Please fix flamelash (dead realm)

Imho nothing wrong here.

Horde players fixing their lack of skill with overwhelming numbers, which is plausible lore-wise. They deny Alliance any form of gameplay, and then are left stranded on a dead server. Again, plausible lore wise - remember how horde ruined Draenor? Should be quarantined there.

Let them stay, never open transfers again (maybe except for the few Alliance who remained), and exclude this server from battlegroups. Do not speed up AQ gate event (#nochanges). It’s fine, just let it rot.


You got your server killed off by blizz . What to expect. Now they want paid transfers to be the solution .

Maybe they could add some sort of ‘world PvP buff’, reducing damage done and stun durations from other players for the disadvantaged faction, based on the relative rates of PvP kills from each faction?

But I suspect it would have to escalate to quite silly levels on some servers… althought that might encourage players to play on more balanced servers, rather than join the dominant faction on an already-imbalanced server?

If people are apes and like camping flightpaths thats what we all deserve.Now all cry to blizzard because of that.Many horde players think that its alliance fault cause they didnt win the fight.Even if they win the fight all horde have to do is release spirit and reclaim it back cause they never accept defeat.Population won its not about skills in pvp its about how many are in horde and how many in alliance simple.Happend to me to do a raid to cleanse the lands from hordes.We won we take it back and then after 1 hour they where there again camping the flight path i dont have time to raid 24 hours cause horde players have no life time.

You got what you deserved. Ganking the minority faction until they leave and then cry that there is nobody left to gank.

Meanwhile the players that were wise enough to leave this sinking ship called Flamelash are probably thriving with their new characters somewhere else.

So in the end there are no winners, but there is one big loser and that is ofc the horde. They must be really invested in their characters there so leaving for a different server is probably not an option for them.

Sad for you, you seem to be a decent casual who did not gank endlessly. Your faction buddies did. And boy it must have been A fun couple of weeks, ganking a few Gnomes until they ultimately left the ship.

Tbh mate, don’t wait for Blizz, just leave it and follow the gnomes somewhere else.


So you are blaming blizzard for “Human Behavior”.

Is easy for them to balance the server. Turn half of the horde to alliance by force and solved. I bet none will complain… emm… Scratch that. People will be like : “But i like horde, make others like alliance”. Blizzard sucks.

Lets try something else:

Cap factions? maybe allow 3-5k on each faction. Once the cap is reached only the less faction can be created… emm… scratch that. People will be like : "why should i be forced to play a faction just because the other one is capped?. Blizzard sucks taking away my freedom to roll on any server/faction i like/want.

Lets try something else.

Bring cross realms. Heavy alliance server with Heavy Horde server. That should fix it… emm… Scratch that… People will be like : “That wasn’t is classic, you are ruining my classic experience”. Blizzard sucks for enforcing CRZ.

Blizzard should just stop listening to people. If a server is dead or if only horde is on, Open transfers to a server that only alliance is on. Those who move, good for them, those who stay behind just suck it up or reroll.

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Let’s say it the same way Horde tells Alliance when they crying on the forums:
“This is PvP server, you should have known.”


You are joking right? It was Alliance that started camping BRM with multiple raid groups in the first week the honor system was introduced. Alliance were camping flight paths as much as Horde. Venture spent a week camping the entrance to DM making it impossible for horde players to even get into DM… but sure, it was all the nasty Horde players making you feel you had no option but to leave. You, along with the rest that all simultaneously quit, are a joke. I personally blame Blizzard for Flamelash’s plight however. To open free migration the week before BGs were due to open was a massive mistake. The World PVP chaos would have calmed down because all the tryhards would be sat farming honor in AV instead of camping flightpaths.

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I don’t think it matters who it was who was doing the camping. It works both ways. It just happens to be horde that do it more due to the severe faction imbalance.

