Please nerf warrior

2s is flooded with braindead warriors please fix this and nerf this class dmg already


Blizzard seems to be completly retarded, not noticing how op warrior is. dealing more dmg then casters, also 0cd interruptstundoublereflect vs them. Blizz maindeveloper seems to maining one of them.


Yes nerf war and monk ww please


ten charac
I lied.

Ion plays arms warr atm , he wants his R1 but he could not beat booster teams. So in 9.0.5 Venthyr warriors gets insane buffs and boosters were banned. In next interview with him we will be able to see his smug smile with the words of Im R1 player.


And if this wont help, warrior will get the 10% dmg done reduction from def Stance into 30 % dmg taken reduction

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And if that doesnt help him either … than warriors will be able to summon the ghost of garrosh : The new abillity Ghost of Garrosh: increases Your dmg done and leech by 50% for 15 seconds


U know he’s a shaman main right? Yet continuously butchers that class on a repeating cycle?

If anything he’s the complete opposite. He seems to be a underdog lover. Cause he sure as hell keeps the classes he mains there.

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11 of 15 games last night into arms+heal, i just hate them now, bored of them and hate them.
If the venthyr buff goes live in pvp then i think its game over for me, i tried…


The only Problem ist the community.

Every season 70% reroll to fotm :man_shrugging:


Pretty much this. But then, they do promote this rerolling behaviour, since we know that it takes ages before they toss in balance changes.


Reroll - buy wow Mark for Gold- boost m+ and pvp - blizz win :grin:. And every reroll need time and they play again and again and …

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If they’d just release hotfixes more often we wouldn’t have to live with this massive fotm rerolling. Every season it’s the same. :frowning:

I despise people who fotm reroll, but the lack of hotfixing is even worse.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


But but warrior have no selfheal and uhm …


Hey, at least they press a button to do the condemn damage.
What shocks me is the 15% damage done by auto-attacks.

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I know we’re memeing and all that, but tbh in my experience, I don’t really encounter arms or WW that often in 2s anymore. I’m mostly vs double dps, ele, SP, sub, fire, affli and MM now.


They are probably talking about 1300 / 1600 range. Yes, ladder is full of hardstuck warriors who thought it is ez-free climb. Pre Rally nerf it was more fool proof but currently not so much so these guys don’t know how to punish warriors and complain instead.

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This, above 2.5 I’m pretty much only facing Hunt/Hpriest, Sub/fire and every so often there’ll be a warrior.

True that, I don’t encounter many warriors either. Actually I prefer facing arms anytime instead of some obnoxious double dps, boomie, fire, ele, affli and sub. So many cheesy things with those, and warrior, while powerful is just as it has to be very strong dmg and tough to kill, but it’s not obnoxious, many ways to punish them, outplay them and you all see it coming.
People, first, were used to years to warriors being bad to mediocre and playable at best and next, they are kind of “Yi” of LoL - noobstompers.
You get little higher and you actually meet less and less of them and more and more of those really frustrating comps with their 1 shots, cc or kiting forever.