Please give us Tbc Era realms

1 in the comments if you want Tbc Era realms


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And yes this is totally clear stupid AI!


+1 At least leave 2 TBC Era servers, one PvE and one PvP, that’s all it’s needed.


+1, love TBC more than Wrath and want to return to it from time to time


1, please get us TBC Era Servers :expressionless:


I am in. Please make a TBC era server Blizz.




+1 for TBC ERA realms!



no, why? you probably sell gold and want to sell it more?

no, I am against.

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This should count as a vote for TBCC Era servers! There’s no gold sellers in Claassic Era.


Websites for sale say otherwise.

why create a server that will be empty?

Who’s selling websites? I never saw any goldsellers in Era, and that’s where I play every day.
And if people is selling gold there it can’t be empty. Make up your mind.

Why? Because they are not empty. Only if your ‘not-empty’ is a mega-server.

And I repeat. TBCC Era servers won’t harm you.
If you do not like them, do not use them, but let the people who wants to, have them.

tbcc will still exist for about 5 months. enough time to play tbcc… go play for fun!

It’s not for me, I play Classic Era, but for those who want it. Maybe I would have liked to play TBCC some time in the future, but then I cannot because it’s not there - as we supposed it would be.

Why are you against Era servers?

vanilla classic had much more online than bk. classic era has only 1 inhabited server. what will be the online bcc era? 300 people? 500? I don’t think you’ll like playing on a server where it’s hard to build a raid or a party

I understand that people from the classic era want bc era. but you are too few for one server :upside_down_face:

What if there’s only 500 on the server? The subs from those will be more than enough to pay for it - and many of them will be quitting instead. If Yyou think it’s too few, the solution is simple: don’t play there.
Even with 500 on a server you can Quest and make groups. Try playing on Hydraxian Waterlords Era, I do, and even there I sometimes find a group. Not a rauid, but a group.
It seems to me you do not understand the concept behind You do you. Noone is ever going to force you to play TBCC Era server, why do you think we should force people into either going to Wrath or quitting?


I play on a server with about 4000 online and people from my server constantly complain about the lack of people to recruit in the guild. I have to collect a whole raid to open an alterac for our server.

and you say 500 is enough… you are wrong.

please let’s play woltk first and then we’ll talk about bcc era

You say here one wrong thing:

I repeat: If you don’t like it, don’t play it. You can not decide for others how or what to play.
It would hurt you none, that those WHO DO NOT want to play Wrath and are quitting, going to Era or - Light forbid - even to Retail go to TBCC Era servers instead.

I still don’t see why you want other to quit instead of having fun (even if not your kind of fun) on a TBCC Era server?