No one is saying alliance never do it. The point is, is that a certain behaviour from players will get a certain response from others.

horde was telling us ‘PvP haPpEnEd oN pvP sErvEr’, ‘PvE SeRveRs ExiSt’

so im sorry, just gonna ignore you and say you got what you deserved.


Woah, just reading through this threat…
How the hell can so many people be so braindead.
‘Just reroll’, ‘You got what you deserved’, ‘it’s a transfer server, what did you expect?’.

I don’t play that server, but it seems pretty clear to me that the issue started with giving a server like flamelash free transfers. Why? From what i hear, there was no lag, no queue, a healthy population and around 60-40 ratio in favor of horde (which is fine btw - 60-40 in either direction is FINE).
And yes, now im gonna say it was a PVP server. CUS IT WAS, how can you be mad about choosing a pvp server and getting killed? All i hear from this, is that the alliance got completely smashed beyond 60-40 ratio. Just completely abolished. Their only chance is to run off the server, which shouldn’t have been possible, and then go on to the forums and say “Haha, we got you. That is what you deserve. Next time don’t kill us, or we will run again! We will run untill you all reroll”.

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Whilst I am a fan of “PvP solutions to PvP problems” and I agree servers relatively balanced probably shouldn’t have transfers away, the issue lies not with the faction imbalances, in my opinion, but the sheer numbers on a server.

There are so many people on a server they can camp everywhere which means there is no respite. A more Vanilla like population level would make it much more difficult for the douchebags, remember not everyone agrees to the mass ganking 24/7 regardless of faction they play, to be everywhere all the time.

Next step : paid transfers
Blizzard create problems, they sell solution

Yes that is exactly it, paid transfers is/was a mistake, if any transfers was needed, it should be free with some kind of limitations so that subscribers that already pay could have a good experience playing wow without forcing people to pay more for it.

Love the way you plot this situation into the lore. They should be left there and the server should be a warning to everyone.

I understand it’s a game and people should never cry about being ganked, even when you are outnumbered 3 to 1 or worse. But tbh you can take it too far.

The story of Flamelash reminds me of the common story of the fat kid who got jumped and bullied by 10 other kids everyday before and after school. They told him he should leave and how everyone hated him. In the end the bullied kid left the school to go somewhere else and then the bullies found out they actually loved him and needed him. Later on the felt a certain regret about it, but the kid who left the school was actually happy some place else.

Horde represents the 10 bullying kids.
Alliance represents the one who left

10 hordes doing /y #gobacktoretail after they killed a lowb multiple times got real. And now they regret it and want them to come back.

It doesn’t work that way boys. Luckily the alliance guys weren’t invested too much since most of them were still leveling. They can start somewhere else and have a good time. The decked out horde community loses, they are decked out with gear and can’t just leave these toons…

BIG Q_Q for them.

Oh and this works very well with the real lore. Horde screwed up their own world because they thought they wanted more power, when they finally got that power and destroyed their own world, they wanted their old world back.

Moral of the story: hordes don’t learn and they are actually stupid. Be careful what you wish for, you might actually get it.

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It’s not a problem. Look at it this way Allied forces pushed won vs nasis in WW2 and no one complained. We won vs alliance feels good. It’s like first realm in 15 years where one fraction actually won :slight_smile:

I se this as an Fraction win first in WoW’s history. Alliance scum got pushed to oblivion. Now Me and ALL My mates enjoy farming Ore Skins herbs like never before. Only Horde QQ comes from rogue basterds that only rolled to gank well anyone anywhere no matter what level and frost mages. I love tears of both dont matter if they allyu or Horde.

We dont play for any ranks ect just fun so if we want some pvp action we will queue in to WSG where PvP is way to win :slight_smile:

Wow, Hordies did a number on you😂 The PTSD is real with this one. bur

Will not be saying that when your server never gets AQ and its Faction btw.

You guys won! Run naked through Stormwind! Mine, horde gold, do battlegrounds, gear up, transfer to ZT. Rinse and repeat :smirk: