Please Nerf Havoc, Unholy and Windwalker asap

Because I face DHs who at least know how to do the basics of their spec. They don’t have negative winrate like you. In your case DH is balanced by the operator. I’d love to see you on sth like Arcane Mage, Shadow Priest or Sub Rogue that would be a content

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There is literally 3 specs that dont have atleast 3 S tier comps right now and thats enhance/sp and feral the game is actually pretty balanced atm comp wise its just a shame the gameplay is so damp and boring.

Obviously not. You just don’t know how to deal with any DH. Let me give you a pointer… CC them. For the record, I play with a friend on his DK just for conq points. Not exactly a viable comp is it

I don’t know, I feel like unholy is squishy against the melees. The only thing I feel like they don’t actually deserve is absurd amount of CC, but in current state game right now is, everybody have the absurd amount of CCs.

/10 char

Thank you senpai your 1500 2s experience on Havoc this season on the strongest spec overall will definetely do the work. For sure you know how to deal with multi glad Havoc DHs… Everyone will stand in the middle of the arena and let me cast Hex or channel full Lasso.

Regarding Unh… most of the brackets aren’t 1v1 and you either have a partner assisting you or you just have to play tactically correct. You don’t brawl with Arms or WW but keep snaring them and lining so they cannot connect. In 3s Unh plays mainly with Havoc, WW or BM. Havoc and WW peel for Unh giving Imprison, Darkness, Disarm, RoF or Paralyze while DK can assist healers into heavy casters. In Unh/BM they can kill through defensives so they just play more agressive than you and win on tempo.

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Hey look, it’s the Sham that thinks he’s above everyone else, even though you’ve barely cracked 1800 on 2s and shuffle… Still crying about DHs because of one PvP talent. :clown_face:

Such a broken record. :sleeping:

“Barely cracked 1800 in 2s and shuffle” xD I just play the proper PvP bracket. Other are for capping my honor.

Anyway, fun fact. Still higher than your pick on DH xD

Anyway there are many players better than me here and majority of the forums are better than you. If you don’t know something it’s ok. Feel free to ask people will advise you but don’t argue or spill nonsense if you have no idea what are you talking about

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Insane advices from the guy who plays dh and bm hunt and both has negative win rates at 1.6 I guess it’s better to play something easier… Oh wait


Telling ppl without telling ppl you are a fotm reroller

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It’s hard to call it an abuse

I know everything, I’ll teach you guys how to play.
But you’re literally negative winrate on barely 1800? You’re 42% winrate on 1700 in 2s bro, people on 1700 don’t know the name of their spec?
I play for fun only.
Why do you talk then?
Because I still play?

What do you play lol? 42% winrate on 1700? I’ve been there like couple days ago on a NAKED character. Literally circus. Rets RPing with wings + bubble + /y LIGHT PURGE THEM ALL, wth?

My best guess is this DH got to his guild to have an Elite word at least somewhere. :yawning_face:

Imagine talking on a forum about Arenas with 1800 in RSS with DH. The bracket is literally Solo DH Shuffle. :roll_eyes:

Guys, you heard the man, just cc the DH, you can’t lose anymore. Don’t know why everyone is memeing on him, he gave foolproof advice here FOR FREE even.


You heard that man dude. “Just cc them” problem solved. How could we not have seen this?

This revelation will definitely shift them back down to B tier


LOL didn’t realise you already made that comment 2 great minds think alike


Also remember, they die in a stun…

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You’ve completely missed out the most broken class in-game at the moment. Sub Rogues… I’d rather face a DH than a Sub Rogue any day.

Wolfex, just CC them, what’s the problem? :open_mouth:

Have you changed your character to make your comments not look so obnoxious because of DH? :smirk:

Excuse me?

You’re excused. :white_heart:

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