Please remove the Mindgames + UA combo from the game

No one cares about 2v balance

imagine complaining about mindgames as rshaman when you prob have the best toolkit to not eat any mindgames :joy:

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This mechanics is absolutly broken, and its basicly freewin the moment that crap touches you.

But, you forgot the third option, dont dispell and dont heal. Just die and make it easy for them :smiley:

Unstable affliction along with the fearing dot when dispelled from priest is absolutly dumb spells. Lucky the priest thing dont combo with Mindgames like that.

I would Prefer if the classes were stronger and all this PASSIVE NONPLAYERSKILL ONESHOTTING/controls, got removed from game.

erm, are u 1400 player or smthing?
100% of mindgames come into stun/fear/etc.

There is legit 8 priests on 1 resto shaman. You gotta be some unreal stupid to think rsham is on par with priest

I don’t even know what to answer to such a stupid post. If you’re cc’d get your teammates to stop it or accept the fact that you’ve been outplayed else just ground/kick? Literally no one other healer has that potential to delay / neglect mindgames.


literally no healer stops it, cuz its 100% of time into fear/stun/etc xd
poor 1400 boi
well i dont blame u for being bad at game, 95% of those forums are 1400 hardstucks

so how is it more overkill against rsham than any other healer? lmao
wait you prob run ng against priest comps :joy:

pot meets kettle

everyone plays NG even vs priest. Harsh, but still, no better options.

whats ng?


ha, thanks

mindgames work on that?

Think it does, I’m not sure though.

Every incomming healing does dmg to you, like Guardian, frenzied regen healthstone etc.

The only thing that does not work is hp increase like hp shout from warrior or BM Trinkets or absorption effects like priest shield.

The thing is if you play 3s and see a shadow doing this setup, you should obviously stop it, you play 3vs3 not 1vs3

mindgames debuff is 10k. You can heal through it, you can damage through it. Yes its pressure but its no worse than the absurd damage coming in from many abilities and a mindgames go actually needs setup and follow up. Honestly what are you complaining about?
have you tried playing as a priest and lock? they waddle
 its harder than you think to get in position to land the many casts needed for a mindgames go.

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How does Soul Rot (out of all the stupid things in the game) fit this list?

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Mindgames and UA’s are passive? Since when?

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while convoke/condemn/mindgames are borderline op (arguably ok), soulrot is actually very nice ability, compared to
 chain harvest as non enhance sham or primordial wave or vesper totem or fae transfusion.

Actually killshots from ventyr hunters are also bs. Dunno why noone whines about those too, everyone too busy with rogue cheese build (hope they delete it) and condemn/combust heroes

If you play NG vs priest then you are doing it wrong.

Maybe, I still take it and many alot better than me rshams too.

how about druid