Please finish the work on this half-baked ret rework

Said Holy Priest :slight_smile:

You are wrong. Purpose of Legendary is to make classes who can wield it a little bit stronger than others.
For example if we take a perfect balance and every dps spec does 100% damage so with lego it should be between 105% and 110%.
Right now itā€™s like top tier class does 100% damage and most classes who can wield lego does 80% damage, with lego they will doā€¦85-95% damage.
Thatā€™s the problem and dumbest thing with this legendary axe. Because evokers was near top tier even without legendary.


No, it isnā€™t. Balancing specs doesnā€™t involve deliberately introducing some item that will completely destroy balance.

Okay Mr. Demon hunter, your spec surely didnā€™t completely destroyed balanceā€¦
Insane mobility, mob control, hard CC, is though to kill, and top damage in cleave.

Now pls go and be obnoxious somewhere else with your comments.

Iā€™ll just quote myself again for the hard of reading:

And I do mean the REALLY hard of reading because guess who the original reply was addressed to. Yes, thatā€™s right. It was to you.

Damn bro thatā€™s crazy. I still wonder tho, who asked?

I simply tire of people who are incapable of considering the possibility that the character I post with on the forums is not one Iā€™m currently playing. I mean, maybe it seems crazy to you that someone might play multiple classes and not bother switching between them every time they make a forum post.

Bro, itā€™s not about from what character you type your babbling, itā€™s about what you say. Complete nonsense, and then you try to back it up with the classic ā€œAhchually, Iā€™m A PaLaDiN ToOā€

Super annoying, and you added nothing of value to the conversation.
All you did was admitting that the devs donā€™t care about Instrument of retribution being a horrible passive effect, even tho theyā€™re probably aware of the effects of it, and then you tried to lecture me about how itā€™s possible to do a zero-downtime crusading strikes build, which is still untrue.
I have 41% haste, itā€™s almost impossible to get any much more, and itā€™s not even worth it because other secondaries rise in value as you try to stack too much of just one stat.
So again, no, itā€™s impossible to have zero downtime with crusading strikes, outside of BL and PI, purely from natural haste from gear.

Always has been like that, purpose of legendary weapons was always to make classes who wield it stronger than others.
Itā€™s common sense.

If you try to use some logic then you will understand that there no sense in making legendary at all if you make classes who can wield it weaker than those who canā€™t wield.
Because itā€™s harder to obtain legendary weapon.
And right now as we can see, specs that can wield legendary is tuned to bottom of dps chart.


Are you old enough to even be playing this game?

Blizz: ā€œHey guys, weā€™re going to intentionally screw up dps balance this season by awarding a handful of specs with a legendary thatā€™s meant to make them more powerful than everyone else? Is that OK with you?ā€
Players: unsubscribe

Thank you again for providing yet another insanely insightful comment to this thread.

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Iā€™ve seen you even a year before all over paladin forums insulting people left and right and you do the same here too. Why do you even comment here if this is all that you can contribute? 3630 post :smiley: made by you ā€¦maybe go outside and start living an actual life and dont spend it all here on the forums insulting others ā€¦consider doing something more productive with your time please!

Also you work with a false premise since ret paladins are ā€œnot middle of the packā€ now like you stated they are at the very bottom with 90th percentile in mythic and heroic raid both and the numbers dont change much if you go down to 80th percentileā€¦
For m+ they are also somewhat below the half line which is not surprising when they are one of the few dps classes that have builds that either sacrifice massive amount of aoe or massive amount of st damage so you have to pick and chose which one do you want to be good at while most other dps spec are strong at both at the same time they just have to change their rotation within the same build.

