There’s lot of irrelevant spam in LookingForGroup. Like 50% of messages are about “WTS Mara boost” or “WTS SM summon”. The proper channel for such advertisements is Services. And this spam makes it very hard to make any sense of LookingForGroup channel.
If you have time, spend some of it and report everyone who’s using LookingForGroup to advertise services. The game would be a bit better. I do it often and with more people it’ll be more effective.
You aren’t supposed to look at that channel directly, you silly goose. You put it into separate chat tab and have Bulletin Board addon parse it for you.
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Reporting them is not effective since the spam gets done by level 1 to level 20 characters from 1 person controlling 20+ accounts.
If one gets muted he just switches over, also since he is cycling through all his accounts it doesn’t count as spam even though literally the entire chat is filled with his messages.
Blizzard would unironically have to do a mini ban wave for these people so flush out all accounts at once every day.
I recommend putting all these characters on ignore and just hope that he doesn’t get banned or else you’ll have to put new characters on ignore and that list is for some reason limited.
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these kind of behavior causes people to get wrong punishments. Report system should be removed from this game to avoid rl ragers to report for fun.
If you really inexperieced player and looking for some UI improvements I would say just right click on one of the messages from LookingForGroup channel and “move it to new window”. Than use an addon called LFGBulletinBoard, it sorts all messages to appear only once when you clicked addon icon from minimap. Hence, you can find easily what you are looking for.
But, fake reporting people is not cool, and this topic also proves people fake report and abuse report system so report system has to be changed / removed.
Exactly, and on top of that you have several boosting community discord servers that mass report anyone not boosting by their rules and prices. Making the average wow player, that casually sells boosts or anything from time to time the victim in this scenario.
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At least some of the boosters are definately gold sellers, and they try to push the market price up.
Blizzard should implement the fix from SOM where XP was greatly reduced with highlevels in the group. That would stop “professional” boosting, but not prevent a friend to carry people through an instance for quests.
boosting is a solution, not a problem. if leveling wasnt as boring and slow ppl wouldnt need it
Leveling is an important part of the game where you can meet players, make friends, enemies (world PvP) …
This content has always been like this “boring” & slow, and it didn’t stop Nostalrius from increasing its population. Or the official realms as we can see today.
If you come to play Classic it’s to live an adventure, not to pay someone to play if I were you, you’re playing (lol) the wrong game.
Bosting is a problem and should not be allowed. But Blizzard loves $_$.
people have already leveled countless times throughout every fresh. most ppl have a 60 or several already.
With layers you basically don’t have a server like you did with nost and before that. People have no names here, you don’t remember anyone.
A massive issue with wow is that it also treats your entire leveling experience as one long tutorial. It’s not until 40 you have a decent (by classic’s standards) toolkit. But classic also does not have rotations so for the most part you use 1-3 spells. A warrior for example is practically as fast just auto attacking as pressing rend/hs until they get WW or sweeping strikes. Paladin is just auto attack or heal melee cleaves.
If you are talking about ERA, you are in the wrong game. At least, until Blizzard decides other wise.
If you are in one of the other “time event” games, I would not dare to discuss it because they are all like that. Althoght, if I recall ok, that was not Blizz intention.
these are classic forums, no one is talking about era here. spineshatter is classic now
So we allow boosters to proliferate at the expense of honest players, because some people play a game where leveling is a big part of the game and want to skip that. Max level content is available for a short time, plus it’s time gated. I don’t get it.
I’m totally against layers execpt for the launch and the first weeks, I want to see ppl in the world, also I love PvP (less on classic ofc, but I like to meet the hordies). And this thing, when you’re alone on your layer well, it’s just terrible.
With the huge population it can be difficult to remember names, but I have Spy for the hordies. And for allies, well since 20 years when we get along well we add each other as friends.
Yeah the gameplay/rotation on classic can be horrible, but I think people here aren’t here for that, they’re here to have a more immersive adventure.
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Boosting is a good way to make money. They provide a service there is clearly demand for. Maybe ask yourself why there is demand for it. For most people leveling is just a road block, it traps you in a long tutorial that does not represent the rest of the actual game.
Do you think people would actually pay for boosts if playing the game was fun and more rewarding than going afk?
Classic’s leveling system is okay, if you only ever do it once. It’s not fun having a 100+ hour tutorial for every char you make. Classic also needs a massive stat squish. Lvl 60 gear does not need to be 10x more powerful than lvl 20 gear and a lvl 60 should not one shot level 20s. The game would be significantly more enjoyable with less stat progression
I can understand that casual boosting is a good way to make money.
The problem is that it means fewer people available to do dungeons, leading to fewer opportunities to meet others.
However, we’re not talking about casual boosting here, but rather organized groups who do this 24/7 to sell gold. I think it’s quite obvious that this practice is harmful to the economy and the game in general.
You talk about tutorial but the gameplay is very similar once you reach the max level, with some small changes in PvP. People aren’t on Classic for the gameplay, it’s not what makes the game shine.
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Majority of the people buying boost would just not level alts instead of leveling through dungeons or in the case of premium players they would just buy piloting instead of gold.
Harmful to the economy? That has to be the most clueless statement possible. Please elaborate how people buying services and conducting business harms an economy.
The gameplay is very different at 60. World buffs & raid class buffs makes an insane difference when it comes to playing warrior (the only good dps class in classic), WarcraftLogs is an extremely important factor in people playing classic. Parsing in classic has the absolutely lowest barrier to entry of any expansion. Pvp obviously has more depth than leveling, though most people playing are not much better than the AI vultures in westfall.
The majority of people would be super happy if Blizzard banned boosters and prohibited this practice. And as for the people who use their credit cards in a video game, well, we’d be very happy not to see them anymore.
People who buy boosts are often the same ones who purchase gold on websites. They do not contribute to the economy (they don’t farm gold) and prefer to use their credit cards. This devalues the effort of natural progression and harms the overall gaming experience by distorting the economy and social interactions.
The gameplay in Classic is just so horrible when compared to future expansions. Auto-attacks account for a large portion of the damage, and there are very few spells being used. As for PvP, I agree there are more possibilities, but it remains a boring game especially with these disgusting DR and all the items.
Boosters shouldn’t be banned, the ones buying should. It’s the same with drug dealers / prostitues irl. They are the victims.
The ones who buy gold do generate gold indirectly. Without gold buyers there would be fewer farming gold and there would be less inflation, this would mean less necessity to get gold for AH goods, but higher demand for vendor items / repairs etc. Buying boosts also generates gold from the mobs killed. Market manipulation does far more harm to the experience and disorts the economy far more than bots.
Auto attacks being a significant portion of ones damage is not fixed until wod/legion I believe. Getting rid of auto attack would greatly improve classic’s class balance between melee & casters. Assuming you mean the insanely high base duration of CC when you refer to classic DR then it’s not a big factor in group pvp at all, and rogues 10s stun lock into gouge/blind still exists in later expansions.
People coming up with brilliant changes again I see.
Sorry for my confussion, it is honest. I thought classic included era (it is the same launcher) and I don’t see a separate fourm for era.