On PVP server most effective way to level is spam dungeons (WITHOUT ANY PVP) which is impossible on hc because of daily dungeon cd. And also you can buy boosts. What a challenging levelling fighting for every mob!
Lets be honest, the only openworld pvp that’s going on exclusively on pvp servers is ganking, you can enable pvp for southshore vs tarren mill battles. You just want to level safely on hc and then move to pvp to corpse camp lowbies.
Remove “PvP Server” and replace it with “Classic WoW”. If you want to spam dungeons or get boosted, that is a Classic WoW method, not a PvP server method. Most people are not playing like this, but plenty of people got mob-tagged to 60 on the old hardcore realms.
It requires an effort of multiple people (2-4 people depends of level, including person who get boosted because he can’t just afk as in classic dungeon boosts) to level 1 person, on non-hc server 1 mage can level 4 people, just do the math 4*2-4 = 8-16 times boosting on “pvp” servers is more effective then mob-tag on hc. And you can’t buy such mob-tag boost for gold (or, maybe only for its very big amount), it’s mostly just the way to come back with friends that requires summary (because multiple people should spend their time) as much time, as standard questing levelling.
You really dont see the difference where 1 person boost 4 ppl, and where 2-4 person boost 1?
You are really not making a convincing argument here at all, I mean where even are you going with this? Just give it up.
That confrimed already? Tbc bc could have been interesting
It was in the announcement of Anniversary:
Hardcore realms will not progress into Burning Crusade Classic, as Hardcore has always been focused on the classic 1-60 experience and difficulty. Characters on Hardcore will need to transfer to a non-Hardcore realm if they wish to progress.
I think Blizz here show that they have no idea whatsoever about what HC is or is not.
The lack of info on why HC to PVP transfers on the new anniversary and whether this will be permanent is really bothering me.
Given it is possible on era HC.
Before anniversary servers my plan was to level as many characters as I could SF HC era to 60 then join my guild on PVP realms.
I want to do the same for the anniversary realm but I’ve no idea whether PVP transfers will open up in the future.
I also don’t want to start PVP characters and then they decide to open up HC to PVP transfers eventually.
I hope Blizzard clarify their decision to block transfers from anniversary HC to PVP as well as let us know whether this will be possible in the future.
Not there only.
- Will transfer from Anniversary to Era be possible before it goes on to BC?
- Will the Anniversary servers stay in BC or will they go on?
- If they do go on, will BC get Era servers as well.
- If they go on, same question for Wrath.
- I doubt it since anniversary has qol era doesnt have
- I assume so but could be playercount related decision
- I see higher probability for repeated cycles than stay in tbc or wotlk
So had SoM but they came to Era anyway - the QoL are easily removed if ppl want to transfer.
So do I unfortunately, and Blizz’s silence does nothing to reassure me of the opposite.
Removing dual spec would cause an riot I think
People would know before they transferred. That would be their price to pay for staying ín Era, just like all SoM-players lost their whatever.
Keeping dual spec in Era would cause an even greater riot I’m sure.
If anything, leveling on HC is harder than on PvP soy servers. The cope about it being hard has nothing to do with reality.
The cope about “HC PvE” servers runing economy trough mysterious item/gold/materials movements to “contested” servers is bs. Everything costs much more on HC and its harder to farm, meanwhile hundreds of bots freely grind PvP and PvE servers 24/7.
This once again confirms that blizzard lives in parallel reality.
correct - can’t roll Alliance PvP, Rolls on HC, runs to zip and jumps off - gets Alliance on PvP - the block is there for a reason
they most likely wont open it up.
“Normal realm characters must remain on Normal realms, and PvP realm characters will be locked to PvP realms.”
As previously stated, transfer from HC to PVP is already possible on era.
There’s no reason not to enable it on anniversary other than to stop players using it as a way to exploit faction balance.
Given that they already have measures in to block players from creating characters on factions that are overpopulated, they just need to apply the same system to HC transfers.
In my opinion the reason they don’t want to allow it is, because the PvP server is popular enough. If all HC deaths go there, soon the PvE server will go medium/ low and the PvP one will have ques.
Their silence have nothing to do with the “normal char-normal server” or “you want to level safe and than go pvp”. It is just political solution.
It’s just an opinion.
doesnt matter. blizz stated specifically that it wont be possible on the anniversary realms.
the wording of the statement is definite and thus there is no reason to believe that they will remove this restriction in the future.
i can understand that ud wish to transfer to a pvp server, i would like that option myself very much as well for HC. it just doesnt seem like it will be happening.
quote=“Bic-jaedenar, post:61, topic:549679”]
the wording of the statement is definite and thus there is no reason to believe that they will remove this restriction in the future.
I´m neither for or against the topic at hand as I dont play anniversary, BUT blizzards wording being definite means squat. Remember the Token wording?