Please give 300 profession skill with boost. Thanks

i’d rather blizzard banned those mages than sell boosts yeah.

Absolutely not. You were granted privilege of skipping tedious Vanilla leveling, now move your lazy bottom and farm some stuff.

I don’t care about boosts at all unlike loud delusional drama queens of this forum, but maxed professions is absolute no-go.

that was a good one: doublestandards here we go again. Its flawless! Its even in the next sentence :smiley:
Thanks i will look at that from time to time to have a good laugh.

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They should sell profession boosts on the shop too imho.

It’s tedious and boring. People buy gold with money and level professions with it anyway. It doesn’t affect anyone else. Let people play however they want. I have 9 cats 13 wives and 24 different jobs so I can’t play the game. It will make more new players to play the game.I have friends that will only play if there is a profession boost. Blizzard is a company let them make money.

I just want the profession boost. Buuuust WAAA BUUUUST WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

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Thank you for putting that there so i can have a good laugh even longer.


Slippery slope deniers? Where art thou?

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Double standards? I call it realistic judgment.

You people are completely delusional if you think that writing walls of text on this forum is going to change business decision of multi-billion corporation. Even more so on the forum, that according to some, none from Blizzard staff reads.

And it goes even better. If, I repeat IF, some of you put your money where your mouth is and really quit, then good riddance. And let be realistic you scream loud but you will suck it up as usual. Few things to keep in mind:

  • first of all boosts will be priced at cost of 3-4 monthly subs.
  • second of all they will likely bring many new subs, be it new players or people paying for 2nd, 3rd or so account
  • demand for WoW tokens will surge due to demand for TBC gold. No matter if the source of gold is old players or botters.

So, as you see, all you peple have lost already. Calculations were done, business decision have been made and all of you are just insignificant collateral damage.


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For the boost can we also be given max reputation tokens for classic reps and full tier 3 please. It’s old content so it shouldn’t affect anyone’s gameplay anyway.

Hey Bobby, is that you?

Send us the pictures of your new yacht please.

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Jesus people don’t you know feeding the troll is dangerous!

i advise you to google the definiton and try to relate to what i wrote.

People started boosting once the bot problem got out of hand and ressource prices went so low that farming wasnt efficient for them anymore if you think the way forward is to enable bots even more while punishing players that invent creative ways to make gold in a f’ed up state of the economy you’re a moron.

People started boosting after realising it’s a lot faster than leveling up regularly.
The economy in general is in terrible states, because everyone knows how to earn gold.
It’ll be the same with TBC, fresh servers or gold cap.
It’s not like it’s hard to earn several hundred gold a day(even thousands) by doing simple things :man_shrugging:

Yea and add full naxx gear in your mailbox on top of that to start the “journey” better, maybe even the gold needed to get flying as soon as you hit 70

Why play the game when you can just buy yourself everything, right?

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Does make sense to blizzards pocket tho ;). The greedyness :confused:

Shhh don’t wake em up. They can’t bring it all together at once, it will cause a lot of fuss.

They are doing it right, one step after another. Slowly but surely. Let’s just get the profession boost after level boosts and store mounts. Then maybe add a wow token. After a year or so maybe a gear shop. Everything is on the table.

Don’t rush things too much! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

What is the use of giving players a boosted profession skill?
I am not a fan of boosts in general…we did all our leveling the hard way…and it is part of the learning curve and the game. This way, there is zero investment in learning the class and you get end level characters who barely know how to play.

A end level char in Ghostlands or BFA plays different then those on Vanilla or TBC

the problem with OP is that he feels that is way behind the rest of players and has a mountain to climb to catch up. Thats why always said that boost is not a solution. Fresh TBC realms would be best for new players to start.

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