (probably for the worst) from my Orc Warrior who will go with Necrolords, because of Draka is in any way immersive.
In conclusion:
They want you to play this game for 24/7 and the system they are implementing has nothing to do with player immersion.
It has everything to do with how much time they can make you lose in the most stupid way possible.
People defending this system are defending something extremely anti casual.
That’s my opinion.
You know the benefits of each covenant can be calculated right? People will know and it will be easy to find out. People will just lock themselves into that.
So much choice…
There will absolutely be meta covenants during SL.
But Blizzard will nerf the outliers you say? Sure they will and people will grind the next covenants.
There will also be a "blade"storm on the forums regarding this.
Lets put it this way.
Im a Warlock in game, i like Halloween, i like dark and spooky things like Tim Burton´s artstyle guess which covenant im gonna join?
If that Covenant turns out to not be the “Best” for the Warlock im gonna be so pissed, but not just mildly pissed and get over it, im gonna be RLY pissed about it!
“I shall have my fun with the “majority” of the playerbase and screw everyone else”. Even if your thinking about the minority/majority (you are absolutely not) were correct, this take is still ridiculous while there are solutions that would be good for everyone instead of one part of the playerbase.
Your solution making covenats swapable would ruin it for rest of playerbase.
Its not about having the covenants swapable, its about making the covenants cosmetics only. No powerups-boosts whatsoever.
Maybe Elias would like for Blizzard to make Role Playing realms with the covenant system being locked, so he can join them and have only 1 choice, with his much touted diversity.
The rest of the realms can have the covenants be freely switchable.
I wonder what realm type the playerbase would chose?
I’m so sure everyone would chose RP realms… because people like shooting themselves in the foot.
Fixed it for you, and i would advise you to actually hear the opinion of people instead of believing that your opinion is the same as theirs, because it’s a ridiculous argument supported by literally nothing.
Which would make picking covenants less impactfull no thanks.
So how about that Role Playing realm? You want to join it?
It has the way you want to play in it.
Maybe Blizzard could go the extra mile and make it so you can’t switch spec and talents too! That would make the game much more fun for you, i’m sure.
Hear of opnions od entilted minority of high end min maxers no thanks.
“entilted minority” - Good luck getting into m+15-20 by choosing the wrong covenant.
Maybe. Swapable parts of class like talents or specs have their place. But everthing swapable then you sucesfully destroy players identity and agency.
Player power will ruin the whole covenant system. I rather have conduits, cov signature, class and soulbind abilities be removed rather have them locked. Its trainwreck in the waiting. Removes player choices.