Please give Bloodlust to Priests and remove PI/make it self only

Always the LFR players with the hot garbage takes on this.

Explain why keeping a Class Talent the way it is, the way it works perfectly fine as intended, for a fun and enjoyable game for everyone is a selfish act.

Whining about a Class talent because you stare at DPS meters for your own Ego boost IS the definition of selfish.

Can’t think of a single time I’ve used PI in World Content. Maybe when killing a rare. But I generally use it when I do M+, you know giving it to the player that brings the team.

I don’t get your point?

If you think I’m calling you Autistic that’s not the case. And I would definitely like to point out that is no way shape or form any kind of insult. Its a measurement of how much attention to the most minutest of detail you put in. When I work on Auction House, I’m at some extreme levels.

No, it’s the priest buffing them so they can do more Damage.

It’s kind of like back in the day when a Warrior would always go around with a Pocket Healer.

I understand where you are coming from. But by all means, make a button that removes PI from the logs.

But asking to change an entire class and further more THE GAME, just for your Ego Boost to see yourself a little higher on your DPS meter, is just selfish!

Not really. Because what happens is you get threads like this one, which come up and ask for the game to be changed because 0.1% of players don’t like the way it’s been designed.

So you’ll remove a damage increase, and hence forth let down the entire team.

Yep… toxic elitists. trying to ruin WoW 1 whine nerf post at a time.

You know what’s the most hilarious part in this? Describing me as “LFR player” trying and failing to discredit me, when all I do is clear it once on LFR, and otherwise mostly play M+ and stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

Nothing against casuals and LFR players by the way, and the game should be fun, interesting and varied for them too, WoW SHOULDN’T cater only to the hardest of hardcore anyway, and definitely shouldn’t cater to idiots who completely miss the point of a co-op game and only jerk off to dps meters.

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I don’t get why PI is hated that much, the objective is to beat the boss ? It’s a team job you don’t care if it mate got it and not u, at the end you wil beat the boss easier, juste because of pride and all you want a buff which is a great way to win to disappear, juste because of pride you want less chance to win ? I don’t get it maybe I’m missing something.

And about the BL as a shammy I feel the soul of my class is fading as much as a lot of class have it, I would make more sense to keep it to shammy and pals in my mind, the alliance and hord class, I get that only shammy is strange because of making it the all mighty BL class but hunt doesn’t sound logic to me already

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You’re completely right, and that is exactly why PI remains in the game.

I have been accused of dying doing World Content and only doing LFR as well.

The truth is, I don’t Raid at all because I don’t enjoy it. The exact nature of Log checking is what I did for years and I then I realised you can play the game without it, and its just so much better now.

But I do M+. Up to 15’s anyway. Anything above that is just pointless imo. I appreciate +20 seems to be the goal posts nowadays. But I don’t need that at the moment.

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Would be cool for the other stats to get a raid wide buff ability for some classes, imagine a Warlock being able to throw a mastery buff on the whole raid/party or something like that.

@Happiness @Lysende
Just because you do LFR once in a blue moon, it proves that you don’t have any good takes on why the spell is regarded as hot trash at higher difficulties of the raid.

And nobody cares about m+ having the buff or not, really.

Raid wide buffs are cool.
Having a Disc priest having a raid wide cooldown reducing buff, like Ineffable Truth, that would be bomb, to combine with BL.

You beat the boss sure, but that’s partial to why it matters for DPS to not have an intrusive buff such as PI.
DPS players are competitive in nature, you’re ALL beating the boss, so that’s irrelevant.
What’s relevant is who is top dog on the meters.

That’s one of the FUN parts of raiding, being competitive with the other DPS.

When one of the other DPS gets the PI buff… everyone else disregards his dmg as it was boosted.

See just assuming we only do LFR. I smell the toxins in the air now xD

Needless, just because we don’t do Mythic raiding, doesn’t mean that we can’t form an opinion on why it’s a useful tool in other content, such as M+.

Stop denying people a say because they enjoy different content to you. You’re asking for a change which affects the entire game, not just “higher difficulties of raid”.

That’s like saying nobody cares about Mythic raiding. I’m sure you’re going to get offended by that. But it’s the truth for a lot of players.

At the end of the day, Why should Mythic raid dictate the way everyone plays the game. Don’t try and ruin the game for everyone else just because you’re not happy about something.

So this was a cry about “ruining” DPS meters all along? Reminds me of arguments about kill stealing in games where last hits don’t even matter.

Also since most players don’t raid maybe we should disregard raiders’ opinions according to OP’s logic about what players care about? :thinking:

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I don’t assume. lmao
I’m an analyst i analyze the information that i have at my disposal.

