Cause Humans vs Orcs have been the base of warcraft since…warcraft as an concept was invented? Even the name itself is “warcraft” not “friendcraft”.
indeed sister once shaman and druid is a option for blood elves i will finally have completed my collection
Yes… I am tired of coming back to the otherwise wonderful worlf of Warcraft lore to find out i still need to choose the class i play based on the transmog option available. Mostly because i cant even wear cloth and transmog it to cloth as plate weearer which would be enough for me because some items just cant be obrained as plate wearer even with new unrestricted farming for transmogs. There are not many level restriction for transmog anymore though. I can get most stuff i like if i lam level 10, but others may have other desires so why not make it better.
Like how it works in ESO. You can freely choose the way your character looks. This is how the cosmetic systems should work. It has not made trhe game any worse. It has actually made the game netter and bigger and all the nightmare scenarios people predict have not happened.
However regarding any race in any faction… While i would love to choose a side, i dopnt think it would work that well in current story telling of Warcraft where everything still revolves around faction vs faction adversity, even in todays world where we allready have that quite enough in rrality. Choosing a side would work however, if it came with some drawbacks and advantages and the choosing faction would require doing some lengthy questline which is still easily doable by solo player of any skill level.
I do like how the chromie time works though. It gives freedom more than ever, but the levels should stay at a set cap like 70 after DF and nbo more level additions in expansions after that. Then the scaling of Chromie time should work from level 1 to level cap and be optional the same way it is now, so that you could also easily turn it off if you need to run a raid to complete a storyline for exampleö.
IMHO, we may not forget that WOW a MMORPG.
By its very nature, WOW is so vast that its playing field and the possibilities it offers are endless. The only limit of a MMORPG is… our imagination.
A good example of how transmog restrictions are unrealistic is the Argent Conscript Gear (WoWHead):
The leather armor set is visually much more accomplished and successful than the cloth, mail and especially the plate set.
Why limit it to a very small number of classes?
Just because transmog restrictions block access to a player class’ suboptimal armor class?
Seriously ?
Have you seen the visual of the plate armor?
Looks like one of the first of WOW… :-/
Such a waste (of graphic design work)…
“One size fits all” is such a GenZ-thing to want. I guess youre born after 2000?
As for your demand:
Ew no.
If you want Plate, play a Warrior.
If you want to be a Shaman, play the races.
If you want to be Horde, play Horde.
Those mushed together homogenized MMOs like ESO, where everyone plays essentially the same character are a nightmare.
I’ve seen people post the idea that faction conflict is keeping the story back but they never say what its keeping us back from and honestly I really don’t see it, faction conflict has always been a driving factor of the story when it was a vocal point of the story.
It lead to the end of the Arthas story in Wrath (totc, gunship battle)
It lead to the combined assault of Horde and Alliance on Garrosh in Pandaria (SoO)
It furthered the plotline into BFA after the death of Rasthakan to enter the Azshara/Naga chapter of that expac
What is it you want ‘us’ to ‘get done’ with the story that the faction conflict is stopping?
In FF14 is the freedom to “buy” anything. They don’t care if you are a tank wearing skinny and sexy clothes without any form of realism whatsoever.
No. You should at a glance have some idea what type of armour someone is wearing and from that usually their role / class.
A level 10 character should not be cutting about in full current tier armour, even for looks. Again, at a glance a rough estimate can be gleamed from such things as level and armour type.
No. You wanna know why? Grom Hellscream. He remains the largest divide between the Horde and Alliance.
To the Horde he is the Orc who despite many failings, in the end freed them from the demon bonds and their bloodlust. He made the ultimate sacrifice to save them all and plant the seed of a better future he would never see.
To the Alliance? He’s the reason for the Orc invasion of Azeroth and he cut down half of Ashenvale, it’s Night Elf population and even Cenarius.
Need more? Garrosh with Theramore. Sylvanas and the Wrath Gate. Sylvanas and Teldrasil. No matter she left to join the Jailer, she was in the Horde when her most heinous crimes were committed.
The faction divide is eroded enough as it is.
And lest we forget; the whole crux of the MoP storyline with Wrathion was to show that the reason the Children of Azeroth were so powerful was because of their constant warring with each other, as a result they could take on much greater threats as required.
Canonically, casters are physical weak but mentally strong and as such forgo using physical things when they can use magical. Much like why warriors don’t cast spells as they focus on the physical. It’s not that the armour type stops them from doing it, it’s that they aren’t physically strong enough.
unless your the ever popular kung fu wizard arch type heck the ones you find in manga and anime pump so much iron they put orcs to shame with their muscle mass
Hi guys,
Thank you all for your comments!
I just have the following remark:
Life (with a capital V) is not canon!
Who tells us that a very skinny and frail character does not hide an immense magical power making it almost indestructible?
