This system, just like every other one from previous expansions that locked a mandatory power-related currency behind was either done without any consideration to alts, or maliciously designed to prolong playtime through tedium like a lot of content in Shadowlands.
Islands, Visions, Assaults, now it’s Torghast. It’s all fine and well if you like the content, it’s tolerable if you don’t but only play one character, but it’s unbearable even with one extra alt. Islands, Visions, and Assaults however could be done in 5-10 minutes and then promptly ignored if that’s what you wanted.
Just make Soul Ash drop from dungeon and raid bosses like AP and legendaries did in Legion, where “do whatever you want” was the best approach you ever took with the game. Even BFA had the sense to make echoes drop from varying content.
I don’t like roguelikes, I don’t like ugly repetitive RNG content with less visual variety than Tanaan jungle, just make ash drop from everywhere so people who like Torghast can still do it, and everyone who doesn’t can be free to never go anywhere near it again.
This change would harm no one except your moronic Torghast engagement statistics, which will make players quit instead of staying on your hamster wheel for much longer.
Torghast will make itself irrelevant about when you really want rid of it. At this point it is already possible to have a max level legendary in your bag, and there’s a good chance you only need that one, perhaps more depending on how many things you do.
If you’re a PvE fire mage, for instance, you are done with Torghast now until 9.1.
This isn’t like those blasted visions with their eternal socket farming.
Like I said, it’s bearable if you play only one character. Due to the way covenants work and make/break classes, I have 3 lvl 60 characters that I’m playing and still not complely sure which one to main.
Doing 2 wing runs on one of them is ok, on the second I wanna slam alt f4 as soon as I go in.
I highly disagree with this. I’ve done maybe 20 runs total and i have already have many many floors repeat identical layouts, fought same every boss 2-5 times, and seen basically all anima powers for my classes within the first 3 runs for every one of them.
Torghast is the problem because it is content that I greatly dislike and they can make the change for ash to drop from anywhere within a minute. I’m not asking for free legos on every alt just to be able to grind them at a consistent rate elsewhere, from the content I like doing.
Too late, they’re coming… there are lots of them… HERE THEY COME!
“git gud”
“nobody holds gun to your head”
“<opclass> it’s easy”
“again people cry/whine about torghast being hard”
“l2p issue, I didn’t have any problems on my immortal oneshotting spec”
“I play since vanilla and…”
“buy boost if you don’t like it”
I must admit I’m not a fan of Torghast, other than for the quests that take me there for the story, I could quite happily never do it again but I have to do so in order to upgrade my legendary item. Certainly solo, I find it seriously unfun and tedious and have yet to do it in a group which may or may not make it more fun and less tedious.
Still I do actually think it’s good to have it in game as there are quite a significant amount of players who enjoy this type of thing. I suppose outside of soul ash it would be fair to say it’s optional so I’m loathed to say it but I don’t think it is too much of a burden to get it done. I do agree though there ought to be an alternative way to get soul ash, even as a lower drop rate from World Quests or mythic versions of dungeons and certainly from raid content. (Edit - Maybe once you’ve done a legendary on your main, these latter options become available for alts - as some sort of buff your char when you enter mythic dungeons / various raid difficulties).
if you hate torgast so much why dont you just buy it with gold?if you willing to do any content that is not torgast you would think that making gold would be the content right?
Okay, so here’s the problem I have with this whole scenario that’s played out.
Blizzard introduces a new system to the game and compels you to try it to see if you like it for about 3-4 hours out of your total playtime of hundreds. Once you’ve done that Blizzard lets go and you can choose not to do it any more at all. You don’t need more stuff from it.
And people lose their minds because it’s too hard. So Blizzard nerfs it into the ground. And now people are complaining that it’s just another weekly checklist item because it’s so easy, so they want the checklist reduced even though it literally happens automatically even if Blizzard does nothing.
It’s like… anything that Blizzard tries to introduce into this game just gets shut down in two phases: QQ about difficulty, QQ about the skill ceiling being too low - everything turns into a chore.
And then the argument is to just make it completely optional. It’s the same with Covenants. You guys are literally asking to delete Shadowlands from Shadowlands. ALL the new features are things you don’t want so just delete all of it.
The exact same scenario played out with islands, but in beta. Oh, we don’t like having to progress through harder islands, oh we don’t like the idea of forced PvP through the warfronts system, so just delete everything, replace everything with boring NPC’s with bad AI, making it a huge grindfest where you have to run thousands of identical activities.
Torghast is currently halfway through that cycle, and now your solution to the whole thing is to let us farm “whatever we want”, which I presume means “whatever we want” so that’ll probably include plagued boars for legendaries on a level with Frostmourne.
I beg you, please stop. Torghast will go away on its own. Just get it done and quit worrying about it.