  • March 8: Ephemeral Plains - Vigilant Guardian; Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener; Artificer Xy’mox; Halondrus the Reclaimer

  • March 22: Cornerstone of Creation - Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle; Prototype Pantheon; Lihuvim, Principal Architect

  • April 5: Domination’s Grasp - Anduin Wrynn; Lords of Dread; Rygelon

  • April 19: The Grand Design - The Jailer, Zovaal

The first 3 are a few days after the LFR is open.
You killed Zovall much later than that, so you just postponed him for a while for some reason… not like he matters. lmao

And LFR was open later than the natural progression of the raid.
So yes, you did LFR.

Care to say why it DOESN’T ruin dps meters?
Why it doesn’t ruin logs?

Say why it’s good to have?
Or are you just here cause nobody likes to party with you?

You don’t even have LFR done… hah

Farming Tillers rep?

You better not have a look at the DF priest tree.


It’s not that it doesn’t ruin it, it just implies what I think about an argument like that, I thought that was obvious. Sadly I don’t have pretty words to describe it.

Also I see I’m dealing with an elitist who thinks that because I play the game differently my opinion doesn’t matter. We’re not going to see eye to eye so I think we’re done here.

LOL what do you think this thread is all about?

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The OP doesn’t say anything about DF trees. PI threads pop up regularly.

I did… and oh boy, it’s like all of the priests were all praying for it to be trash.
Ofc they didn’t, but here we are!

I mean, to give some examples from just glancing over:
a) The Shadow tree has its base almost full of utility… which would have been better placed in the common Class Priest tree.

b) This is trash on a whole different level, see here we have after the 20points line, ANOTHER 22 points available to spend, and getting here means you’ve spent 20 points already so you have 10 points to spend in a total of 22. Which is less than half.
Now… compare that to Unholy, which has 14 points there to spend, so they could spend 10/14 as opposed to 10/22… see the difference?
Compare to Frost which has 14 as well… so again 10/14 possible.
Compare to Feral which has 17 which is high as well… you can get 10/17, but it’s still a whole of a lot better than 10/22.
Also, the Holy and Disc trees have 19… so they get to spend 10/19 there at a maximum.
But for Shadow since the bottom is strangled with utility, it means most of the dps talents are in the upper part, which they won’t be able to get, so the issue is even more exacerbated.

c) Maybe something changed… maybe, but i see in the middle of the trees, the arrows go UP, so you need to go UP, and can’t go through the middle for some reason, but maybe Blizz forgot about their rules??

That was from looking 10 mins at them while eating some yogurt with a bagel 1h ago or so.
I can’t bear to look anymore now… maybe later.
But so far, it’s been a letdown compared to the other classes shown… very much so.

Yes we are Chromie! I hear some player wanting to hang out in Draenor, so go and sort him out please and thank you for your service. /salute

I see ur point and i think the reason why i don’t understant and like PI and maybe a lot of person do is beacause i don’t chase for the top damage, i keep an eye on it to motivate myself but if i’m not first even last one i don’t really care i’m prouf of the part i done and proud of my mates and proud of the victory. And the one who topped damaged with PI, well he is my all-might, the one i see as a superhero and who motivate me, it’s even more motivating when the top is way above i think. And for this and those who just focus on ONE objective : boss down. For those 2 cases i think PI is an exellent spell

In farm raids, the objective is often to push your geared out character to the best of your ability and see how you do compared to other players of that spec on warcraftlogs. PI kinda ruins those rankings.

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That’s great… but from my point of view, anyone receiving it is basically boosted.
That’s not entirely their DPS, that’s the priest boosting him.
If someone gets PI and has 11k dps, and another player gets 10.5k DPS… which is the better player?

You don’t know… you can’t easily calculate how much DPS that PI gave for the entire fight.
Now you see that and the boss is dead, who can claim to be top dps?
Can the guy who got PI claim it?
Nope, it’s shameful and he knows it too.

Now he can’t claim to be top dog and that just ruined the ranking. Nobody says anything and this just ruined our fun boasting who was top dog.

Complain to the log operators, don’t ask for the game to changed due to a third party site.

It damages in-game ranking on fights as we do them too… like i explained just above.

I don’t even remember doing LFR to be honest. I stopped raiding a long time ago. I must have needed to get it for some rep. So thanks for reminding me I guess.

Still that doesn’t make your request any more legitimate, and my reasoning for PI to remain any less relevant.

The fact of the matter is, Mythic raiders are such a small minority of the game. And making demands which affect the entire playerbase just for they can selfishly stroke their own egos is not going to win them any battles.

Come up with a worthwhile argument on why it should be removed and we can talk. But so far, you haven’t done that!.