Please fix flamelash (dead realm)

don’t worry you are the best we all know that XD

Lol you are one of those guys making lvl 1 horde, spamming in org arent you. Get kicked off more servers plz :smiley:

i have 0 toon on your server :smiley: don’t worry man you are THE BEST

I mean I havent said “im the best once”. But I am glad you recognize it. Lol looking at your other posts you call people that a lot. Pity you are so mad you got run off our server. I enjoyed it.

I never played on Flamelash :slight_smile: Try again but you show the salt to anyone now.

Lol so you are a troll that knows nothing about it? Thx for the outing yourself. Seem salty for some1 that “didnt” get run off the server, lmao you fooling nobody.

End of convo.

You can reroll ally.


Don’t worry the salt will never end :smiley: Enjoy pve server mate.

But seriously i never played / transfered from your pve realm :wink: Try again salty boy

“End of convo” lmao

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Basicaly you faction won

For now

You will have bgs tho, and i am sure that some people would play alliance there over because of the extreme challenge they may face in contested territory.

Do not lose the hope yet.

Truth was spoken here.

Damn, alliance are salty. So a level 51 warlock is the reason for all your hurts?

Damn how small minded alliance players truly are. Rude, arrogant, selfish morons…

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It’s funny how group identity works man, look at this. smh, the irony.

08:58 (Only 49 alliance players on Flamelash) lmao…

9 level 60s
7 level 51-59.
33 people between 1-40.

Now I just did /who 60 on my main realm and boom 50 people instantly (50 is max limit) - I feel sorry for the remaining alliance players on flamelash.

So it seems some ppl seems to roll a toon as alliance though

Think I was the only level 1 online at the time (Made a character originally, but rerolled later on to another server due to queues :stuck_out_tongue:)

No alliance player is going to have fun on that realm.

This is the reward for constantly ganking flight paths, boats at harbours and people trying to hand in quests at neutral camps.

I hope that tiny amount of honour that got a rank or two was worth it. I just hope other horde on other servers learn from this before other servers end up like this.


Unfortunatly even on our server, horde seems total HBC

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I am one of those sad souls left there alone on flamelash alliance side since i didn’t get a chance to transfer during the short window, this is all fine and dandy, there is one guild left on the whole alliance side on that server we all group together.

But one would think that people on the horde side would have realised that they screwed up and the server is dead and would behave a bit better. But no, the ganking continues, level 60’s waiting at flight path in level 50 zones for a little bit of honor points.

Please just kill the server, redistribute the rest of us to other servers and kill this situation. Cause like this i am just gonna stop playing, all the fun is gone, its just misery that blizz should have seen coming.


the amount of likes your post got is a testament to how rekt the alliance are in general.
kek zug zug no bur :ok_hand:

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pfahhahahah look at the amount of smug comments from alliance on this thread, hilarious tbh. its like they’ve been looking for an opportunity to be this smug for months and they finally got their chance.