Please, replace Dawnbreaker in M+ rotation for S1

Congrats then for not personally experiencing one of the multitude of bugs plaguing this dungeon.
Doesn’t make your previous post more on topic however. So instead of leaving it at “I did not personally experience a bug” you go off on an off-topic tangent finishing with calling other’s dumb.

That is dumb.

Just stay away from fire to don’t get triggered*

Why would I get triggered? Do I sound triggered by telling you about your derp? Has no one ever told you you made a mistake before? Did you tell your mom to not be triggered when she told you to clean your room? Please.

Also, again off topic reply. Standing in stuff has no correlation to an in game bug.

This “I didn’t see it so it can’t be happening” is pretty dumb, ngl. “I can’t consider things outside of my own experience”.


I…I….love this dungeon lol :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Could be worse…
Ill take dawnbreaker over darkflame cleft anytime. :sweat_smile:


Whaaat? Darkflame cleft is love, Darkflame cleft is life. :heart_eyes:

This darkness mechanic is so much pain for healers or casters in general. :smiling_face_with_tear:


Ah well I can see how this can be annoying for ranged players. I just tank. I zugzug :smiley:

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The most bugged dungeon is WoW history. Remove this from game or hold this like optional scenario…

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Yeah it’s not much fun against the timer.

The most annoying one for me was falling though the ship mutliple times as after i mount up on first Boss and dying because you cannot move out of Boss ability on time

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I flew after the boss and got killed for being out of bounds.

Also second boss has likd 6 different markers on the map and i have no idea where to land.

Its a really fun dungeon, not…
Will leave after first boss everytime i get it

Just did a normal run on my alt and on the 2nd boss our tank got stuck in the belly of the main ship when flying back from the first add.
He had to teleport out and in again.

Follow the tank :smiley:

I was the tank.

Why Dawn breaker is one of the best dungeons they have made

  • Main boat can be invisible, and you cannot do anything other than teleport out of dungeon to fix it.
  • You could fly through sides or main platform and be stuck under the main floor or fall though the entire boat.
  • You could be killed randomly flying around the boat even while under the buff to avoid the “void”
  • You could be killed by “being outisde of play area” and get oneshot and simply fall.
  • You could be unable to use mount while in combat with first boss.

Those are few things come to mind that I have encountered in this dungeon.

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Great dungeon for speed, but terrible for bugs. This should not be in S1 unless they can fix all the issues it has.

One of my favourites for farming badges even with the bugs.

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This is a really sensible comment.

The dungeon can be really good, also in M+. What’s questionable is that it’s already in the rotation for S1, given how many bugs are reported about this.

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