Please, replace Dawnbreaker in M+ rotation for S1

Only done the dungeon twice and both times there were bugs (ship not visible for me and one other and second time our tank fell through the ship). I hope they work on the bugs, but seeing how the jail dungeon (dont remember the name now) in BFA was buggy all the way through the expansion, i dont have high hopes.

Tol ā€œDont use any abilities near and on stairs or wallsā€ Dagor.

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I didnā€™t read the comments but petā€™s often stuck in the first boss fight ship which results in huge dps loss for pet classes, they just stay beside you.

While changing ship to ship, i went throught a ship during flying and caused me to stuck in ship, couldnā€™t move, couldnā€™t do anything, teammates couldnā€™t use spells on me as well. The only solution was to teleport out and in back. This will cause a huge issue during mythic if happens.

These 2 alone are enough to delay this dungeon for season 2. Iā€™m really surprised, i believe there are way more bugs with this dungeon which people already typed in here.

Tol Dagor yes! Was practical when tank pulled the barrel boss before i was there and i could heal the fight by spamming myself with chainheals that bounced through the walls :joy:

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exactly how this works, even on heroic we just let the boss die up there and go straight into the church miniboss, you need to return to the ship anyway for the 3rd boss and can loot then.

On topic: have done i guess 15 runs, dungeon really grew on me and we had 1bug that made it impossible to fly unfortunately, so we had to abbandon that run. Still, only dungeon i really do not look forward much to is the darkness one. That ending will be sooooo annoying, they really need to fix the visibility of the fires.

I get a lot of motion sickness from it - itā€™s very sad. I hope they change it :frowning:

I like the boss mechanic of flying off the ship so much, I donā€™t even want to fly back to finish the fight.

Darkflame Cleft isnā€™t in the S1 rotation anyway though. But it will be at some point. :smiley:

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The main bug I have encountered in the Dawnbreaker was flying thought the deck of the ship and ending up trapped in the hold below (there are stairs up but the exit is blocked by props) forcing us to intentionally wipe so Iā€™d be ported out to the graveyard.

I hope these are resolved before the season starts as - at least at least based on the pre-season experience this dungeon does not feel like itā€™s ready for inclusion in the seasonal content.

50% of the time iā€™m in there someone flies directly through the deck of the dawnbreaker and gets stuck inside it until they managed to die somehow. Iā€™d call that a pretty gamebreaking bug.

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You could just leave the group before they enter the dungeon - or not join groups for this dungeon in m+ mate.

i like it as it has a paladin buff

Nearly every dungeon run i see or experience this self lol