Please give Bloodlust to Priests and remove PI/make it self only

And pressing BL is?

Says the player that doesn’t care about your individual performance on the DPS meter, and cares about getting the job done as a team.

Meh, disagree. But we’re not going to see eye to eye on this one.

no, because Warcraft Logs doesn’t matter to me.

What does the graph say?

It SCREAMS NERF LOCKS… now, is it because of PI?? How tf should i know unless i take every one of those on the top and look at the logs?

This just proves my point that PI is idiotic as a buff, it pollutes the logs and should be deleted or made self-cast.


I’m sure those stacks of determination will increase your performance enough.

Ofc it doesn’t, PI doesn’t matter either to you, you just want it for “flavor”… same flavor we had with the MEANINGFUL CHOICE this expac regarding Covenants.

Jesus… Do you know how to read data? Now look at how many locks in that percentile are getting PI funneled into them. That is the sole reason they are that high.

I know how to read it just fine.
I didn’t look at all of those logs BECAUSE i wanted to prove a point that PI causes misleading logs.

And truth be told… i’m not going to spend time looking each time how valid those graphs are due to PI interference.

And to PROVE, like you said it’s PI causing this.

Out of 100 locks in TOP 100, 99… bloody 99 have 1 or more PI’s attached to their names.

Trash spell needs to get axed.

You’re building a really convincing and mature argument here.

Not really. I play to a higher level than you would expect. But I don’t push the top end of the game.

But I don’t see why “problems” that top end playing minority of players, should affect how the rest of the playerbase get to enjoy the game.

If you listened to the top end player, we would all be stick men and sticks and 1 button to hit the enemy. That would create the most balance experience for them.

Stop trying to dictate how other people should enjoy the game. If you don’t like it, move on to something else.

In case you missed it mister lock.

It doesn’t work like that.
You’re saying to keep PI, i’m saying to remove/make it self-cast.

I’m not telling you how to play.

Mr Paladin, it doesn’t matter. Your argument is heard, but it’s invalid. Move along and find something else to get angry about.

I have an argument and it’s not invalid, but you don’t even have an argument for keeping it.
Your opinion is practically irrelevant.

Your argument is this:

Remove PI because:

  • I don’t like it
  • I don’t play a class that get its.
  • It’s not fair Blizz!!!
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See this is why your opinion is irrelevant, you analysis skills are trash, since all you got was these:

I don’t think so. I just see class performing well, oh they had PI. Nothing polluting about that.

I’d argue Competitiveness is what is killing this game. But since this is important to you.

How exactly does this kill your competitiveness in a team? If anything it helps your team out by putting more damage where it matters.

Nobody is going to look at the DPS meter and think “Why isn’t Ray performing well? Oh he’s not a lock, so he didn’t get PI”.

If you think that all you have to bring to a Team is your DPS, then you will not be joining any Team I ever run, because I expect a lot more from you than just DPS!

Once again, a nothing statement. This literally means nothing! You’re saying that someone that gets PI is irrelevant. If they’re irrelevant, why did they get PI then?

So letting your team down. Remind me to forward this screenshot to your Raid leader later on.

99 out of TOP 100 Demo spec have PI… if you can’t even see that then there’s no discussion to be had over this.

It’s COMPETITIVENESS BETWEEN the PLAYERS, not against the bloody boss.

But ofc, someone who doesn’t care for mythic raiding won’t get that.
And that’s fine, really.

Don’t try to turn this into a “use your toolkit” crap, because i use mine just fine.

They’re irrelevant when looking at the DMG meter, because that’s NOT their DPS.
They can’t get compared to the rest of the DPS.

Oh and also it could be that you got PI and did just 11k DPS while the warrior did 12k without? Trash player bells in the background.
What? You had bad rng? Nah, lame excuse.

My raid leader is a dps “streetwalker” and asks for PI… ofc he doesn’t get it lmao.

Why isn’t that last guy getting it?

So you want an entire class to changed so you can play “Oh looked, I topped the damage meters”.

Come on mate. Seriously? We were playing that game back in Vanilla and TBC and even then we were getting told off by our raid leaders for doing it.

What matters is that the job gets done!

Good I’m glad you realise the vast majority of players don’t care about this pointless argument you’re trying to make.

Ah, so you are looking at the damage meters. You must be 14.

I think you’ll find it is.

I understand the point you are making. I really do. But I just think it’s time that you concentrated on other things than your Ego.

Then he’ll be very interested to hear that you would just remove aura on it.

Maybe they didn’t have a priest or maybe his buddy Destro lock got it?
And he got RNG lucky and got there?
Who knows?
But the other 99 players have no business being there like this.

If they had a button that cleared all PI logs, that’d be sweet.

If you as a player wanted to look at talent setups/gear/rotations of top players, you have to sift through all the trash PI logs.

The vast majority of players won’t care that it’s removed either, since they’re not affected. heh

Is this supposed to be a burn or something? Because it just shows your ignorance and how incapable you are of reading a damage meter to improve your own performance.

It’s not mister lock, it really isn’t.

I’ll concentrate on multiple things at once, as usual.
You saying that like it’s distracting shows how limited you are.

You know being in a guild means you’re free to speak whatever your grievances are, no?
It’s a guild not a prison.
Grow a backbone.

And Blizzard get accused of being the fun police.

Oh noes the logs, think of the logs.


I didn’t realize a 25% haste buff for only 1 player (2 with lego as priest gets it too) is fun, please… tell me more!

I mean that would make more sense than complete changing a class. Especially considering the reasons people want it changed is purely selfish.

Not really. We use PI as well.

Not really. I perform to a standard I’m happy with and play at the level I want to play at. I know how to read a damage meter, I’ve played this game for many years. Have been in some top guilds in the early days of WoW.

I have just realised that I can still enjoy playing the game without that level of autism. In fact, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that now I don’t worry about the smallest details in performance, I actually enjoy the game a lot more now.

If anything, it’s those tools which are destroying the game. Mythic raiding is bad for this game. M+ is bad of this game. The game was a lot better and friendlier when it was more linear.

Says the person who are calling anybody who gets PI irrelevant :man_facepalming: When he could just take into account that player got PI.

But you’re willing to let your team down if someone gives you PI.

Ah, realises he’s losing his argument, so he starts to turn toxic.

You need to re-evaluate your life if one player getting a haste buff makes you this upset.

It’s one of my grievances with the Priest class. It doesn’t make me UPSET irl.
What makes me upset is on a whole different platter.

Wanting to keep it like it is is just as selfish.

You die to world content normal mobs, Billy, what does it matter?

Ableist much?
and you call me

By getting PI, they are becoming irrelevant, since that’s not their damage, that’s the priests’s damage boosting them. As such, any numbers you see on that DMG meter regarding that player, are irrelevant.
That player might as well not have been there for that try as far as being relevant to comparing to the rest of the dps.

It’s a game Billy, i’m not letting anybody down.
If i say i don’t want PI and i still get it, it means someone isn’t listening to me.
So ofc i’ll fix that in any way that i can.

P.S. This shows exactly why i should consider your opinions completely irrelevant:

Bad take.

What a ridiculously stupid idea.

Might as well remove all mechanics that needs a single player to interact because if someone does the mechanic they lose precious seconds when they could dps. Such pollution, can’t have that!

Also remove Innervate and Kindred Spirits for the same reasons.
And might as well remove all utilities, dispels, interrupts because they also take time to use and therefore POLLUTE MUH DAMAGE.

Jesus Christ.