Please give 300 profession skill with boost. Thanks

It’s not the same concept though, because even if you’re getting boosted by a mage it still requires that you spend time;
1.Obtaining gold to get boosted in the first place
2.While you are only afking at the start, someone is actually doing the dungeon for you, so the dungeon is still being completed.

I’ve already said that the mage isn’t getting paid as he’s boosting 4 of his alts.
It’s pretty much the same thing :man_shrugging:
I’ll be enjoying the boosts on my paladin/hunter anyway :slight_smile:

Let us make a point for the 1% of the situation, so it is ok for the other 99%.

Have I said that im against people buying boosts with gold? If they have earned their gold with legit in game methods its up to them where they want to spend it.

This logic really doesnt apply here. Nowadays its almost impossible to play multiple accounts efficiently cause they (thank God) banned those multiboxing softwares.

But you can, it just can’t be automated anymore.
I know several multiboxers that can still do it :man_shrugging:

It’s also up to people how they spend their real life $$ on the game :slight_smile:

Geez, how easy do you want to make it? If you start now you could level a toon and get your professions up.

bugger off to retail, please, with this nonsense.

hey pls give BIS gear and increase lvl boost to 70 while you’re at it.
oh and sell rep tokens for IRL money… and pls give full raid attunement with boost pls…
…and implement mount shop, faction/race change… and etc. etc.

because i can’t be arsed playing the game.

that’s you.

how you gonna pay a mage to boost you without gold?
and no, its far from the same concept you dunce.

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Which a lot of people do, and they can even do so without breaking any of Blizzards rules: Buy Token, get Retail Gold, Exchange RetailGold<->Classic Gold, Pay Mage for boost.

This is a fact.

So, there really is no difference between the two concepts;
Both allow for people to pay RL Money to skip leveling.

I’ll even turn the whole thing around and argue that they are the same in both directions:

People who farm gold ingame can pay a mage.
People who farm gold ingame can find a retail player who wants to exchange classic ↔ retail gold, buy wow tokens and pay the subscription fee equivalent of the boosts cost (a dollar saved is a dollar earned).


except for the fact that buying gold is against TOS and is a bannable offense.
the fact blizzard aren’t enforcing their own rules is the only way your argument even works.

just like botting is a bannable offense, but they aren’t in a particular hurry to address that mess either, and the 58 boost per acc actually helps the botters more than anyone else, which is ironic.

basically, when a botter gets caught once every 7th blood moon, they can just buy a new account and basically continue where they left off after having their bot level by killing mobs for a day or two.

its a complete catastrophy.

EDIT: trading classic gold for retail gold carries a huge risk of being scammed btw. hence why nobody does it.

Buying Gold from 3rd Party MoneyTraders is bannable.

That’s true, but doesn’t change my argument.

It may not be as common now as it was a few months ago, when people were still leveling lots of characters, but its far from “nobody does it”. Also, it doesn’t change my argument either. I am providing a train of thought to show that both kinds of boosts can be conceptually equivalent, which is independent of actual use of this equivalence.

That’s true, but doesn’t change my argument.

Yeah it does, because your argument doesn’t include the risk of being scammed, yet says its the same thing… basically if it was to be the same thing, there’d be a 50-80% chance that when you buy something from blizzard, that you lose your money and gain nothing.

Because it’s not relevant to my argument.

Again, I endeavored to show that the 2 are conceptually equivalent. Whether this is harder to pull off in one of them, doesn’t change that.

how is that not relevant lmao

explained in the very next sentence.

The fact that Blizzard is giving, not free and just once, a Boost doesn’t enable us to ask all sort of things that will make the game burnout asap.

Start farming LW mats right now.


Because people buy gold from bots for the boosts :slight_smile:

yeah and thats considered cheating according to TOS and should result in an account ban, however blizzard doesn’t seem to mind. but that’s a different problem.

if blizzard enforced their own rules people wouldn’t buy gold and thus wouldn’t be able to afford mage boosts.

Nothing more cheating than the mages exploiting the ZG pathing for the boosts as well.
But do you think that Blizzard would ban these people?
They take months and months just to ban the bots.