Please Nerf Havoc, Unholy and Windwalker asap

I don’t care about Rogue nerfs, I don’t play with Rogues. Rogues should get a damage nerf. That doesn’t mean they are omegalul uncounterable. I’ve already answered to your clip of that Feral death. Those Priest and Druid played terrible and got punished.

That’s kinda ironic at this point, speaking about rejecting opinions.
You guys linked a video of two players playing bad.
I’ve commented on how they could’ve won.
You keep throwing your BuT hE PrEBeArEd.
Who tf cares if he did prebear or not? That’s a no-cd ability. They could’ve played better and won, but decided to lose. That’s it. There’s no more arguing.

There are 11 feral druids above 2400 in 3v3. There are 15 subs. Wait. Does it…mean…?
Sub is a little overtuned. But IT DOESN’T MATTER. He wins or loses 90% of the time just because someone played bad (either sub or his enemies). Tuning down subs damage WILL NOT AFFECT majority of this forum’s gameplay.

Regarding your ClownCapped video, I won’t even watch it. This is crap content for crap players. I’ve already explained before why is that and I don’t want to get back to it.

Feral has high deathrate in SS because if left alone, he’s gonna spam his CC like every other druid does. It’s either train the feral either lose the game in a minute.

Feral MIGHT use some buffs maybe (not sure)
Sub needs a nerf (will not affect majority of players)
Feral is playable at high ratings.

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