Please fix flamelash (dead realm)

You didnt won, blizz free transfer won, but dont understand why there is still no free transfer for 10 ally players left on server.

Sure mate but it must be sad to not see any alliance in the world right? If there would come a day that I would be able to walk around in a world that is 99% safe for me I think that could be fun for a few days. In the end you play PvP server because you want some WPvP right?

I understand it’s nice to get all the herbs and ores but that gets old. You might as well play pve server or play some casual SP action rpg where you are untouchable.

The first in the history of WoW where horde has had 100% Victory!!!

Great faction win btw mate :joy:. Pushing 3 gnomes into oblivion with thousands of hordes.

It would be really cool if you would now be able to actually place some horde NPC’s in SW and IF and place your HS there.

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100% win when the battle was between 5000 hordes and 100 alliance.

Great victory.

That’s the same as the full might of the US Army marching into Belgium with a 1000 / 10 ratio and claiming a huge victory.

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Good luck with that WsG and AV are being owned by alliance because in 10 v 10 and 40 v 40 fair fights you are skillless and unable to win.

this man really out here comparing Alliance to national socialists circa 1945.

horrific analogy aside:

PvE goals. :joy:

Silvermoon wants to know your location.

Ever heardd about cross fraction AH ?? We got deal with Ally side to send them resources over so they can open it. What You think about that ??

But You assume me and my mated do pvp for wins not fun. Dont care about pvp rank pvp gear. We just go kill some die some and have fun does not matter if we win or loose on BG’s.

Btw won most of bgs after raid last night.

You even know the amounts needed for gates to be open . Even if you priced each auction as 1 copper its going to take you months to double farm eveything .

Fraction = maths problem.

Faction = Horde and Alliance.

Win is a win and we had Fun doing it. You cant take away Fun. Ask anyone We play with. We are still havng a blast.

I don’t get how Blizzard can just stay dead silent on these issues. Isn’t that the job of community managers? Or did they fire them all?

I know it will take months AND ?? You assume we actually care if we kill stuff this month or year later.

By the time you open the gates Naxx will be out and please dont compare what you did to WW2 thats vile and disgusting.

Thanks that was my intention. My granddad was actually killed in Poland in WW2 and i dont have to care about your feels .
Does not matter for us at slightest we still be playing daily anyway. If nax comes out first then we just skipp AQ.

You are one vile troll i pity you .

Thanks for ace compliment mate made my day and I’m not even joking or trolling. I am vile human always been and I like it. You can meet me IR’l and find out how Vile i can be in your’s face haha.

And you think its allright?


Yup its a free world and anybody can be whoever and whatever he wants. last time I checked.

That’s good! In the end that’s all that matters.