Please, PLEASE make Choreghast completely optional

Convoke gets empowered by hitting incarn. You don’t dot up first.

You come out of stealth and get into combat by them seeing you, hit incarn (empowers both eclipses) and hit convoke. Thats it. Zero setup.

yeah ,that is separated grind now :rofl: :joy:

They are smart enough to relaize, if they would do this, only the handfull of hardcore fans would wander in time to time the Tower of the Damned…
But it is indeed a bit sad they have to “force you” to do one of their main content (force is a strong word i Know, no one holds a gun to your head, but lets call it a carrot on a stick then… )


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When my bis items for PvE is from PvP I want to be able to earn them in PvE?

I would love for Torghast to be an optional thing in this game. My presumption is that Blizzard probably feared that if they make it a game mode that doesn’t reward something crucial (like Soul Ash), people will probably never play it. So they just decided to force it upon the playerbase.

I personally don’t enjoy Torghast one bit, and them gating Soul Ash behind it annoys me extremely, although I guess I appreciate they nerfed it so I can be done with it ASAP.

I think Torghast would be totally fine as a epeen show off thing where the only rewards would be mounts titles and cosmetics.

To me that is what Torghast should have been.

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Well that the issue blizz created themselves. When you tie progression, Story or anything to certain content, they have to remember every type of player is going to have be able to do it.

Which is why many have said. Torghast should have always been it’s own standalone content. As it would be then actually “optional”, you only do it if you want the cosmetics or mounts. So no Soul ash/Story connections, just content to do in your spare time. but blizzard being blizzard has to try push the content on to players instead of allowing players to organically do it themselves

QQ about blizzard doing the same mistake considering currencies for a lot of years now, and the last one was in BFA.
Add currencies to all activities, let players decide what they want to grind. The rest is just player blaming.

Then you have to do 3 times the work…

The world does not revolve around you… You don’t have to make something obsolete just because you don’t enjoy it.

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You forgot about 8k soul ash cap.
And if you dont get this 8k cap now you will need to farm it like crazy in 9.1, 3 months of doing highest layer every week to really be done with it. Assuming you are using only one legendary.

I think that was their thought too but I’m not sure if it’s true.

If for example, regular Torghast awarded the legendary gear transmog set which looks insane and we can’t even use it until some arbitrary point in the future, I think I would be more inclined to do actually do Torghast. I could skip it on the classes I want to and just do it whenever. But it being mandatory without catch up week after week is what kills it for me.

I have 9 characters at 180+ gear level. Torghast is too boring for me to do it with even one.

The problem with Torghast is the rewards are near ESSENTIAL for other content. Its like forcing me to do raids because i want to be good at PVP. I totally get how it should be the best for getting Ash, but I should have more options.

I loved Island Expeditions. It was outdoors, you could run all over the place, there was some freedom, variety. Torghast has only two modes. Rooms where you fight mobs, which are all the same, all dark and shadowy. Or rooms where you do a bit of dodging. I don’t know why anyone would log in for Shadowlands when they could just play Diablo.

So 9 times the work then?

That’s your own choice tho.

Noone forces you to make more characters.

Legion, BFA & shadowlands have all been designed as a 1 character expansion, with long progression paths, Lots of different currencies & reps that take ages to do again, time gates and an expansion story that you progress through.

Being able to dive right into layer 8 on your alt would be a wonderful thing. it would speed things up alot. Now you got to do every single layer to get to the soul ash you want. Even tho i have alts leveled to 60, i have not even bothered getting a legendary yet.

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I haven’t touched this place for weeks now. I have my 235 ilvl legendary and about 5k soul ash. I’m not capped, I don’t preventively craft more leggos, SCREW THAT. They’ll most likely make the currency inflate 10 times in next patch, like they always do, pre-stacking such currencies was never worth it.

And twisting corridors? Yikes i won’t go there even if someone pays me to do so.

Just do it in 5man group - it is 2x20-25 minutes a week for soul ash. That cant be too much, really. I dont like it either, but that is not too much for weekly effort.
It is another thing if you want to go solo, but that is on you.

Isnt that a thing already? If main unlocked layer 8, you alts have it unlocked also.

It is indeed a thing already :slight_smile: