Please Nerf Havoc, Unholy and Windwalker asap

Windwalker Monk

  • 2 Set bonus effectiveness reduced by an additional 33%
  • 4 Set Bonus effectiveness reduced by an additional 33%
  • Rising Sun kick damage reduced by 10% in PVP
  • Black Out kick damage reduced by 10% in PVP

Unholy Death Knight

  • Death Coil damage reduced by 12% in PVP
  • Festering Wounds damage reduced by 12% in PVP
  • Magus of the Dead damage reduced by 25% in PVP

Havoc Demon Hunter

  • 2 Set Bonus now has a 20% chance down from 100% to throw Glaive
  • Death Sweep final slash damage reduced by 20% in PVP
  • Immolation Aura damage reduced by 10% in PVP
  • Soulscar damage reduced by 10% in PVP
  • Trial of Ruin damage reduced by 10% in PVP

Thank you everybody that plays the lobby


Judgement nerf 30%
Final verdict nerf 30%
Hammer of wrath nerf 50%
All walls 25% nerf.
Shiled of vengeance dmg after expiring removed.


probably u need to learn math better.

dk got big burst, a lot of cc. u can hit like half hp with 2 gcds, and u cant hit that with ret, so lets count

  • Death Coil damage reduced by 12% in PVP its like - 10k-12k so its not much.
  • Festering Wounds damage reduced by 12% in PVP its like 3-4k per hit
  • Magus of the Dead damage reduced by 25% in PVP its like 2-3k per hit

i will not count all, but:
Judgement nerf 30% - -24k per hit
Final verdict nerf 30% -39k per hit
Hammer of wrath nerf 50% - 50k per hit

So how about to not write stupid things?

** i tired a lot from people who cryes about nerfs only counting solo shuffle **

3s arena got big diff from solo, go play dh/dk and stop crying with a lot of damage and lot of cc: aoe blind, asphyxia, pet stun, pet kick, range kick, 2 grips, strangulate and good dps, good burst + necrotics, so stop cry, im not sure dk need to nerf now,but monks/dh - yes

this is a troll post about Dk right?
sure nerf Unholy… how about actively asking for Frost DK buffs… instead of moaning about UH

NERF NERF NERF /cry … heres something for you to think about… if Frost was good… you would see less Unholy dks…

advocate for Frost dk buffs

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God no. Frost is the fury version of DK. You lose braincells just by watching it.


If you have this low numbers on your ret. you have some problems man
I hade far more dmg on my ret last season with s2 gear

This season i didnt played ret at all its very boring class. Its good for alt but if you main it will become boring as hell same as frost dk 2buttons rotation

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Magus shadow bolt doing 5-6k per hit already its nerfed in pvp and not scaling with mastery anymore.
Somethimes frost bolt can hit for 8k.
You see big total dmg of magus at the end because he doing aoe dmg because of tier set
I wouldnt pick him at all but i have to take it to reach other talents.

i wrote diff numbers of nerf, not damage, 30% nerf for judgement took MINUS 24k dmg, FV 39k per hit for 1 hit compare to took 10k- 8k dmg per hit from dk its not same thing.
What are u talking about??? 2 buttons rotation? unholy dk now its just like arms warrior with less saves, zug-zug and go train 1 target, or cleave 2 melee.

ur piano playstyle on dk not harder than ret, festering>festering >clawing shadows>clawing shadows>coil>coil> thats all dk rotation, sorry u not need to heal mates, sanc, sacrifice, freedom rootbeam.

i repeat my words dk was much better when he was like aff lock >> dots>a lot of healing, a lot of sustain

so… if people want Unholy nerfed… and frost is currently really bad in pvp

how are Dk players suppose to play ? Blood spec?


The fact that theres a guy at 2500 on this so called awful spec means it probably is barely 5% behind unholy. This always happens with classes with an op spec and another dps spec. People roleplay that the off-specs are terrible. No. People are just playing unholy because thats best.

If all of the top dks went frost tomorrow they’d push frost to 2600+ easily. It isnt that bad. Its fine. It doesnt need buffs. Not every spec on your class needs to be S tier. Some are fine being B or A tier.

Especially at 1500-2000 mmr, where the overwhelming majority of people (including you) play at, frost is not bad. This is a non-problem that barely effects the top end and doesnt effect you at all.

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Dot build cant work anymore because every class pumping so much dmg with single hits
Dots are to slow and fake dmg cant kill anyone.
It was real strugle to get kill as a udk at start of s2 before unholy pvp rework now its perfect i have no complains.

Well thats true.
Every class in good hands is s tier.
But most of us are avarage players anyway thats why every post is buff this,nerf this,buff this,nerf this.

So… uh has to be op so people play it?

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a single guy … at 2500

frost dk is terrible
last time i checked less than 1% of players were playing frost dk? maybe that’s because UH is just better?
or maybe thats because frost is so easy to counter?

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Both DH and WW deserve heavy nerfs, DH has been oppressive since season start and only been tweaked lightly since and not enough and WW has received back to back buffs it never needed in first place.


it happens literally every season that people undervalue a spec because another spec on the same class shines a bit brighter - then a top player swaps to it, or they get a sideways buff (like a 3% buff to frost fever) and everyone is like “is frost good now??? woahhh i can obliterate people for half their hp???” like they couldn’t already do that before. Happens EVERY season with at least 1 spec.

what do you think is actually bad about frost? Is it their damage? They do 80k-120k dps sustained. Is it their burst? they do insane burst. Is it their survivability? Thats the same as unholy as far as i’m aware. Is it their CC? They’ve got arguably more CC than unholy through remorseless winter. Is it their uptime? They’ve got the same uptime as unholy. Is it that they’re easy to stop? How?

What do you want to buff about them? Do you want them to do 130k dps? 150k? I promise you if you took the 20 best death knights in Europe and forced them to play frost for 2 weeks, you’d stop telling people frost was gutter tier. It isn’t. Its on par or better in shuffle than fire, enh, ret, fury, feral, mm, spriest, devoker and augmentor. Its right in the middle of the pack. I don’t want frost dks getting buffed to have even more damage and suddenly we’re dying in a grip > sleet > remorseless winter > chill streak every 1 minute.

Again, not every spec on your class needs to be S tier. I’m perfectly fine with fury sitting middle of the pack and being fun nonsense in random bgs. I don’t want to have to play the goofy spec because they decided to buff its damage through the roof because ‘omg no one is 2500 on it!’ who cares?

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Frost dk is bad and it has nothing to do with unholy they do not even compete with each other frost dk would be competing with dh/ww while doing cleave unholy is played because it stacks with the other top classes that have a MS effect while necrotic wounds stack ontop of it if anything unholy competes with ret/enhance .

The only comp where you could run frost and unholy and it wouldnt matter is walking dead DH/BM/Warr/feral all prefer you to be on unholy for necrotic wounds.

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People want unholy balanced. your statement suggests that 1 DK spec should be overpowered

Havoc, Windwalker and Unholy are too strong.

Balance would be nerfing UH and buffing Frost at the same time

that’s true balance… flat nerfs don’t compensate specs

if you think rets need nerfs, you are a solo shuffle expert