Please, Release WoW!

The camp Thrall was kept in was part work camp as well, yeah sure you can argue that it’s not realistic but idk why we’d have to imagine what the horde would be if thrall never got out; he did get out and the horde we got is the horde we have today, for better or worse.

As for wrath with the faction soldiers being raised as undead by Arthas… I mean yeah, that was kind of the whole deal with the scourge. Ofcourse things like that would be displayed in the expansion that continues where WC3:TFT ended on with Arthas. It’d be weird if it wasn’t.

I’m not making an arguement for strengthening Azeroth, but I do think that you do not need to remove the faction element of the story to further progress the whole in defense of Azeroth. If anything all this would really do is remove one avenue of the lore to explore while not really gaining anything back for it, because we can already do the get together against the big bad stories with the factions in place (see legion)

I agree that Azshara and even N’zoth should’ve been expansions by their own right, I merely named it as an example when the faction divide did further the story. I would’ve rather seen it at the end of a BFA that would be full in on faction conflict leading into a naga centric expansion (leading into a n’zoth expansion), but it happened as a patch instead.

I simply do not see how the destruction of the faction divide would improve the quality of the story, it’d just cripple it as there’s one less avenue to explore.
I also do not see how the faction conflicts get in the way of story plots which focus more on the overarching threats that see the alliance and horde work towards the same goal again.

…and the Alliance and the Horde would end in a bloodpath in the front of Ahn’qiraj, and none would ever step inside and succesfully eliminate the Scarab threat.

Garrosh’s Horde was a first timer. Then we got Sylvanas’ riddiculous Horde. You really want more of this poopshow?

I kinda like the factions still, even though I want them to keep working on even more cross faction implementation.

Alternatively, I would like if every race could choose their faction like Pandas and Dracthyr. I think it’d be fun for roleplayers too… I’d love to be a nelf who for whatever reasons chose to join the Horde.

Its actually much like thedifference between certain people in todays real world. There are those that are open for new ideas for both necessity and for progress- Because we need to change.

Then there are those who are clinging to the past. They are comfortable with the old ways, how everything has always been. They only want to see the good things, not the bad and they dont want to see the other soides point of getting change either.

But change is necessary both for survival and for progress to strive to be better than in the past. This works in game as well as iun real life.

We ahev this old wonderful game, but it has a problem being stuck on some old systems that some see as identity. The game is in good condition, but the player base is not really getting any bigger. Instead every year the game seems more empty.

Then there are other games which do work differently than what MMORPG’s have been working in the past. They have more freedom for self expression. Games like ESO and GW2 for example go well, no area in these games seem empty and player character diversity is big and its alwayts interesting to see new ways how people can express themselves and since every area is still relevant, there are no empty places, not really. Some are not as populated naturally but onme simply cant play more than 5 minutes without seeing at least one another player.

Back to World of Warcraft which still does things pretty much as allways. We have the new areas as relevant, there are players there, but the majority of game areas are not deemed relevant because they are old. They are empty and while i play on full realm(Argent Dawn), it still feels mostly empty. Even in big cities. Its not a good thing to only think latest areas relevant. Even in SF, we strill have the new 10 added levels as “Latest areas only” kind of thing since scaling stops now at 60. Sure, you can go toi any area and do whatever, but it does not feel very engaging when every battle you get in to is meaningless. You one shot everything. Meanwhile in those two games, you can find challenge everywhere no matter where you go.

World of Warcraft needs to change more, even with the cost of losing players who cant progress to other than what game was 15 years ago.

I want to be a Tauren who decided to become the Gnome King!

Sounds good to me! ^^

Sylvanas’ Horde was in BFA and it was during the advent of Azerite which was basically for a while Azeroths very own plutonium 239 to 241 (the stuff they make power and bombs with). Yeah faction conflict would make sense. The way Sylvanas was put up as a villain was fine, the only issue I had is why did it have to be the horde warchief again? Otherwise the only real crime was how the story was told and if the crime is how the story was told then the criminal is the one who told the story; namely the writers.

