That’s not the point though, Torghast is a different game genre in an MMO, if you dont like that then too bad for you because you cant get legendaries
The easy solution is to open different options to get ashes, it’s really not that big of a struggle to find other opitons…
Maybe it’s just the main idea and main design of the content that makes it not fun for a lot of people, it was a good experiment but it doesnt seem as popular as it was supposed to be, once a majority of players will be done with it , it will be deserted
What…? Wasn’t it ALREADY optional? Darn you pro-Vanilla-Classic players! I lost WEEKS or near a MONTH of Torghast because I thought it was PURELY OPTIONAL and TOTALLY not connected to the STORY! Shakes fist angrily
Aaaaaaand… Scene. Thank you, thank you, I know my performance was beyond Twilight expectation!
Jokes aside… There are players who already say that all of it is “optional” that the only reason you’re doing it is for “fun” with no “reward” in mind at all.
That you should be “thankful” for having access to it as only those who play 24/7 have access to it and everyone who doesn’t shouldn’t even be allowed beyond level 20… Because they’re “lazy” <.<"
I already stated my opinion, either make it optional and grant players a SECOND method to gain Soul Ash that doesn’t require doing Torghast or make it soloable… for EVERY class.
I don’t think so. Blizzard just listened so much to the negative voices that wanted more of the same that they smothered their own concept into pieces and killed Torghast.
People like you and the OP are the reason Torghast sucks. Blizzard didn’t dare to try to invest into it.
The feedback was amazing from some circles and bad from a smaller set of circles, and Blizzard decided to try to fix all the negative sides, and listened to those who didn’t like the concept at all, instead of doubling down and focusing and honing in on the positives.
So how about being forced to do any content do get legendaries? I don’t want to be forced to raid or do dungeons to grind soul ash and rely on other terrible players to do there job.
I agree with this, so true to blizzard form we end up with a halfway house of crap.
They won’t abandon it because sunk cost fallacy, but they will try to appease those who whinge by changing it.
Conclusion: the whiners hate it because it exists, those who loved it hate it because it isn’t what they originally liked about it.
I’m sorry but SA is fine from Torg, we may as well do away with quests and everything else if you’re going to make everything obtainable in mythic+ or PvP or raids. At that rate just turn WoW into a big hub where you walk into portals to enter content and just repeat content to earn like 8-9 currencies you spend on X Y and Z and just have all the vendors there.
I mean jesus christ it’s new content, it’s not every everyone, I get that. But as far a new content goes, if you don’t like it it takes up very little time at current. It’s not a huge deal and most importantly, it has an end.
Hated Islands. Still had to do them EVERY SINGLE WEEK on EVERY CHAR because the AP grind never ended. Boring.
There’s so much meandering here that I don’t know what to respond to.
Legenderaies matter FAR more in group content then they ever do in Torghast. Group content is competitive, Torghast is a either a fun ride or a waste of time varying from person to person. If legendaries were items of regular stats that had Torghast-specific effects, I wouldn’t care about them ever. The irony is that they exist separate from the content they are meant for.
And many of us DIDN’T want that because of the aforementioned reasons. Legendaries in this game have always been either directly linked to raiding while it was the only available endgame, or available from everywhere in Legion when M+ was introduced as an alternative.
Those are the PvE areas of the game where people strive to be competitive and to improve as players, not in Torghast. There is nothing you can challenge yourself with in Torghast unless you make up challenges in your head. Even Visions had the improving element of learning tactics, routes, upgrading your neck and cloak that made immediate effect within Visions themselves.
Torghast is the same every time from the perspective of player growth, you go in, get random powers and perform based on what powers you get. I honestly don’t think it warrants further explanation why people don’t like it as a system.
OR OR, perhaps your class anima power synergize better than mine do? Or maybe you’re having more luck with getting the right ones. Inconceivable in an entirely RNG system right?
Mate, I don’t care if they invest in it. Their investment into Torghast and the endless nightmare of Covenant balancing are the reason why we got fewer zones than ever, only 8 dungeons and unfinished alpha garbage that is the Maw. it’s the WoD repeating again, major areas of content suffer because devs can’t manage their priorities and are spending resources on transitory side areas of the game.
You seem to be incapable of understanding that other people have different preferences than you. No one is trying to take your Torghast away from you, we just don’t want it forced upon us.
What area of the game other than PvP will PvP items benefit you to warrant allowing you to earn them elsewhere? With legendaries there is nothing Torghast-specific about them, only Blizzard’s decision to arbitrarily tie them together. Spare us your contrarianism and go away.
Rather see it become more consistent for every class, so every class can reliably and quickly clear layer 8 all floors, don’t nerf classes that have it easy, buff those that have it hard, get rid of all powers that punish you and make you slow down as result to avoid punishment.
Interesting, just seeing on Wowhead that a new Torghast event is comming up that should be a big help. Like being able to have a tank beast join you, and you can improve it with further animapowers.
It’s up today and the first time I wiped Torghast by taking the beast powers to try it out. It’s not bad but completely unrealiable and half the time i dont even know what the pet is doing.
Certainly didnt help much in Mort’reghar on my boomkin when the platform instantly teleports me into a group of 6 shadows, 2 elites that cast heal absorb every few seconds and a 50% more damage taken debuff, and I only have 1 interrupt on a minute long CD and no way of approaching the platform differently or avoiding them.
Then the last boss does the exact same thing and, yeah.
Yes, that particular Mortregar level is badly tuned. As a shaman, I could drop my earth elemental to tank them while grappling up to next. Or sometimes feeling confident enough to try to blast them with my pocket tank. And Ive had successes there.
But yeah, that one is teh suck for soloers without a distraction.
Spent 2 hours in there today on my alt, saving Jaina and doing the layer 8 2x. Wanna shot my brains out now. Even failed once coz bad powers on the maw of the maw boss that is overtuned as beyond everything when you get bad powers. Second time I killed him before time warp was even over… GG. Great RNG design. Maybe if we got to make our own build yea? Just maybe. No retuning required either thanks. Just let people make their own most powerful setups and breez through the “content”. Coz it really is not content and if we at least got the chance to chose our powers there would be some fun to be had.
They have nerfed Maw of the Maw. He casts his obleron gobble power every 10s, up from 5s. And he wil never gobble +health powers anymore, which was the main complaint point.
Doesn’t really apply if you’re facing against 6 mobs and elites in total and roping up to their platform a few yards away from them. On the boss I managed to nuke him through that to 50% of his 450k and then he starts stacking up health absorbs and never stops.
In fact, that stealth dmg bonus speed doesn’t make much sense imo since you need time to enter eclipse and set up dots and a few surges to empower Convoke. It should last around 10 seconds since Convoke itself is 4 and you need at least 5 for the setup.
As it is it makes more sense for feral as it doesn’t add much compared to Balance provided you have the setup.