I’m personally glad the horde vs alliance trope is over… it ran its course and its ended, it should stay that way.
ye but there is always some Caveman who can’t let go of the past and keep going on about faction conflict despite there no way for blizz to make a good faction conflict because no one can actually lose i mean imagine if the alliance or horde won and wiped out the other the game would be over
No it’s not. I can litteraly go put on a dress and yo behold i can still shoot my bow. I can choose a pair of leather boots to wear and yo behold i can still heal on my paladin. But if i want to mog it somehow it would make all my skills and spells useless?
No it would not!
It’s PURELY about taste and personal preferences. So pull the cord and remove restrictions! There are NO solid reasons to have them. Many covenants sets looks like a cloth sets and you know what…if i mog it i can still be a paladin! Why should it be different if it was a player made dress.
It’s fine you would not use it but dont let your taste limits what ppl want to wear.
I hate skimpy outfits but i would NEVER say someone should not mog it. Their choice, their taste.
Nothing to do with proffesions, the covenants sets is proof enough for that. So just remove the rest of the limits
I dont have a problem with it. But then remove all the restrictions. There have to be Gnome-DemonHunters also then.
Im happy with more choices… The more choices the better. Every player gets to do what THEY want to do.
Personally one demon hunter was enough for me but if ppl want to play them im fine with that
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