Who tells us that a warrior on leave is still a formidable fighter and that if he knows how to dodge blows, he doesn’t necessarily need armor to get by?
Who tells us that no forsaken, orc or troll has ever thought for himself and perhaps thought that he would be more in his place in his camp? Let’s not forget that some Alliance heroes have turned to the dark side, and the worst part…
The world is not in black and white, but in shades of grey.
The IRL gives us all our share of pettiness and frustration.
Unless we are masochists, why voluntarily inflict more on ourselve in a video game, even though if we play, it is to escape, for a moment, from the real world?
We are all aware of the changes that have taken place in the WOW teams recently. A number of toxic personalities have left the teams. And we clearly feel the beneficial effects. Where, before, the developers always put a dose of pettiness, stinginess and voluntary frustration in the game, the new expansion Dragon Flight takes the opposite direction: it no longer seeks to frustrate players, but to offer them maximum of freedom (just look at the new talent trees to be convinced of this).
It is in this spirit of regained freedom that I ardently wish for the lifting of restrictions on transmogs which are currently a shadow of what they should be.
Personally, I had a very bad experience with the Shadowland expansion.
I felt like I was stuck in a hybrid of giant hamster wheel and infinite Diablo II level map.
We must continue to release WOW!
Life is adapt or die.
We have to move forward.
I think there is a half-measure to be found: we can completely respect the lore, without being in an inflexible dogmatic position. In any case, it seems reasonable.
Sounds about the same that one do story and others write over it - Rings of Power, Amazon Prime.
Well written! I like the passion for freedom i sense in you.
It is good how we are finally getting more freedom. This is part of what brings me back to playing now with also having love for the lore, but as it is said, that world is a stage and sky the limit. This is how it should be in games too. It is not a world of set people. Azeroth has all sorts of people living in it from farmer to dragons and gods. All have their own way.
Its strange how i felt that when i started WoW back in Wrath of the Lich king, the game felt like it had way more freedom over character development than it has now. Even while we now can almost freely play and adventure where we want and have all sorts of freedom in transmog too and some choices and more different races to play too. It has been still very restricted which have been frustrating me like the latest character where i had to choose between paladin which visuals felt more right on class but priest had more freedom on clothing side, so i went with priest. Back in WOTLK, i used to be cloth wearin holy paladin which i wantyed now and i hoipe that will opne day be at least visually possible. I would also love to be able to adventure on anywhere with level capped characcter and still have fights that feel real.
Problem of doing what the OP wants, basically destroying the game identity and making it look like the same MMO as the others.
Personnaly would love to have back Horde vs Alliance!
The only way this would work IMO is to create a new server type called ‘sandbox’ where anything goes…but it wouldnt be connected to any other types of server!
Id love armor types to be more available though. But I would also like to see it restricted to make more sense so you could only use the armor type below yours, so plate/mail, mail/leather, leather/cloth and cloth would have to go up cloth/leather.
i support this so i can wear my DK transmog on a mage and be the ultimate dark lord pimp
The factions aren’t even the natural constants you imagine them to be. If the faction conflict was maintained thorough the lore, there would be no imprisoned orcs after the first orcish invasion. All captured would be killed on the spot.
Baby Thrall, after his parents getting slaughtered by Gul’dan’s followers, and being found by Aedelas Blackmoore would either be killed on the spot, or never be freed from his enslavement.
What kind of Horde would we get then?
…and the unnecessary slain faction soldiers to be raised to undead and fight on as Arthas’ underlings. Surely they appreciate that.
Both factions have been bleeding through Cataclysm and Pandaria, how have that been strengthening Azeroth? And if the faction conflict really had been enforced through SoO, there would have been no combined assault at all. Only a bloodbath at the gates of Orgrimmar.
…when Nazjatar and Azshara got shoehorned into BfA as mere patch content, an expansion orchestrated by Zovaal.
It didnt had to be Alliance and Horde fleets in conflict being dragged into Nazjatar, it could have been either strong fleet on whatever objective across that sea wihtout being weakened by the ridiculous BfA-bloodbath. Which we all know happened for feeding the Jailer and filling up the Maw.
Cut the faction-crap altogether, and melt Alliance and Horde into one faction in defence of Azeroth. We know there are threats out there still to come.
There’s plenty of rogue raised undead and legion puppets awaiting to get unified once again, for not to mention all the cosmic stuff that yet have to be written.
What would be the point of PVP outdoors then?
I would not mind if they made new factions, since faction identity seems to not be much of a thing anymore. And your character could choose which faction they want to be part of. But the conflict between two sides is a core aspect of the game, and at least to me a much more interesting theme than “we all hold hands together and destroy the Big Bad with the power of friendship”.
What exactly do you want to get done? The game is called World of Warcraft not World of Utopiacraft. It should be about conflict.