Please let us solo farm old raids in TWW

Im talking DF, SL, BFA.
As it is now there are still some encounters in BFA raids we cant solo.
It shouldn’t take almost half a decade before we’re able to blast through old content on our own.


Would be nice!



And change up raid encounters to make them solo friendly… still quite a few you can’t solo due to mechanics. :confused:


I have the sneaky suspicion that the devs have ceased paying attention to legacy content given that Mythic kil’jaeden is still impossible to solo for many classes.

And before anyone chimes in with “OH but he is soloable in mythic!”

Yes. if you’re using a demon hunter.

A DK or a hunter? Kil’Jaeden laughs at you.


DKs are pretty funny though. You ever looked in a mirror?

One day it’ll happen, one day.

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Only once. When I dressed up nice, even put on some heavy duty makeup, I was looking like Taylor Swift just decided to only put on 4 full tubes of red lipstick on that day, I stood in front of the mirror and said “mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the prettiest dk of all” and it laughed and said “well it ain’t you anyway”.

I can’t go through that humiliation again.


BFA yes, SL maybe, DF no.

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Yeah, I agree.
Legion still needs tweaks Eonar and KilJaeden especially.
BFA should be soloable by now.
SL should be soloable by the end of TWW with gear and maybe some tweaks.

I think Dungeons should be soloable at the start of the next expansion Raids just about by the end of the next expansion but definitely by the start of 2 expansions on.

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I hope they also make the Kara Romeo and Juliette Opera boss more solo friendly.

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Personally i find Eonar easy enough to solo.

And Kiljaeden wont be a problem, even now, if you’re 2 people he can be killed before all the knock back things, so should be easy next expansion.

Tried it with a friend a few months ago and we failed. I think he may bave figured it out since and been able to do it but if others are just about able to do it eventually then no chance I’ll do it.
Never tried it solo but I can’t imagine I’d do it. Anything with a time limit is beyond me generally.

Time limit on Eonar mythic isn’t the problem, it’s the adds that obliterate Eonar in seconds of reaching her. Mix that in with having to jump to the ship…

But it’s like I’ve been saying for a long time.

Blizzard stopped caring about old raids when this creepy fascination they have with copying facebook’s “people you may know” and forcing you to group up to do content that should be absolutely trivial.

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I soloed him with a paladin. the reals BS is he can spawn the orbs in the darkness phase so that you have to pray to RNGesus in hopes you find Illidan fast and dispel the darkness before you’re blindsided by one.

Why is SL that is years old only a maybe? And why is DF which will by then be old content a no too?
Im genuinely curious about why some people feel it is acceptable to have old content still not be soloable for mog/mount farms.

Because there is a system called the ‘Two Expansion rule’.

After two expansions, all content from the expansion should be soloable and farmable. Blizzard makes changes when this happens to make fights significantly easier/possibly solo.

We got this with Legion in Shadowlands, and we should also get BFA soon. Just how it works.

Even saving two “Death’s Advance” I still get blasted off the platform when he’s in his flying phase.

The trick is to position yourself so an orb knocks you to the next one. Not the easiest to execute but doesn’t require a lot of mobility.

Also get wraith walk for more mobility if you need it.

i hate it, hate it, HATE IT!. i know is doable but sincerely for my lethargic playstyle is absolutely undoable.


Honestly, Eonar and Kilj aren’t that hard anymore to kill. It’s very comparable to the spine of DW. If you know the boss’s basic mechanics: Kill. If not, Die.

I wish they changed it.
To me its insane it HAS to take several years before we can comfortably blast through old content, no. It should be immediately as the new expansion is out then the previous one should be scaled down to soloable asap. We dont live forever after all, let us farm dangit!