Boosters are the victims? Let me remind you that these people trade IG gold for real money, which is totally against the TOS.
If all the people involved in RMT were banned, boosting would already become somewhat more “acceptable” (although I still support banning this practice entirely). Nowadays, we are flooded with ads in /y, /1, /2 … These individuals are toxic and don’t hesitate to mass report anyone who competes with them or lowers their prices. We don’t need these kinds of people in the game.
Ngl I don’t want to debate on the PvP in Classic, when you can sap/sheep [insert a CC] ad vitam æternam someone, the game is just unbalanced. But “fun” fact, the stun lock stills exists on … retail, not only in “later expansion” sadly.
If we want a “Classic experience”, well, we must avoid official servers, this is sad.
You are a lovely person calling ppl names.
And no. Noone should have to use an extra addon just to save him form unnecessary spam in channels where this spam doesn’t belong to.
There are probably more miners & herbalists involved in gold trade than boosters. Herbing and mining is not done by human players. However that is a good thing as it’s automation comparable to industrialization.
Banning boosting will make no one happy. It’s better to buff questing or reduce the power growth from 1 to 60, so a 60 can still help but not faceroll content.
Most CC in classic can be dispeled and is therefore not a big issue. It might even be a good thing as it discourages singleplayer pvp.
sure it might make some sociopaths happy. ngl the idea of banning the bottom 99% of players sounds nice but it would be bad for the game.
banning gold buyers is not good either. it’s better to just make it more costly. Better to reverse their progress by deleting their epic mount, skill training, professions, pvp ranks and gear.
Classic wow is a dying game, banning gold buyers and getting rid of the best way to level will just kill the game faster.
The “Ignore” function is there for a reason. Just use that to mute those that are spamming.
By your Karen logic the people advertising their guilds should also be banned, because they spam. They should increase the amount of people you can ignore and stop policing this system that can be abused now.
If - and I do say IF - Blizzard had made Guild Recruitment channel global, guild adverts should be moved there. It is quite annoying with the guild recruitment being all over Looking for Group, and at least some guilds keep spamming every minute.
But as long Guild recruitment channel is only active in major cities (why, Blizzard?) this is obviously not a solution since this channel is 100% meaningless.
There is not need for that. Let us choose who we want to ignore, that is enough and solves any issues. Maybe give us like 24hr ignore option. Any other system is easily abused.
I don’t want to ignore them. I just want the channels used to what they were intended for.
Ignoring boosters or ignoring guild adverts may solve the problem in chat, but what if I end up with people in a raid - still having them ignored?
24 hours ignore is the solution, the one I think it would be easiest to implement and take least amount of effort. Or just use addons for chat like most people do.
Giving people the option to just report anyone and get them banned, would end up getting people banned for trying to wash their socks.
Another solution - THE MOST OPTIMAL - would be the option to create a blacklist of words such as “boost, WTS, WTB, recruiting” and so on, which would be an option to turn on/off in-game, making the messages that get flagged by those keywords to now show-up in the chat IF the player is choosing to remove those messages. I’m pretty sure they could use the profanity filter as a template and start from there, then just add the option in interface options to toggle it on and off.
It could also be added as an option for each chat windows, to turn on or off for that said chat window.
I consider boosts a problem for the game. They are allowed, but must be at least be contained.
Guilds and small talk is not a problem for the game, rather the opposite, so I personally would never report people for doing that in /4, but you can have your own opinion about that matter, of course.
That is just a personal preference, or you may call it opinion.
No one is forcing you to get boosted, is something optional that you can just work around, you can either opt to get boosted or not. The same way you have the option to mute those that advertise boosting or not. But that is not something that should be policed by blizzard, as long as is allowed by the rules.