I think emotes add to the immersion of the game and it’s sad you can’t hear them anymore outside of your party.
I ran across a stranger, he said /hello, I didn’t hear it. I told him a /silly joke, he didn’t hear that. There’s a lot of these little social moments in Classic, so it’s a shame you can’t really use emotes the same way you were able to back then.
The biggest reason they were removed in the first place – the toy train set – doesn’t even exist in classic, why not add them back?
Emotes could be heard by everyone in Vanilla, and Blizzard went out of their way to add things they didn’t need to for authenticity’s sake, even going so far as to reintroduce some old bugs to Classic, so why not this?
And if it’s still a problem, give people the option to disable emote sounds outside of the group if they prefer it that way.
And while I’m at it, make skeletons stay on the ground longer. Add a random offset to where the skeletons spawn so people can’t spell out the bad words with them, if that’s what you’re worried about, but do make them stay around longer. Thanks.
Yeah, nobody could hear you. Laughing and crying still works for some reason, but I think most other things don’t.
People who want to be annoying are still able to spam using laugh emotes, so if combating spam was the reason for disabling emotes, it didn’t help much…
Yes, people in the party can hear it, people outside not so much. But I don’t want to have to invite people just to have some fun little interactions with them.
I agree to have the old emote sounds back, and the feture of disable sounds emote is in the interface so its no reason of adding the emotes back so people can hear it if they stand near. Its something that alot of players whant so I bet its something that will not make any problem at all.
One other things regarding the Emote Sounds and thats before it was posible to stop a emote sound in a sentens when the emotes sound is playing by clicking and use another emote sound, now its only adds on the correct sound and its not so good. It was much funnier before as you then was able to make some of your own emotes as you can in the midtle of a /silly joke ust adda nother sound and it was funnier
Can’t hear every emote from other players unless they’re grouped and this was a change in an expansion not too long ago, so since Classic is based off of the 7.3(?) or whatever client it was, it’s still got that change which needs reverting for sure.