Please, replace Dawnbreaker in M+ rotation for S1

This dungeon is full of features not tested properly. (Mostly because people ran old dungeons and avoided this mess of a dungeon during beta). Live runs are plagued with all kind of bugs or problems meet by players. From the beginning of the expansion this dungeon is people’s least favourite one in the entire TWW (if not one of worst dung in current wow) and should be avoided to be used in Season 1. From my and my friends experience we saw so many problems with this dungeon that would make it complete waste of Key in M+. We have experienced countless problems with boats , fights as well as simple bad design choices made by developers who projected this dungeon.


Dawnbreaker really grew on me after farming it for a while. It has the potential to be one of the fastest M+ dungeons in the rotation. I don’t know what mechanics M0 and M+ will add, but so far it’s also a mechanically easy dungeon. (But I also see that there are accessibility issues with this dungeon’s design.)

I agree with the bugs, though. These do need to be addressed before the season starts, and it’s more realistic that they’ll do this than change the rotation. I’ve been in a run where I couldn’t see the Dawnbreaker, runs where people fell into the hull, and many runs where I could fly right through the small boats unless I came in from just the right angle.


…for example…?

Aside from player ignorance and one time a boss wasn’t lootable, it’s been ok for me.

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I’ve not encountered the bugs, which people have reported, so I do hope those are of course fixed before M+ starts.

But as Life said, it is going to be one of the fastest M+ dungeons out there, as it’s extremely easy to understand what you need to do and where you need to go. It’s indeed going to be a challenge for PUGs who do not communicate.


The most common reported bug on the forums is the invisible ship. Where one player has no boat and can see the rest of the team standing in the air. They die if they try to join them. Death does not solve the issue either. Apparently some found leaving and coming back worked.

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I’ve only had one bug happen once, and that’s dying to the big AoE on first boss despite being a safe distance away from it.

Yes, teleporting out of the dungeon and coming back fixed it for me. I suppose in M+ one could walk out and back in, but that’s already a minute or so of lost time (loading screens, etc).

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This might happened to me twice.

Also had one time where I had an invisible bug for the entire dungeon. Nothing helped to clear it, nothing visible. Just HPS dropping like when you have that shadow debuff. Next round it was gone.

Had the invisible ship too.

And the now fixed BDK big with the DRW.

Today my hunter glitched into the ship and got dismounted. Of course he died.

please don’t
first because I want whiny people like yourself to be mad
second because the dungeon is actually incredible :slight_smile:

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Until now i’m pretty lucky .

10~+ times that i did this dungeon and haven’t found any bug .(pretty lucky i suppose)

The only bug is that people don’t know the tactics at all… yep that’s the only difficulty. People just want to avoid doing tactics and …majority of the fight’s the death of people is due that they stay on fire…

Last boss y/day.
There is a beam that you must position yourself to don’t hit the party…Of course no one is doing correctly . The rogue somehow die by falling because he went on the edge to avoid the beam.
There are some barrel spawn that you bring close to the boss to dmg& force to enter the second phase . Yep. Mage Near the Barrel not doing anything . I was chilling and even writing on the p-chat you must bring the barrel to the boss… Nope Casting frost bolt is more effective…

And the last one is 3rd (2nd) Phase that isn’t different from the 1st phase with 1 extra ability that you get a debuff and spawn a circle-area on your feet that slow-dmg if you stay …
Yes let’s stay in the pools to take dmg.

So at the end the only people that complain for me are the dumb ones. Nothing personal but when you say a Hc dungeon is Hard and you are unable to do simply tactics or even play the game .

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To me, the dumb ones are the ones not reading and/or grasping the fact that this is about game breaking bugs, not people not doing mechanics.


But this dungeon has plenty options for both. None of which makes it feel any better than the other.

It’s annoying yes cause flying in dungeon is bad :smiley:
But when it comes to mechanics?
it’s EASY

I had one where the 2 ships you go to kill packs vanished for me :smiley:

It does but going by the original post it’s quite clear this is about the bugs first and foremost, general bad design is added as an afterthought and could be a myriad of things we can only speculate about until the OP clears it up.

Further posts have listed the type of bugs that happen in that particular dungeon and they’re indeed to the point of being game breaking and it’s a real issue.

In swoops a random Nelf off topic ranting and raging and calling people dumb for not doing mechanics. It’s entertaining but at the same time just silly.

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I hope, that they will put it to MDI, and in final one of the players will just fall inside of the ship, or the team won’t receive ability to fly (this problems happened to me), but if blizz fix all the bugs the instance going to be one of the easiest in rotation.
But what people think about dungeon with candles, when you make ur route to last boss?

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i must be a dumb person since i already stated in 10+ i didn’t encounter any bug /me an my party and stated the obvious reason why most of the people died ~dislike the dungeon .
So yes **

Maybe it’s a good idea to have more dugneons without a set path, less corridors, more open areas and randomness. This would really filter out the people actively playing the game from the guide bots

Fixing this incredibly ammount of bugs can be biggest and hardest challenge what they ever have… I just waiting when m+ will start and people open they eyes because tons of keys will be deplated.

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At first I didn’t like Dawnbreaker either but after running it a few times I actually don’t dislike it at all anymore.

I’ve run this dungeon at least 20-30 times by now and I haven’t encountered a single bug (except for once, where the first boss was not lootable) thus far. Not saying there are not other bugs because, according to the forum posts, there obviously are. I just think they’re not that common as one might think after reading the forums.

There currently is just one thing that really annoys me in this dungeon esp. when thinking about M+ and that’s the big AoE of the first boss.
Not the mechanic itself but rather the fact that the boss casts that ability again at 0.1% hp and dies afterwards.

It’s… a nice RP thing I guess? But really annoying when you’re on a timer.

On the other hand… I guess you could just fly down to the trash and start clearing that and just let the boss die by itself since you can’t loot him anyways in M+? Never tried that though and it’d still feel a bit weird to just leave a technically living boss to pull the next trash pack.