And that is where vastly disagree in the whole why it was a poopshow
My reason is because of the writers that actually wrote the shadowlands plotline and figured yeah, this is allright, this sounds super epic. We should make the first ones which are really just titans 2.0 and then pretend they’re just titans 2.0
We should claim that Zhovaal is stronger then Sargeras and that the pantheon of death are Titan level powerfull without ever demonstrating it.

Dragonflight will be a moment for me where the writers prove they can write something that is not a poopshow, until then; dragonflight or any other story that comes from this team of writers is a potential poopshow.

Coming from such riveting dialogue such as ‘Arrest this handsome wizard’ against Khadgar has me not very hopefull that it won’t be.

So yeah, to reitterate.
I don’t see why you would believe that the current writers that made the poopshow will suddenly no longer make a poopshow when its no longer about faction conflict.
It’ll just be a new poopshow with a different team, so again, I don’t see how faction conflict existing is the reason for bad writing.
Bad writers is the reason for bad writing.

I’m not saying that faction conflict is what makes the story a poopshow, but it is one of the directions to go to certainly create one. Being immersed with the story and how the relationship between the factions closes in trajectory-wise since vanilla, faction conflicts becomes more improbable and “why the hell does this happen???”-stupid.

So when the writers keeps dragging in any faction conflicts just for the sake of pleasing the conservative players, it becomes something more difficult to write because it goes so out of the direction of the established lore and it becomes very hard to defend the events and lack of expected reactions to it. And following resolution would be even more drastic than the last.

If the Horde Council where to be overthrown by a warmongering Warchief, the Horde as a faction would be dead and the Horde races would join the Alliance in one form or another.

If Turalyon was to become a warmonger of the Alliance, that would be the end of the Alliance and the expansion of the Horde Council.

I am not saying that tensions and local conflicts will be gone, but at this point the faction(s) consists of races banding together with the same goals for peace, cooperation and defence, as well as for protection of Azeroth as a whole. Which is a foundation for unification.
We have already seen a lot of trust-building actions and good intentions from both sides, recognising each others as allies rather than enemies.

Along with cross faction guilds this in inevitable hopefully

I could not agree more.
In pvp ff14 show your class above your head instead af name so something similar would fix the “can’t tell what class it is problem”
It’s time to allow ppl to dress how they want. Outfit has nothing to do with class identity but everything to do with prrsonal choice

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I agree!

Plate: Warrior or DK (DK is basicly a dedded Warrior)

If you want to wear a dress be a female
If you want to wear a tie be a male

Views like these and the qoutes are archaic!
As a warrior i can put on a cloth dress and nothing about my clssd change.
But if I want to mog it, it suddenly ruin everything about my class?

ESO, Everquest 1+2, Ff14 just to mention a few allows players much more freedom when it comes to what you wear.

Let ppl choose what THEY want, not archaic views on which types should wear certain pieces of clothes.

This isnt “release wow” this is “make a circus show out of wow” it would destroy any last sense this game world would still make… so no hard pass hope blizzard never even consider any of these ideas in this thread.

FF14 has a lot of restrictions aswell. There are types disciples of war can’t wear and others what magic classes can’t wear. And then some job only armour… You also need certains levels to glamour some items.

Compared to wow these restrictions are barely noticeable.

I can make my character exactly the way I want him/her to be with the transmogs and transmogs dyes. They not only have fantasy armors, they also have regular clothing.

If wow lifts some of the restrictions and introduces more colors, transmogs will be 50 times better.

I love fashion/clothing in games and I spend a lot of time choosing them especially on Sims 4 and FF14. I enjoy the freedom and vast number of clothing to choose from. Gives me character more uniquess and I can create him exactly the way I want to.

I don’t think they’re barely noticable…There are some things I would like to use on my monk that are ninja for example…I think the restrictions are about the same as wow has. Not to mention the limited space for glamours.

A game truly without any restrictions mog wise is eso.

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FF14 is stupid.

Has nothing to do with gender. Its about profession. There is a reason mages dont wear Plate. Or Warriors Cloth.

But why not give mages the option to look like a battle mage with plate chest and rest robes?

Why not let Paladins show kilts and robes with their heavy plate shoulders?

Why not have Warriors with agile Leather armor?

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