Please give 300 profession skill with boost. Thanks

Can I please request that if you buy the L58 boost you should also get a profession that’s already leveled to 300. It makes no sense that we can go straight to Outland at L58 but still have to farm old world for mats and takes away the whole point of the boost.

I guess 99% of all TBC players are gonna be unlearning their usual profs and learning LW, so why not just give everyone 300 LW? If you’re one of the few who want a different prof then you just unlearn LW and get those 300 points refunded.


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No thanks.


The answer is no.

The boost exists to be able to start playing faster.
It doesn’t exist to hand you the equivalent of 1000g in Materials.

And before someone tries to make an argument from this along the lines of “hihihi why is this okay, and that isn’t cuz it’s almost dah same thing hihihi!?!” … for the same reason why 5000$ gets you a used Volkswagen, but not a used Lamborghini. Even though they are almost the same (both are used cars). :stuck_out_tongue:


No. You already get to start in outlands like the rest of us. Go level profs when you hit max level.


No thank you. Lvl 58 boost is already something sensitive to the community already as it is.


I’ll be buying a boost, but getting 300 skill profession would just make it a bot heaven lol.
They can just farm the mats for transmute > transmute > etc
Same with tailoring with the cloth.
You’d get people instantly boosting like 20-30 characters on different accounts just to get their transmutes/tailoring done instead of investing into them lol.

Are you trolling? If so: good job! If not: No. Just no.



Instead I would like to request #stoptheboost. it makes no sense that losers who dont want to put in time and effort to their characters to get their levels with irl money.



100%! boosting makes no sense :smiley:


Because getting boosted by mages in dungeons should get their levels to max instead? :joy: :joy:
Exactly the same concept :man_shrugging:

And tameable giraffes please.

And purchasable umbrellas from the cash shop, just in case it rains.


Who said that? Where are you getting your gold to pay the mage?

No boosted professions.

But then again I think the OP is trolling.

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we all know the answer…

Who said the mage is getting paid?
They use 2 accounts and boost their alts as well :man_shrugging:

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Thus using disposable income to literally skip progress in game, instead of playing the game “as intended”.

Aka. doing the exact same thing as someone who buys a boost from Blizzard.

But, for some inexplicable reason, the Anti-Boosters seem to have zero Problems with that, but the Boost is the source of all Evil.


Exactly, multi boxing is also bad for the game as well - since they’re paying more than intended after all :wink:

Its the same concept only if you are a loser who buys gold.

Yes and I think this is fine cause first you need to level a mage, get gear and learn the boosts. If they want to use their knowledge to boost their own alts they deserve it. It really isnt as simple as swiping a credit card-


Gold isn’t hard to get in classic :man_shrugging:
You can earn thousands in a day quite easily.

You’re paying for another account, thus gaining an advantage in-game.
This is a form of P2W, I’m afraid.
Which is worse than a boost :man_shrugging:
Nothing says P2W like 5 multiboxing shamans all hitting you at once.