Please remove the Mindgames + UA combo from the game

I don’t need to log on an alt to tell you it’s a l2p issue.

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I’d be happy with just affli instead being borderline made unplayable again, it doesn’t even feel like a rot class anymore.

cuz its not, 50% of the dmg is based on rapture, rest of the “gameplay” is get a leggo, roll nightfae and run like a little girl in the woods at 3 am. pathetic.
the class is 100% enabled on borrowed power, completely comp reliant, completely relying on the teammates to do anything and every warlock main playing it at high cr thinks its not what it should be and are playing with other top players knowing what they do.

the whole classs needs a rework


I think it would be interesting if destro and affli would be merged together a bit more. Like, direct casted dmg combined with dot instants as a class design (not baked into the same ability).
The way those two designs have been split up with one into destro and the other into affli makes 'em too polarized and too niche, instead of feeling like it’s “whole” again.

It’s the same thing with destro, so much of the damage output is placed into the hard cast by design, making it the direct opposite and yet again niche.

they need to be a baseline between all 3 specs centered around tankiness and cc (warlock shouldnt give a damn about mobility). if u want to be glass canon mobile caster play mage (although shields, tempora, block, caute LOL)

as for destro, i always disliked destro. funnily its currently the last “warlock” spec. demo is a total meme and total garbo even for stuff like solo content its a horrid experience. and affli is not what it should be by fkin miles.

destro has the same spirit like before, just lost some tools, but the other 2 specs have been butchered beyond belief and reworked to completely different states. and i always played aff/demo. always considered destro as the attarded cousin that should have played mage instead. so not really interested in destro per se. but i’m aware for the little experience i have with that spec that they need an overhaul as well, esp on the base spells available to all 3 specs.

i disagree with u, i think they should make the tankiness and cc and tools liek maybe bring back kil jaeden cunning to all 3 specs. but warlocks should have polarized specs that prove total different experience. were not mages.

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As Iowercase put it in that warlock rework thread:

Which pretty much nails it. Without hard casting a shadow bolt that actually deals damage here and there for example as affli, or applying real dot damage like agony/corruption/ua as destro, it becomes way too one-dimensional, and so does the way to play against them.

Because destro have all their damage frontloaded into the hard casting, you have to play around LoS and psuedo-interrupts to deal with 'em.

Because affli have all their damage in the dots and CDs to empower the dots, you have to play around LoS and psuedo-interrupts to deal with their CDs.

While the question of defensives is always going to be relative to the damage pace of the game design itself, it means now you need more defensives but if it slows down then you’d need less, and it doesn’t solve the real problems with it.

Which is why what Iowercase said nails it, they need to become more diverse in their gameplay design.

They’re both like half of a spec. They need to become whole again.

i play this comp. theres so many OP busted rng insta death abilities in the game rn that by the time you find yourself with ua+games and no cd’s, no peels, unable to damage it off or even heal through it as its only 10k… i just think youve been outplayed and deserve to lose!

Theres so much counterplay and time to react to this win condition, especially compared to all the busted other stuff in the game… smh


i mean i saw ur message. i have a habit of readin fast before readin thoroughly/ from college ya know, all the papers i had to read, u just skim first before assessin if its useful or not to read for real.

read “affli have all their damage in the dots” lmao no thats not whats going on and thats the whole problem of the class right now

I would trade chain harvest for mindgames/convoke anytime. Especially as resto/ele.
If u think the opposite, well, then ur really veeeeeeeeery clueless player :slight_smile:

from common sense and class representation obviously.
Cmmon say it, say priest isnt by far better than resto sham/mw/rdru

Holy pal still has highest representation.
Skill capped has tier lists which isn’t based on common sense but on an actual reasons and explanations, you can watch it.

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In a vacuum I’d say that Discipline is probably the best healer now that Holy Pallies have equal if not worse mana problems. Not “far better” than the others, but yeah, better.

In a vacuum Convoke can 1v3 an arena team within the channel on a semi-regular basis.

However, there’s a fundamental difference between paper and practice; Priests don’t fit into every team comp irregardless of how hard Holy is trying to gimmick its way into relevancy.

vaccum or not, 90% of 2v2 games are vs holy priest (out of vs healer games)

I have my opinion and if you dont share it…then youre clueless player:ok_hand:

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As someone who predominantly plays 2v2, it pains me to say that it’s always been a meme fest. Their gimmicks play well into the bracket, couple that with the rampant FotM rerolling that Blizzard enables with their infrequent to little tuning and that’s why.

The biggest weakness that Holy has is that it runs out of healing, it’s far easier to counter-play in 3s.

u mean the guys who got the whole meta completely wrong? i still remmeber their aff lock video about being venthyr and stuff.

I watched it and thought: “wont work, too much castime”.

and other specs.

thing is, those players at skillcapped and high rating play legit a different game than ur acvergae 1K6 queuer in lfg.

so no, dont watch skillcapped


If ur opinion is “red is not red, but blue”

I mean those opinions come from glad players at least, still better than a random forum dweller right. Don’t know how commonly your read this forum, but there have been a lot of threads based on skill-capped videos, so lot of people watch it here too.

they were wrong about affli. period. raw facts.

Is this another case of l2p?