Please Nerf Havoc, Unholy and Windwalker asap

You answered yourself before on how to counter specs :+1:

Oh yeah good luck doing that to a Rogue. Yeahā€¦ No. :man_facepalming:

Are you telling me a rogue are immune 24/7 to CCs? Since when did they get that as a passive? :astonished:

Bald assumption there. Iā€™m telling you Rogues can just delete you in a matter of seconds with their insane toolkit. But keep on trolling me, Iā€™ll keep up with the reports.

So you are allowed to say ā€œJust CCā€ as a counter to DH, but you cant take ā€œJust CCā€ as a counter to Rogue because thats somehow different for you personally so it dont apply anymore.
Its quite funny though how you keep screaming ā€œtrollā€ when it feels like you keep looking in a mirror while doing so. Almost like you are Alythenas twin. But keep it up. :+1:

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Which will do literally nothing because there is nothing report-worthy and unless you do it like Rakar and log on a multitude of accounts to spam report your single report will do absolutely nothing.

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Trolling is report worthy. Itā€™s literally in the CoC. :man_shrugging:

You donā€™t understandā€¦ Your reports will do nothing because youā€™re literally the only person to report him for w/e. Youā€™re the only one accusing him of trolling (ofc you do, he disagrees with you so it must be trolling amirite?) so it will stay with one report. And Blizzard ignores those because they assume itā€™s a report out of personal spite (which is true in your case).

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:frowning: stays at the sideway : yeah btw can we buff feral defenses and normalize rogue burst (or take away duell?)

If they nerf damage and cyclone sure thing.

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Thats the thing, you cannot even cast cyclone as Feral :smiley: Meelecleave sticks at ur tail, shamans give you the hardest time of your life, bringing out a cyclone as feral nowadays feels like impossible with all the minor ccs goin on too.

Unlike a Boomy, which has a 1 sec cast and a 50% reduced silence talent.
Imagine beeing the only meele-class that has to hardcast and is designed arround that hardcast wurgh, yet has no tools to hardcast it kekw

Well, itā€™s a melee meta after all so i know exactly what you mean. :smiley:

Yeah yeah yeah yeah, weā€™ve all seen the video with that feral dying to rogue. Canā€™t cast = casting in the middle of arena.

Baiting kicks as melee to ease up your healerā€™s life is great, no?

I mean, statistics speak for themselfs. Second highest Deathrate in SS.
X_x sure you can make feral work, look at twinkle, tony and such. But it doesnt make the class feel good. I dont wanna write down an essay here for you, as im often not sure if people even try to understand the opposite side of an argument or just wanna get out their own opinion on all cost.

But sitting in Bearform for 45 seconds straight, tanking a BM Ret Team, while your Devo trys to Pressure and a Fistweaver keeps you alive against 110k dps, seems like a odd way to play feral.

Just would wish, Blizz would react faster with balancing. They have so much Data and Act way to slow. Augmentation, FrostDk, EnhancShaman,Shadowpriest, Furywar, all Speccs that need emergency help for SS.

Rogues are another thing. Its just incredible Frustrating to get oneshot in a duell, probably the most frustrating thing ever existed in WoW-Arena so far. I dont mind incredible burst of some classes, i dont even mind the burst of rogue at allā€¦but bro, this feeling to get duelled X_x ā€¦ its so absurd. Like you know exactly, if you use trinket, you have like 20 more seconds to live. If you mess up a precooldown in his go, you are dead meat for sure. I see it happening to the highest rated players, like twinkle getting oneshot by Kame or just Illidangodx got killed by the opener of an Sub, as sub only used smoke and he knew exactly, if he trinkets it on the duell go heā€™ll die anyway.

Tell me how you can believe that people telling about it are just wrong, if theres so much evidence like everywhere? Sure you dont want Rogue to get a nerf, as im sure it feels amazing to have this oppurtunity, but its on the cost of fun for so many other speccs in the game.

I donā€™t care about Rogue nerfs, I donā€™t play with Rogues. Rogues should get a damage nerf. That doesnā€™t mean they are omegalul uncounterable. Iā€™ve already answered to your clip of that Feral death. Those Priest and Druid played terrible and got punished.

Thatā€™s kinda ironic at this point, speaking about rejecting opinions.
You guys linked a video of two players playing bad.
Iā€™ve commented on how they couldā€™ve won.
You keep throwing your BuT hE PrEBeArEd.
Who tf cares if he did prebear or not? Thatā€™s a no-cd ability. They couldā€™ve played better and won, but decided to lose. Thatā€™s it. Thereā€™s no more arguing.

There are 11 feral druids above 2400 in 3v3. There are 15 subs. Wait. Does itā€¦meanā€¦?
Sub is a little overtuned. But IT DOESNā€™T MATTER. He wins or loses 90% of the time just because someone played bad (either sub or his enemies). Tuning down subs damage WILL NOT AFFECT majority of this forumā€™s gameplay.

Regarding your ClownCapped video, I wonā€™t even watch it. This is crap content for crap players. Iā€™ve already explained before why is that and I donā€™t want to get back to it.

Feral has high deathrate in SS because if left alone, heā€™s gonna spam his CC like every other druid does. Itā€™s either train the feral either lose the game in a minute.

Feral MIGHT use some buffs maybe (not sure)
Sub needs a nerf (will not affect majority of players)
Feral is playable at high ratings.

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