Also arguing that the lego will boost them to the top is funny when we have the simmed numbers so we know that wont happenā€¦ also the lego would have that same ā€œboosting effectā€ you hallucinating here for the other dps specs that can get the lego boosting them too with the same amount when they are already aheadā€¦

But hey im not surprised you are here provoking people when you are playing with one of the top specs that are ~20% ahead in dps compared to 20 other dps specs that fall behind for no other reason than bad balance and no updates this week for retail about class balance :smiley:
and lets not pretend that DH is a super complicated dps spec, I have one as an alt just like apparently you do and even on that alt Iā€™m ksh unlike you and I cleared HC raid multiple times unlike you :smiley: and yes I tend to top the dps meter in raid even when Iā€™m not gonna claim Iā€™m the best DH ever :smiley: because Iā€™m notā€¦ and Iā€™m top 1-2-3 all the time effortlessly.
Consider not coming on the paladin forums to insult them because that is kinda pointless and a miserable thing to spend your time on. And dont bother replying to this because I wont read your response. You are clearly a troll here trying to provoke people and annoy them. You should be banned from this forum considering the fact that for at least a year you been doing this which is toxic behavior and you are just baiting people into arguments to anger or annoy them.


If they bring back woa reset at 50% proc chance i will be instantly be way happier with ret paladin. That proc was awesome for a couple of reasons:

1: Holy power generation, 1 builder 1 spender.
2: Plain cool
3: Good aoe and st damage
4: 50% is high enough for it to not feel like you are starved of procs
5: less wasted art of war procs, you know when your boj is almost off cd and you get a art of war proc? Yea, if that was a woa proc you would get both boj and woa.
6: It would fit even better right now due to the fact that you can choose to opt into 1 holy power boj with 2 charges.
7: better haste scaling

By comparison right now you just do a pretty big woa because of all the modifiers, literally who cares. I would totally trade seething flames and a weaker dot for woa reset all day everyday.

Then they need to fix the aoe vs st problem.

But it is imperative that they bring back woa reset, that stuff was the bomb.

I didnā€™t mind seraphim either, but they should remove the holy power cost at least. And there was no reason to remove the passive proc of seraphim on art of war. Itā€™s literally passive.

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Summary "You dared to disagree with me. Since Iā€™m not smart enough to debate the points Iā€™ll look at your post count and make inferences about your life. Iā€™ll look at the class you posted on and choose some other insults.

Then since I have no sense of irony Iā€™ll decide that you should be banned but me saying ā€˜do something with your lifeā€™ was appropriate, Iā€™ll also mock peoples rio score and pvp rating, all while hiding behind different alts"


It wasnt disagreement on his/her part it was simple insult targeting another commenter and not the comment.
I made some observations ā€¦for ecample you have 12536 post too which is a lot so you clearly spend a lot of time here on to forums ā€¦that is not read by the devs so you are here to engage with other players. This is fine but if you are like the other commenter who targeted someone to insult them as a person then you are not engaging in something productive, you rather do something toxic which bring 0 value to anyone. And if she/he is a troll that thrives on this that is pretty sad ā€¦which is a fact.

Also you either misread or purposefully altered what I wrote in you ā€œsummaryā€.
IF you read the posts I reacted to you would understand my point but you clearly didnt. Also you are another name I frequently saw on the paladin threads :smiley: you can keep your clown emoji, it suits you well.

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I main one and I donā€™t hide it, unlike you.

The Re work failed i knew when they removed seraphim and hand of hinderance ret will be done after nerfs single target is not good

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Itā€™s hard to not notice it when someone has thousands of posts, and they appear under virtually every thread on this forum. The fact that all of his, (and also your) comments are usually just condescending nonsense, that usually have nothing to do with the theme of the conversation, makes it even easier to notice. You two literally live your lives on this forum. Seems like a sad life, but correct me if Iā€™m wrong, correct me if you find joy in writing the most sad, pathetic comments under every thread, either attacking a person, or defending Blizzardā€™s scummy practices. Yes, Iā€™m being personal here, since you are also getting personal almost all the time.

And btw itā€™s you who started speaking again about literally anything else, except the topic.

Seraphim was as exciting as equipping a stat stick trinket. Because itā€™s literally the same thing. It was the most boring active ability in the entire game, I donā€™t understand what you are on about.


Scroll up, thats actually you. Less than a day ago, might wanna check that short term memory champ.

Everyone talked about the topic, until you came along to spam and troll this thread with your toxic crap, as usual. And you still havenā€™t said a single word about the original topic.

But GJ, you just earned a lifetime ignore from me. You doesnā€™t worth a single second of my life as itā€™s all just wasted anyway.